Hi everybody -
This will make no sense to anybody except for a lady that had sent me a note regarding my genealogy, so don't mind me too much :)
Coleen - send me your email address. I don't have any of those details you are asking about, but my uncle happens to be a genealogy freak. I'd be happy to put you in touch with him and maybe you can compare notes. Just leave me an email addy please! I'm sure my uncle can at least provide you with some answers in the affirmative/negative.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/23/2010 16:12 #52017
Coleen in NC - please read05/07/2010 19:54 #51521
Obama's VisitI sent this to the White House today - I really hope that something happens for Zilly Rosen.
Hello White House -
President Barack Obama is visiting my home city of Buffalo, New York on Thursday, May 13 and many citizens here in Buffalo are excited. The purpose for my message to the White House today is twofold; first, to send a warm welcome from a city with a lot of heart, and secondly to remind the right person within the White House of a particular Buffalo citizen with a particularly big heart.
Although I'm sure these plans are made in advance and can be a pain to adjust, I think it would be appropriate to pay a visit to Zillycakes and Zilly Rosen, the creator of the Obama cupcake image, as well as the cupcake image of Presidents Obama and Lincoln that were installed at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
For reference:

Zilly is a very humble lady and is the owner of one amazing bakery here in Buffalo. I promise that it will be a highlight in the President's short trip to the city and for people from DC that wants a taste of some fantastic sweets. Anyone who gets to tag along will love it. Please let the President come get a custom cupcake!
People have put a lot of faith into President Obama as a politician and a person, but would you deny somebody who would go so far as to create the cupcake art that you have seen?
Joshua Larson
Buffalo, NY
Hello White House -
President Barack Obama is visiting my home city of Buffalo, New York on Thursday, May 13 and many citizens here in Buffalo are excited. The purpose for my message to the White House today is twofold; first, to send a warm welcome from a city with a lot of heart, and secondly to remind the right person within the White House of a particular Buffalo citizen with a particularly big heart.
Although I'm sure these plans are made in advance and can be a pain to adjust, I think it would be appropriate to pay a visit to Zillycakes and Zilly Rosen, the creator of the Obama cupcake image, as well as the cupcake image of Presidents Obama and Lincoln that were installed at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
For reference:

Zilly is a very humble lady and is the owner of one amazing bakery here in Buffalo. I promise that it will be a highlight in the President's short trip to the city and for people from DC that wants a taste of some fantastic sweets. Anyone who gets to tag along will love it. Please let the President come get a custom cupcake!
People have put a lot of faith into President Obama as a politician and a person, but would you deny somebody who would go so far as to create the cupcake art that you have seen?
Joshua Larson
Buffalo, NY
joshua - 05/09/10 18:41
Thank you for the positive feedback! For me this is very simple - she deserves it and I feel very strongly about that. I hope somebody is listening, or at least didn't need my reminder. I know the people in the WH have the brains to see this one.
Thank you for the positive feedback! For me this is very simple - she deserves it and I feel very strongly about that. I hope somebody is listening, or at least didn't need my reminder. I know the people in the WH have the brains to see this one.
metalpeter - 05/08/10 15:58
What a great letter and a great idea. I hope they listen. I also hope that you aren't the only one who thought of this place and sugested it, if that is the case it will help the odds. At the very worst they could send some one to get stuff and try the stuff out. I hope it works out well for Zilly Cakes.
What a great letter and a great idea. I hope they listen. I also hope that you aren't the only one who thought of this place and sugested it, if that is the case it will help the odds. At the very worst they could send some one to get stuff and try the stuff out. I hope it works out well for Zilly Cakes.
james - 05/08/10 10:04
mrmike - 05/08/10 08:53
Nice Josh, I've known Zilly since before her days with Dolci and that would be great. I read Buffalo Rising's story about where he should eat and if that is what we are truly concerned about here this region is forever screwed. The forum argument is one for the ages. You'd think the White House would love the photo op, a rising successful small business that got its start right around the same time the President did and they've had the better year
Nice Josh, I've known Zilly since before her days with Dolci and that would be great. I read Buffalo Rising's story about where he should eat and if that is what we are truly concerned about here this region is forever screwed. The forum argument is one for the ages. You'd think the White House would love the photo op, a rising successful small business that got its start right around the same time the President did and they've had the better year
paul - 05/07/10 23:02
that's so freaking awesome. I hope he visits.
that's so freaking awesome. I hope he visits.
janelle - 05/07/10 20:22
Very nice Joshua~!
Very nice Joshua~!
03/20/2010 20:32 #51233
Paul's Chat Roulette AdventuresFirst of all, hi, it's been a while -

I've got a question - which is better, playing chat roulette and finding a gross dude with a huge erection in his hand, or is it better to find a dude with a huge rifle in his hand?

I've got a question - which is better, playing chat roulette and finding a gross dude with a huge erection in his hand, or is it better to find a dude with a huge rifle in his hand?
metalpeter - 03/21/10 10:22
Well I guess you couldn't find both at the same time well maybe if they had that speak software you could.
Well I guess you couldn't find both at the same time well maybe if they had that speak software you could.
terry - 03/21/10 00:30
I prefer the cute one.
I prefer the cute one.
02/03/2010 00:37 #50959
Whoops!C'mon. You know me well enough to understand that if I saw this I would do exactly as follows -

PS - loving my time out west.

PS - loving my time out west.
joshua - 02/03/10 18:42
Story pulled that would make Barry look bad (hi Alex!). Barru's tentacles reach far and wide IMO!
Story pulled that would make Barry look bad (hi Alex!). Barru's tentacles reach far and wide IMO!
jenks - 02/03/10 16:34
bahahahahhaha I just can't not laugh every time I hear you call him Barry.
bahahahahhaha I just can't not laugh every time I hear you call him Barry.
james - 02/03/10 08:43
I can't read the small text that Barry does not approve of. But is a backdoor tax an anal sex joke?
If it isn't, I say no taxation without copulation! I've got a tea bag for you right here, Mr.President.
I've got dozens of them.
I can't read the small text that Barry does not approve of. But is a backdoor tax an anal sex joke?
If it isn't, I say no taxation without copulation! I've got a tea bag for you right here, Mr.President.
I've got dozens of them.
01/21/2010 19:52 #50876
InspirationInspiration is seeing a friend, who was confined to a wheelchair, standing on his own two feet. There's no words to express how I feel right now - it's enough to make you weep. If that doesn't make the voice in your head scream "NEVER GIVE UP!" then nothing will.
What, you don't have a voice in your head?
What, you don't have a voice in your head?
mrmike - 01/21/10 21:54
I got a whole chorus and wow do they argue
I got a whole chorus and wow do they argue
lilho - 01/21/10 21:33
If I ever revealed what went on inside my head I would be out away for good.
If I ever revealed what went on inside my head I would be out away for good.
chico - 01/21/10 20:57
The voices in my head are rarely positive. But what you described is really astonishing. Definitely grounds for an inner "never give up!". Cheers.
The voices in my head are rarely positive. But what you described is really astonishing. Definitely grounds for an inner "never give up!". Cheers.
I emailed with her, if you need her email, I have it.