Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/03/2010 22:50 #51325
Happy Easter, KidsCategory: holidays
03/25/2010 13:41 #51267
Three Little Bops -- Awesome Cartoon03/21/2010 08:06 #51234
Took the smartphone plungeI've been meaning to for work for sometime and also since I'm still 12 in other respects. Typed in in and of course screwed that up, but as a result found out that is for sale. Iphone....teaching the fat fingered something knew all the time.
03/11/2010 15:15 #51156
I'm so immatureCategory: random
This is seriously some too much time on your hands programming, but my inner 12 year old thinks it's bitchin.

mrmike - 03/12/10 10:03
Heidi, if they praise an aging Irishman like myself, who am I to decline? lol
Heidi, if they praise an aging Irishman like myself, who am I to decline? lol
heidi - 03/12/10 00:37
If anyone on this site was to be a Swedish hero, I'd have guessed an (e:Larson) or (e:Terry) before you. But congrats on paying your broadcast fee! It's so much better done than the cnnbc ones :-)
If anyone on this site was to be a Swedish hero, I'd have guessed an (e:Larson) or (e:Terry) before you. But congrats on paying your broadcast fee! It's so much better done than the cnnbc ones :-)
terry - 03/11/10 18:31
ha! that is actually quite awesome, hero.
ha! that is actually quite awesome, hero.
03/11/2010 10:31 #51151
I made Glenn Beck CryCategory: random
I have one (HTC-dream-Google-1st-gen) and I still use it as an alarm clock.