Terry's Journal
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05/21/2010 18:07 #51697
Die sumac die!!05/06/2010 20:26 #51518
Me beauteous new docta'04/03/2010 19:18 #51322
It's a bit windyRuby stands like a person, and her tail hits like a whip. Altogether


lilho - 04/04/10 20:12
Who dat?
Who dat?
04/03/2010 14:29 #51320
Atop the lighthouse with a TowerSuch a fine day for a ride!Now off to eat the first of two easter yumyums.

terry - 04/04/10 20:42
ok tiny, here's the secret: there's TWO lightouses, I'm in one, and the other is in the picture. I believe you are correct that you may not enter the other one.
ok tiny, here's the secret: there's TWO lightouses, I'm in one, and the other is in the picture. I believe you are correct that you may not enter the other one.
tinypliny - 04/04/10 11:38
I am missing something here... You were IN the lighthouse - but I thought it was closed to visitors. Did they open it recently?
I am missing something here... You were IN the lighthouse - but I thought it was closed to visitors. Did they open it recently?
terry - 04/04/10 01:28
I am IN the lighthouse taking the picture...
I am IN the lighthouse taking the picture...
tinypliny - 04/03/10 15:38
You WENT INTO THE LIGHTHOUSE? REALLY? HOW? WHEN? Is it open for general non-army visitors??????? Pray, tell!
You WENT INTO THE LIGHTHOUSE? REALLY? HOW? WHEN? Is it open for general non-army visitors??????? Pray, tell!
03/20/2010 17:36 #51230
Icy Beauty DayCategory: bike
(e:Matthew) and I went for a bike ride. I love when it's nice enough to ride but there's still crazy icebergs in the water.

The sun was making beautiful beams, I tried to get em but they were elusive to my isuck camera.

This was supposed to have the spinning windmills of the future in it, to contrast with the old-timey lighthouse (again my phone disappointed), but you can kinda see one in the back.

The sun was making beautiful beams, I tried to get em but they were elusive to my isuck camera.

This was supposed to have the spinning windmills of the future in it, to contrast with the old-timey lighthouse (again my phone disappointed), but you can kinda see one in the back.

libertad - 03/21/10 10:31
metalpeter - 03/21/10 10:06
nice photos. you can see the beams of light but just not as strong as they where in person.
nice photos. you can see the beams of light but just not as strong as they where in person.
tinypliny - 03/21/10 07:03
Really like the icy pics! \m
Really like the icy pics! \m
Someday you will either receive an award for this or be seen as the destroyer of a species.