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07/04/2010 11:33 #52096

putting this out there
Am I the only person in the entire universe who received a reasonable science education from parochial schools? Miseducating children so egregiously really ought to be a crime, but is this really becoming the norm rather than the exception?


- Z

KeithT - 07/04/10 13:19
:::link::: non-mobile link
KeithT - 07/04/10 12:07
KeithT - 07/04/10 12:02
It is astounding to me how ignorance is so boundless within the mind of the evangelical theist. Forcful indoctrination and obvious brain washing is all that is left when facts are now endlessly at your finger tips. This is child abuse. This is mind rape.

07/02/2010 11:01 #52083

windows security = the bomb
An actual dialog box that I actually got when logging into one of my company's actual servers.


- Z
paul - 07/02/10 13:23
Wow, I didn't know dialogue boxes could be that long in windows. If you try and make one that long in IE in javascript it gets truncated. As for the password requirements, it is annoying but I guess it is better than having your password hacked. Way to many people choose things like ftp123, etc.
jim - 07/02/10 11:03

06/24/2010 21:52 #52030

bad scene
oh man ... that's never a good thing

- Z

zobar - 06/26/10 09:22
i heard thumping coming from inside but it smelled too bad to get any closer.

- Z
paul - 06/25/10 09:47
Hope no one was inside.

06/02/2010 10:26 #51785

i <3 test data
I did not put this here.


These courses are listed under a person with a computer-generated fake name of 'Monserrat Jones.'

- Z
tinypliny - 06/15/10 22:59
Montserrat Garcia-Closas is a really prolific genetic epidemiologist, btw. I am constantly in awe of all the things she manages to publish in any given month. :::link:::

05/28/2010 22:31 #51751

timing is everything
& I'm blowing the joke. I'm probably only 1/4 done but by now either you get it or you don't. And no, it's not particularly funny when someone shits themselves to death.


Spending the long weekend in Canada ... not that i don't like roller derby & beer, but I could really use a couple of days to myself. Next week is going to be insayayayne - (e:dragonlady) will be going to Illinois next Saturday to buy a car from her sister, then I'm going to Baltimore all week for a conference, then we're meeting back up in Queens for a Friday wedding, then to Troy for a wedding shower on Saturday, and back to BUF by Monday for another week of the rat race. Woof.

I'm trying out the twitters for anyone who's interested

- Z
jenks - 05/31/10 11:08
hahah. i love that oregon trail is making a comeback!