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03/14/2010 11:03 #51184

This has to have been made with you in mind. Holy shit.

mike - 03/14/10 11:40
OMG! That is the best thing ever! I WANT MORE!

03/02/2010 16:37 #51095

Make Jim Happy
Hello everyone. Hello Jim.

This ad was obviously made with you in mind. Enjoy.

libertad - 03/03/10 21:05
That is such a great ad. Too bad their dog food is shit. Corn is their number one ingredient. Do dogs really need corn let it alone be their number one source of nutrition? This isn't the only problem with the food, you just have to look at the label and ask if you would eat it yourself. The ad though really makes you believe it is good for them so whoever made that ad is a genius.
lauren - 03/03/10 12:55
Love love LOVE it!
jenks - 03/02/10 20:53
awesome!! :D :D

02/23/2010 08:18 #51065

Adopt a Kitty
Does anyone know of someone who could give a kitty a home. He is about 3 years old, up to date on his shots, and dog friendly. He loves to cuddle.
james - 02/23/10 23:20
Otto is his name and here are some photos: :::link:::
tinypliny - 02/23/10 17:03
What is his name and one of my officemates would love to see a picture. :)
matthew - 02/23/10 09:55
Your cat? I'll trade you one cat for three very loud birds.

02/14/2010 17:39 #51014

Attention Paul
It is almost upon us!
paul - 02/23/10 10:21
Got it (e:paul,51062)
metalpeter - 02/15/10 13:08
He Makes a good point

02/01/2010 10:10 #50948

James Cameron Pail Kids
It is a bit late for this. But, this is not only the most thorough review of Avatar, but also a nice critique of James Cameron in general. It is also very amusing, well worth the 18 minutes.

18 minutes? Told you it was thorough.

And did I mention that its most scathing moment was an extended clip from The Garbage Pail Kids movie?

Oh yes, it is that awesome.

tinypliny - 02/14/10 18:31
Nice. Movie summed up precisely. Now I don't have to waste 2.x hours of my time. (and I zipped through this video while I was cooking. hehe)
drew - 02/02/10 17:24
That was awesome.