Bandits or is that Bandettes? Part 2 Category: lax
I'm still surprised the Bandits won it was a great game from start to finish.
Just wanted to mention that the team the Bandits beat used to play in NY. Next up Sabres and then sunday St. Patrick's Day should be fun times.
03/08/2010 19:56 #51136
Yes They won!!!!! Category: lax
So I will be the first to admit On Sat. the bandits didn't have a chance, I was wrong their was great goaltending and they won. This weekend will be tough they go to toronto and then boston but if they can win them both I think they will be .500 we shall see. Here is a very small amount of pictures hopefully to be continued in a day. This weekend should be great with the sabres on friday and st. Pats.
Wish time would allow more maybe a post of just the Bandettes?
03/03/2010 20:10 #51102
Powder 2010 Bandits Category: photos
So I'm a bit behind with things like the olympics and the bandits and other online stuff but finally 4 days after the bandits game I will put up some pictures, they lost again the bums they are still my team part of the problem was bad goaltending that game.
On My Way I passed through the Powder Keg Festival. If I had more time I would have liked to check out the maze and gone into the Pearl St. Grill. Well here are pictures from that Area.
I hope the festival Really takes off next year. Well off to the Bandits game.
Well here are some pictures from after the Bandits game.
Oh yeah then On Sunday I had a great time watching Olympic Hockey to bad team USA came up short but they still did pretty good. My next bandits game is Saturday then about a week after that I'm going to a Sabres game.
tinypliny - 03/09/10 01:59 Oh wow, seriously cool pictures! I totally missed the festival. oh well. I could still be here next year or maybe not. I don't know.
02/22/2010 19:47 #51061
Thunderslam Part 2 Feb 2010 Category: photos
So some how with only getting one seat I was able to sit in the first row that they sell that was pretty cool. Here are some pictures that show off the monster trucks and they also had some FMX and some go cart racing as well.
I had a great time. One thing I wanted to add is that Monster Jam is a different series or circuit then this series. Monster jam is on speed vision and has come to The Erie County fair in the past but that was years ago. I also saw another promotion back when WCW had monster jam trucks. WWE had The Rock and Austin. I would love to go see monster jam some time. I don't think they come to buffalo any more though I know they have come as close as Toronto but not sure how close they come in "The States"
02/21/2010 11:55 #51056
Monster Trucks Thunder Slam 2010 Category: photos
So there is no way I can post all my pictures from the monster trucks last night. I did have a good time at the pit party and the show. The pit party is where you go down onto the floor and see the trucks up close and the drivers are there and you can pay for a ride on a monster truck. Oh it is a special truck just for that it isn't one of the trucks that is competing. But Last year I think at the end of the show one of them did do some freestyle but not at last nights show, but maybe today's who knows.
Well do to time this will be continued later with where I sat and pictures of them competing. I was in the middle of doing that when Safari froze...........
Oh wow, seriously cool pictures! I totally missed the festival. oh well. I could still be here next year or maybe not. I don't know.