Healthcare: Expensive =/= Effective Category: the odes
Just read this critical, well-written and well-researched piece on why healthcare in this country is so expensive and yet so ineffective and wasteful: (pdf version of the report).
Healthcare might well be the biggest bureaucratic easy money-making scheme in the US - if you are on the right side of the bed. It's a pity that socialistic medicine is mocked and labeled with such derision by the section of the population that prides itself on understanding fiscal independence so well. Capitalistic healthcare is an oxymoron and always will be.
Related interesting statistics:
07/15/2010 08:18 #52170
Perfect breakfast Category: eating in
... which I can't have right now. :/
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Toasted almonds
- Toasted steel-cut uncooked crispy oats
- Dried figs
- Slices of granny smith
- Fresh blueberries
- Fresh strawberry slices
- All dunked in super cold vanilla sunrich soymilk.
Instead I just had granny smiths and carrots tossed in lemon juice, salt and pepper with kiwis. Because I don't have any of the other "perfect breakfast" ingredients at home.
when there is a bucketload of work hanging on your head.
I recently visited with my brother in NYC (he is a brand new New Yorker). In the past, whenever my brother and/or I have been to the city, there was never enough time to do all the things we wanted to do. But now that one of us actually lives there, suddenly, there seems to be a dearth of things to do.
We hardly went out and cooked non-stop at home (a hidden sign of stress and general worry). We made some awesome complicated meals - but that is hardly touristy. The desire to do touristy things seemed to have vanished. I thought it was just me, but apparently my brother who has been in NYC for a month now hardly veers out of his home-office-gym-home route.
A tiny voice in my head keeps saying that I am not working hard enough and that my commitment to effectively fast-track academic milestones needs to quadruple. I think I agree with the tiny voice. But, all the same, it makes me sad that the romance of NYC seems to have suffered from a work-related paralytic stroke.
metalpeter - 07/11/10 10:37 Here is my idea. Go Visit him at christmas and do all the "All American" or "All American classic Movie" Stuff. Skating at rockafeller Center. Hey you are short have fun with going to see santa, that would be to funny, kidding. But then also stay and do the crazyness that is newyears with the fireworks and don't they have parades the next day. And I have no idea how much money or how hip you have to be to get into fuse or MTV or dick clarks thing, but go and have a blast. Your mission would be to have fun and see the city. At that point there wouldn't be any work to do hopefully, just an idea..........
07/08/2010 21:26 #52126
I feel the earth move! Category: music
How cool is acoustic Paul Gilbert singing Carole King?
Yep. Ãœbercool. The complete version in it's full glory. Check out the blow-your-mind guitar solo!
Oh, and this has got to be the coolest musical theatre parody of the song:
tinypliny - 07/12/10 14:01 Hey! It was not *that* bad! Was it really?!
fantastic. I'm speechless.