So I'm writing about something that I don't want to write about really but I must, I've been putting it off and putting it off for a couple reasons. 1. It (assuming anyone reads this) may piss a lot of people off, I could never post this on Facebook and Myspace. 2. I don't know if I should really admit this publicly. 3. I don't know if people will get what I mean or if people will miss understand me.
So as some may know I'm an Uncle. I see my niece some but not tons. I'm sure it is a lot more then some and a lot less then some other uncles. But every time I do see her i feel a sadness, not a deep sadness like I want to cry but just a general sadness. The reason for that is that I know that I'm seeing her for the wrong reason. It isn't like I'm watching her for hours or anything like that. It is because the the Baby's mother and father aren't together. For those that know me you may get that I'm very complex and complicated and also very simple in some ways. What I mean is that some things I find are simple and they should be that way don't go and make things complex that don't need to be. Most of the time I see her if they where together their would be no need for me to see her.
I know everyone is a little bit fucked up. But I'm sorry A one parent house hold fucks kids up. That going back and forth, and living in two places. Having different rules and maybe different parenting styles. All of that fucks kids up. I know in this generation that is thought to be ok and that kids will be fine, well guess what that is wrong they won't be. Kids need stability. But what they also need is to have an example set of what family is, what commitment is. What Sacrifice is. Believe me, I don't know how but kids pick up on all that stuff, you don't need a degree to know that.
That I know of there are 2 people in my family who had a relationship, then had a kid, then kept the relationship, then that ended. I don't need to know the details to tell you why those ended. Someone or both people thought that their own Happiness was more important then the welfare of their child. I'm sorry but Fuck You. Once you have a child what is good for you is second to the kid. He didn't ask to be born, he didn't have a choice, he is innocent. You have a responsibility to him/her to what what is best (not what makes the child happy, don't get me started on that bullshit idea, Oh I want him to be happy, or I want to be his best friend) for them, I get and know that relationships are hard and kid makes them tougher. But every step of the way their was a choice to have sex, what to do about the baby, if you where going to stay together, then you make all the choices and when things get tough you give up and only think about your self. Well fuck you and what you want you have a kid, you are no longer a kid you are now the adult and the parent and it is time to act like. ARGH I' m so pissed.
I get that there are cases where two people can't get along and all the fighting or maybe throwing things is worse for the kid, in that case that is ok. But then if that was the case you should have broken up before the kid not after it. I get that sometimes the love ends and people fall in love with other people, but still your kid needs to be priority #1.
This is one of the reasons I'm glad I'm not out trying to met people in bars. On a side note will I ever met anyone on okcupid who I didn't all ready know (Dana, Carey , Heidi and someone else). Well it wouldn't matter really since I don't catch anyone's eyes in straight or Gay Bars (that was a good time hanging out with all those (e:peeps)). But see at least with a one night stand if something goes wrong like a condom breaks or something, it isn't that commitment issue. You where both their to have sex, there was no intended child, their was no relationship you where both getting off and it was about your self for both of you.
I think I'm starting to get those Crazy Christians. You know the ones with the big banners who yell about sin. I'm not saying I agree with how they give the message. No one wants to hear that when they are at a downtown concert. But you know what they have a point. Think of it this way. If I'm in a relationship with someone commitment to them is a big part of that. If I don't have enough of a commitment (might be wrong word) to that person to wait to have sex until Marriage . Then How could I have any commitment to that person after we have sex. If someone doesn't have the patience to wait till marriage why would they have patience enough to stick around after you have a child.
I have been good friends with people who had multiple kids by different fathers and it is so sad. I didn't think it was then. But my point of view was a little bit different. I can't imagine what it is like for kids to have their mother, and then there is a boy friend. Kids like or don't like that one and it lasts for some time maybe even a few years and then the relationship runs it course and ends, and mom is ok but then for the kids it is a new boyfriend. I'm sorry it is just fucked up. Don't take this the wrong way I don't dislike all the people I have known who have done this, but thinking back it is fucked up.
Well I have no idea if I expressed what I really wanted to but at least it is out there now., and I got it off my chest. I didn't even touch on how parents bad mouth the other one, or how sometimes in divorces or splits each parent tries to out do the other one with better and bigger gifts, that must mess up kids pretty bad to.....
Metalpeter's Journal
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02/11/2010 19:36 #50999
Broken Homes Aren't okCategory: philosophy
02/10/2010 18:05 #50994
1-5 go the bandits from RockCategory: lax
So I admit I'm a bit behind. On Saturday I went to the Bandits and had a good but watched them lose to the Toronto Rock and go 1-5 on the season. The Bandits had their chances and they fought so hard to comeback and take the lead but Toronto was just to good in the end. Not sure how many photos will get posted but here they are. On a side note I like that the Mexican Place/ Peliegh High and a few other places are now open for Bandits game they used to not be. I also like that they sell those split club tickets for the Jr. Sabres.

I like those New Out Fits the Bandettes have, well I assume they are new.

Congrats for getting to the bottom!!!!!

I like those New Out Fits the Bandettes have, well I assume they are new.

Congrats for getting to the bottom!!!!!
metalpeter - 02/13/10 13:42
Not sure how much they practice. But what I will say and leave it at that is they sure are hot. Also I like ladies with strong legs, well there are two reasons for that, an them being able to walk all over the city is a good one but not what I mean, HA!
Not sure how much they practice. But what I will say and leave it at that is they sure are hot. Also I like ladies with strong legs, well there are two reasons for that, an them being able to walk all over the city is a good one but not what I mean, HA!
tinypliny - 02/12/10 18:11
Wow, these women are awesome - they must practice all the time and are probably 95% muscle. I bet they could be great at Rugby (probably are).
Wow, these women are awesome - they must practice all the time and are probably 95% muscle. I bet they could be great at Rugby (probably are).
metalpeter - 02/11/10 18:44
Uniform wise I like those the most also. In Terms of showing of the goods they didn't wear them this time but I like the chaps and cowboy hats outfit, but maybe part of that is wishing that they where wearing only the chaps and hats alone, HA. In terms of performing they perform once after the warm ups. They take the field/turf for the intro. then they preform between the first and 2nd period, at halftime and then between the 3rd and 4th period so that would be 4 times. They also do stuff during the game as well like help with some of the T-Shirt tosses. They also perform some in the entrance area where like the zambonie comes out of during Hockey games. I can't see them from where I sit but there are seats where you could see them.
Uniform wise I like those the most also. In Terms of showing of the goods they didn't wear them this time but I like the chaps and cowboy hats outfit, but maybe part of that is wishing that they where wearing only the chaps and hats alone, HA. In terms of performing they perform once after the warm ups. They take the field/turf for the intro. then they preform between the first and 2nd period, at halftime and then between the 3rd and 4th period so that would be 4 times. They also do stuff during the game as well like help with some of the T-Shirt tosses. They also perform some in the entrance area where like the zambonie comes out of during Hockey games. I can't see them from where I sit but there are seats where you could see them.
heidi - 02/10/10 23:22
The Bandettes had three different uniforms? I liked the ones with orange side stripe best.
The Bandettes had three different uniforms? I liked the ones with orange side stripe best.
02/10/2010 17:58 #50993
V-day what to do?Category: holiday
Well this year I'm not hating on Valentines Day but I'm not loving it either. Not sure what to do really? On Friday Night I'm thinking about going to see Fly Leaf and As Summer Dies they are at the Town Ballroom. Wow has it been a long time since I've been to a show in a small venue like that or what some would call a club show. On one way I want to go but I don't want to wait outside waiting for doors to open to get pated down and then find out if the camera is ok. Then get tickets inside, but I really don't want to wait outside in the cold. Plus I think that opening sermonizes for the Winter Olympics are on that night. For those of you that get CBC you may like their Coverage better, in some ways it is better but they also focus on Canadian Athletes. I assume thought that NBC having multiple cable channels will have coverage of different sports. I should really look into that. I would love to for once sit down and watch a couple hockey games. I need to find out when like the snow boarding is. I know they have added some new sport this year but not sure what it is.
Maybe On Sunday I'll watch some movies or maybe I'll go to the movies and out to dinner by myself on Saturday. I want to see that From Paris with love and there are other movies out I would like to see. March 5th Alice In Wonderland comes out, oh my awesome it looks amazing. I don't know if I even remember the original maybe I should look into finding that. I kinda want to see something violent Maybe I should buy the other Kill bill and watch those back to back. In some form I need to buy myself a huge box of Chocolate or a small one. But it is so expensive for how much it is. I don't know I'll figure something out and maybe I'll find something violent. That reminds me the new Robin Hood with Russell Crowe looks amazing. If I had it on DVD True Blood would make a good Marathon. I do want to watch something good and violent wish I could find some great animee with naked hot chicks killing monsters with swords or something like that, that would be good. I'm not sure but I will try to have fun somehow.
Not going to go to a strip club. I do want to check out that Tiffany's cabaret. It would be fun to find some fun out of the back of art voice but I won't be doing that. Hey even if I can find some kind of olympic sports i like say luge or Bobsliegh not sure I need to find something fun though.............
Maybe On Sunday I'll watch some movies or maybe I'll go to the movies and out to dinner by myself on Saturday. I want to see that From Paris with love and there are other movies out I would like to see. March 5th Alice In Wonderland comes out, oh my awesome it looks amazing. I don't know if I even remember the original maybe I should look into finding that. I kinda want to see something violent Maybe I should buy the other Kill bill and watch those back to back. In some form I need to buy myself a huge box of Chocolate or a small one. But it is so expensive for how much it is. I don't know I'll figure something out and maybe I'll find something violent. That reminds me the new Robin Hood with Russell Crowe looks amazing. If I had it on DVD True Blood would make a good Marathon. I do want to watch something good and violent wish I could find some great animee with naked hot chicks killing monsters with swords or something like that, that would be good. I'm not sure but I will try to have fun somehow.
Not going to go to a strip club. I do want to check out that Tiffany's cabaret. It would be fun to find some fun out of the back of art voice but I won't be doing that. Hey even if I can find some kind of olympic sports i like say luge or Bobsliegh not sure I need to find something fun though.............
02/07/2010 10:12 #50979
More Pre then GameCategory: nfl
For Those that don't follow Football or sports you may not know that today is the superbowl. This for some time has been more of an event then a game. Yes a game will be played but for so many people it is much more then that. There have been some great games and some bad games, I hope tonight's is a great game. There have been games in the past where the ads where better then the game. There have been times when the singing was better then the game. By the way When will Metallica get a half time show. Granted one of their new songs might take up the entire Half but the half could be extended. I can remember other networks would have their own Half Time show you could click over to.
I know I bash E! for this but they do this same super early pre game show thing to on the award shows. I have seen that they had a 2-3 hr red carpet and then a preshow before that. Then again for some of the awards Fashion TV had stuff on at the same time. Than after the awards they have a post show. The post show makes sense so you can recap and show people what they looked like getting the award. Maybe I need to stop bashing E! because the more I think about it their preshow is like the NFL. On their show they interview people and see what they are wearing but if these people don't win you won't really see them.
Today the 1st preshow starts at noon. Yes I will be watching it. Not sure what road to the superbowl is. But hey it should be good. Later on is the All Iron Team. Hey if Madden can have one why not Phil Sims. By the time that the game starts I will have seen more pregame then I will game even if it was the first game to go to Over Time. Yes and as bizarre as that sounds it is but it isn't really. I do want to ad that I have seen some pretty interesting stuff in the past before superbowls . Some of it was about players. Some it where ads that didn't show again during the game. Some of it was entertainment.
I haven't been to a Bills game in a long time. The one thing I can remember though is Tailgating. Everyone does their own thing in their own way. This is different in Different cities as well. My impression was that there where people who where their hours before us. I have heard that some people get there the night before or maybe it is more like very early morning, I guessing though that they wait for the sun to come up. I have even heard that some people go to just tailgate and don't even have tickets, now that is a party and watch the game on a TV outside the stadium. That is the same Mentality that goes on in all the pregame stuff. Just wanted to ad that this doesn't only happen for football It happens at concerts as well. So my end point is Enjoy the game, enjoy the event and hopefully the game will be better then the pregame stuff but it won't be longer then it. Oh yeah and if the team you want loses show some class and watch the other team interviewed.
I feel as if I'm leaving something out but not sure what else I could really say other then the Super Bowl started out as a game and now it is an all day event hope everyone enjoys it. Hey if football isn't your thing and you are at the party for the party enjoy that to cause it could be better then the game.
I know I bash E! for this but they do this same super early pre game show thing to on the award shows. I have seen that they had a 2-3 hr red carpet and then a preshow before that. Then again for some of the awards Fashion TV had stuff on at the same time. Than after the awards they have a post show. The post show makes sense so you can recap and show people what they looked like getting the award. Maybe I need to stop bashing E! because the more I think about it their preshow is like the NFL. On their show they interview people and see what they are wearing but if these people don't win you won't really see them.
Today the 1st preshow starts at noon. Yes I will be watching it. Not sure what road to the superbowl is. But hey it should be good. Later on is the All Iron Team. Hey if Madden can have one why not Phil Sims. By the time that the game starts I will have seen more pregame then I will game even if it was the first game to go to Over Time. Yes and as bizarre as that sounds it is but it isn't really. I do want to ad that I have seen some pretty interesting stuff in the past before superbowls . Some of it was about players. Some it where ads that didn't show again during the game. Some of it was entertainment.
I haven't been to a Bills game in a long time. The one thing I can remember though is Tailgating. Everyone does their own thing in their own way. This is different in Different cities as well. My impression was that there where people who where their hours before us. I have heard that some people get there the night before or maybe it is more like very early morning, I guessing though that they wait for the sun to come up. I have even heard that some people go to just tailgate and don't even have tickets, now that is a party and watch the game on a TV outside the stadium. That is the same Mentality that goes on in all the pregame stuff. Just wanted to ad that this doesn't only happen for football It happens at concerts as well. So my end point is Enjoy the game, enjoy the event and hopefully the game will be better then the pregame stuff but it won't be longer then it. Oh yeah and if the team you want loses show some class and watch the other team interviewed.
I feel as if I'm leaving something out but not sure what else I could really say other then the Super Bowl started out as a game and now it is an all day event hope everyone enjoys it. Hey if football isn't your thing and you are at the party for the party enjoy that to cause it could be better then the game.
02/02/2010 21:19 #50957
Bandits Sat. Part 2Category: lax
So If anyone read my previous Post it was about Sat. Yes the Bandits did win, and they play again on Saturday night at home Vs. Toronto Rock. I thought I would continue my post with photos from the game. I think I have decided (never ate in the 200 level in the last couple of years) that my favorite food is the loaded Nacho's or Grande what ever they all called from the mexican place, to bad I don't like Corona.

Couple of things I have to admit that I both like and dislike the Swarm Jerseys . I like what I think is a dragon fly but I don't get the lines that match the shorts. I'm not a fan of theirs and I like the bandits, and I love the Bandits 3rd Jersey and yes I have one if you haven't seen a picture of me in one. I will admit it is only one win and the bandits have to do better then they have been but at least it is a start and if they win Sat. they continue the fight up.

Couple of things I have to admit that I both like and dislike the Swarm Jerseys . I like what I think is a dragon fly but I don't get the lines that match the shorts. I'm not a fan of theirs and I like the bandits, and I love the Bandits 3rd Jersey and yes I have one if you haven't seen a picture of me in one. I will admit it is only one win and the bandits have to do better then they have been but at least it is a start and if they win Sat. they continue the fight up.
metalpeter - 02/13/10 13:17
@ (e:tinypliny) for events like lacrosse yes it, or it at least isn't cold, but it gets pretty chilly for Hockey
(e:Jacob) Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I don't know much about Lacrosse except. The Indoor game is based on the outdoor game. But the indoor game is like hockey where it is hard hitting and people fight. I have seen clips of the outdoor version there is a league of major teams and then their is college lacrosse. That game is based on on Lacrosse played by Indians. I know nothing of that game. But what I have heard is that the field didn't have like a set length and that it could be up to a couple miles and it was a very brutal game, I think what a read or heard they meant like deaths. With out a net I can't picture how they would pass the ball. Oh an in the indoor game they do wear pads and I assume this is true in the out door version.
@ (e:tinypliny) for events like lacrosse yes it, or it at least isn't cold, but it gets pretty chilly for Hockey
(e:Jacob) Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I don't know much about Lacrosse except. The Indoor game is based on the outdoor game. But the indoor game is like hockey where it is hard hitting and people fight. I have seen clips of the outdoor version there is a league of major teams and then their is college lacrosse. That game is based on on Lacrosse played by Indians. I know nothing of that game. But what I have heard is that the field didn't have like a set length and that it could be up to a couple miles and it was a very brutal game, I think what a read or heard they meant like deaths. With out a net I can't picture how they would pass the ball. Oh an in the indoor game they do wear pads and I assume this is true in the out door version.
jacob - 02/03/10 17:14
I agree about the jerseys. That design is nauseating. I've never seen a lacross match. The navajos have a similar game, but there's no basket on the stick and few rules. It can be brutal, but ridiculously fun.
I agree about the jerseys. That design is nauseating. I've never seen a lacross match. The navajos have a similar game, but there's no basket on the stick and few rules. It can be brutal, but ridiculously fun.
In Terms the "Crazy People". The Ideas that they have aren't crazy. The Idea that because of those ideas they are better then you is what I don't like. They think that by yelling at you that it does something or gets people to hear their message. The Way that they try to get people to change or whatever is crazy.
The thing is that for some beliefs sex is only for conception. That is why birth control is a sin. You have to be Married other wise it is sin. If it is someone who isn't married to you it is sin. The thought (not to many people think this as opposed to the past) alone, yes lustful thoughts is a sin. So if you aren't with your husband/wife having sex to have a kid it is a sin.
Showing that a broken family messes up everyone life might do the trick and it would be a lot more effective. The Problem is Contraception to them is a sin, I don't even want to know what they think about "The Morning after Pill".
I don't believe in the abstinence only idea and think it is a bad idea. It is like teaching a kid how to cross at a light and telling him you can only cross at a light. Well kid plays out side ball goes into the street so he hasn't been told how to react he run out into the street. Remember he isn't crossing it (anal sex isn't sex and neither are blow jobs but anal can give you all kinds of STD's) so he runs out and gets hit by a car. Oh yeah and if you want a real life example look at Sarah Pallin's family. But what I'm saying is this. Sex is great and it is a lot of fun. I shouldn't have it really because I have enough trouble raising my self, let alone a kid. People at least need to think about that and if they aren't ready for that don't fuck. If you aren't ready for sex and the other partner wants to have sex and you don't to Till You know it is the right person and they can't wait then they don't have the set of skills they need to stick through the tough times after the kid is born.
See This new Generation it is all about Me. And you can't hit a kid, you have to be their friend, and you can't discipline them. When it is all about you, and you have no dedication or loyalty or being responsible for your actions it is very easy to say, fuck him I'm taking my baby and I'm going.
I'm not bashing an entire generation but some of them are fucked up.
Oh yeah (e:tinypliny) you do make some great points
I am also not sure that I agree with you that abstinence equals commitment. They are completely different concepts in this day and age.
Those crazy lunatics who yell about "sin" obviously have no idea what contraceptives are, how to use them wisely and how to integrate sex education with an education on childcare and responsibility. I think they insult the intelligence of people around them and underestimate the sense of responsibility that people can have.
Those crazy people are really just that - demented and ignorant for good measure.
Peter, I am with you on this 100%. Once a child is born, there is no way you are more important than the child. Poor parenting may well be the #1 reason for agony on earth. But I don't support all those lunatics who insist on taking away choice from women even before the kid is officially a "kid".
Sex is not a one-way affair and is essential to being human. However, too err is human too.
You could argue that every species is alike in that the male gets to walk away from responsibility. But no species on this planet, apart from ours actually casts stones on the female and makes her bear of cross of guilt for ever. I don't look kindly on parents who run away, but I have only respect and empathy for women who realize that they can't be good parents and try to do something about it before its too late. Shame on people who hold up "religion" as a curse against women.
It is nice to hear that I'm not the only one who feels this way or at least that some agrees with my idea.
I agree with you Peter.