So I'm writing about something that I don't want to write about really but I must, I've been putting it off and putting it off for a couple reasons. 1. It (assuming anyone reads this) may piss a lot of people off, I could never post this on Facebook and Myspace. 2. I don't know if I should really admit this publicly. 3. I don't know if people will get what I mean or if people will miss understand me.
So as some may know I'm an Uncle. I see my niece some but not tons. I'm sure it is a lot more then some and a lot less then some other uncles. But every time I do see her i feel a sadness, not a deep sadness like I want to cry but just a general sadness. The reason for that is that I know that I'm seeing her for the wrong reason. It isn't like I'm watching her for hours or anything like that. It is because the the Baby's mother and father aren't together. For those that know me you may get that I'm very complex and complicated and also very simple in some ways. What I mean is that some things I find are simple and they should be that way don't go and make things complex that don't need to be. Most of the time I see her if they where together their would be no need for me to see her.
I know everyone is a little bit fucked up. But I'm sorry A one parent house hold fucks kids up. That going back and forth, and living in two places. Having different rules and maybe different parenting styles. All of that fucks kids up. I know in this generation that is thought to be ok and that kids will be fine, well guess what that is wrong they won't be. Kids need stability. But what they also need is to have an example set of what family is, what commitment is. What Sacrifice is. Believe me, I don't know how but kids pick up on all that stuff, you don't need a degree to know that.
That I know of there are 2 people in my family who had a relationship, then had a kid, then kept the relationship, then that ended. I don't need to know the details to tell you why those ended. Someone or both people thought that their own Happiness was more important then the welfare of their child. I'm sorry but Fuck You. Once you have a child what is good for you is second to the kid. He didn't ask to be born, he didn't have a choice, he is innocent. You have a responsibility to him/her to what what is best (not what makes the child happy, don't get me started on that bullshit idea, Oh I want him to be happy, or I want to be his best friend) for them, I get and know that relationships are hard and kid makes them tougher. But every step of the way their was a choice to have sex, what to do about the baby, if you where going to stay together, then you make all the choices and when things get tough you give up and only think about your self. Well fuck you and what you want you have a kid, you are no longer a kid you are now the adult and the parent and it is time to act like. ARGH I' m so pissed.
I get that there are cases where two people can't get along and all the fighting or maybe throwing things is worse for the kid, in that case that is ok. But then if that was the case you should have broken up before the kid not after it. I get that sometimes the love ends and people fall in love with other people, but still your kid needs to be priority #1.
This is one of the reasons I'm glad I'm not out trying to met people in bars. On a side note will I ever met anyone on okcupid who I didn't all ready know (Dana, Carey , Heidi and someone else). Well it wouldn't matter really since I don't catch anyone's eyes in straight or Gay Bars (that was a good time hanging out with all those
(e:peeps)). But see at least with a one night stand if something goes wrong like a condom breaks or something, it isn't that commitment issue. You where both their to have sex, there was no intended child, their was no relationship you where both getting off and it was about your self for both of you.
I think I'm starting to get those Crazy Christians. You know the ones with the big banners who yell about sin. I'm not saying I agree with how they give the message. No one wants to hear that when they are at a downtown concert. But you know what they have a point. Think of it this way. If I'm in a relationship with someone commitment to them is a big part of that. If I don't have enough of a commitment (might be wrong word) to that person to wait to have sex until Marriage . Then How could I have any commitment to that person after we have sex. If someone doesn't have the patience to wait till marriage why would they have patience enough to stick around after you have a child.
I have been good friends with people who had multiple kids by different fathers and it is so sad. I didn't think it was then. But my point of view was a little bit different. I can't imagine what it is like for kids to have their mother, and then there is a boy friend. Kids like or don't like that one and it lasts for some time maybe even a few years and then the relationship runs it course and ends, and mom is ok but then for the kids it is a new boyfriend. I'm sorry it is just fucked up. Don't take this the wrong way I don't dislike all the people I have known who have done this, but thinking back it is fucked up.
Well I have no idea if I expressed what I really wanted to but at least it is out there now., and I got it off my chest. I didn't even touch on how parents bad mouth the other one, or how sometimes in divorces or splits each parent tries to out do the other one with better and bigger gifts, that must mess up kids pretty bad to.....
If I get her number I'll post links on this site to the Red Tube account we are making. There is another site, or maybe I would just keep her to my self she would make a great Human Sundae. Yes and her hair is awesome I wonder if she would look good with the fetish hair as I call it.
She should totally donate to locks of love. If you find her number, let me in on the secret too. Hahahaha