I admit I'm not sure where I stopped with the fire works pictures but Hopefully none of these repeat.
On the 5th went with the family to Evengola (Wow there are some amazing houses on the way out there, wish I could have gotten shots of those, things behind gates, some of the smaller places look amazing) and then down to the hatch Area later for Ice Cream after dinner.
(e:ladycroft) :glad you enjoyed them, I was hoping to have time to maybe put up some more from where I left off but I don't think that is going to happen.
(e:Paul) I don't know how that lay out of the land is over that way or how close you wound up being other then breathing in the smoke. Glad you had a good time
I did enjoy it, since we certainly don't have any over here!
This year we went to the other side by those grain mills. It was insane being that close. We ended up in the smoke cloud but it was worth it.