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05/01/2010 10:34 #51484

Work work work
Category: work
A PSA to be nice to the census enumerators walking the streets starting this week. I'm one of them!!

Haven't posted in a while but maybe it'll stick this time. It was a combination of a boring life hence nothing to post about, and, well, that's mainly it. Working to change all that so we'll see.

So yes I took a part time job with the census in addition to my hellish full time job...$13.50/hr + 50cents/mile for any mileage incurred is a pretty good deal. Plus I'm assigned my immediate neighborhood which is pretty cool.

I also have a second interview coming up for what would amount to a third job but isn't really a job in my eyes...more on that to come.

This past week was our census training. First two days boring sitting in a room having a booklet read to us type crap but the last two days we got in teams and started practicing our enumerating! Plus we did like 9-4 every day. How nice is it to not be doing 7-5, then 1-10 the next day then 7-6 then 1-10 etc etc....I actually was getting into a sort of routine, felt better, was happier and not all stressed out about my store. Well that's over, back to the real job at 1:00 today...shoot me.

Anyway this made me realize I don't only need to get away from my current employer but out of retail altogether. I need to find a job with normal people hours but can't afford a pay cut either. Crossing my fingers.
tinypliny - 05/01/10 10:48
PSA - Prostate Specific Antigen?

Good luck with the job hunt! Hope you get a less stressful one out of retail!! \m/

05/11/2009 00:27 #48645

A Year...
Category: gym
So it's been a year since James' Allentown Athletix push as I got a postcard saying my membership expires the 15th. Thanks James, I actually got really into working out for the first time ever but eventually stopped's too far from me to be practical, so I won't be renewing my membership. Maybe Fitness 360 on this end of Delaware since it's soooo close, or maybe I'll research one of the places on Hertel.
james - 05/11/09 10:42
Hey, you have to do what works best. Thanks for playing along in our first round. ^_^

05/02/2009 13:22 #48570

They're Still There
Category: city
the snowflakes are still on Hertel btw.

05/02/2009 13:21 #48569

American Live Action Death Note
Category: movies
So WB acquired the rights and is going to release apparently new, American-made movies here. Interesting.
metalpeter - 05/02/09 16:06
Thanks for the info. I'm sure they are a way off but if and when they ever get made it will be interesting to see how it comes out.

04/24/2009 17:15 #48492

Category: city
As I drove down Hertel today I present a simple question: Can we take down the snowflakes off the light poles already!?!?
tiburon1724 - 04/24/09 22:45
yeah but it's not Winter....
paul - 04/24/09 19:43
True, its even snowed on mother's day.
metalpeter - 04/24/09 19:03
Um No It still Could Snow, the Flakes stay up till May 1, as the New Spokesman for Hertel that is what I declare, HA. I'm guessing with it now trying to be Little Italy that someone forgot to take them down. I think I saw an Irish Flag still up on Delaware like around a week ago and wonder if there are still any up still from the Parade.
paul - 04/24/09 17:23
That is so crazy that they are still there. Do they have something like the elmwood village association for hertel. I would call them.