I don't write as often anymore, here are some thing I have been thinking of...
1.For Chirsmtas I got my mom of a gift of I am gonna take her to see movies each month for the year. Well our first one was Avatar in 3d at the IMAX. We bought the tickets ahead of time cuz I heard it had been selling out ((e:libertad) went with us to). Then we got to the theater like a half hour early but still it was already filled and we had to sit like only 3 rows back which was too close. That wasn't horrible though. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT...my poor mom got motion sickness and threw up in her popcorn. I felt so bad, I looked over and could tell she was feeling sick and asked if she wanted to leave but she didn't cuz she didn't want to miss it but her eyes were closed for most of the show. I felt so bad... but other than that the movie was really cool. I am not a fan of IMAX really though, it makes me feel a little queasy too!
2. I really hate the cartoon Marmaduke. Like makes me sick to my stomach reading it, it just bores me to death and I hate it. It really like makes me angry that I have to look at it and i have no idea why. It just really bothers me. Nothing in particular about but everytime after I read it, I would feel, why did I just waste my life. You are prolly saying then well just don't read it. But i have like this obsessivecompulsion to read every part of a paper even if i am not interested in it, like every article and comic. But over the last few months I have been able to stop reading Marmaduke. It is really hard to like not read it but I feel so much if i better if i don't. I know tihs osunds crazy but it really is a battle every sunday.
3. Pulled my super nintendo out of the attic and played it at (e:libertads) last night and it was super fun. I forgot how fun it is! I beat super mario 2 in like a few hours where i remember it taking like 10 years the first time. I am definitley more of a just try to get through it kinda guy though that spend time finding all the secret tings.
4. GOLDEN GLOBES TONIGHT! Can't wait! Love life, love globes, love gold, love celebrites, love blt dip, love jill's house to watch award ceremonies, love it all! can't wait!
5. I really really believe i am gonna move out in may or june. But i say that all the time but i really believe it this time.
6. (e:mk) got me this awesome thing for christmas , we exchange our gifts in late january to extend the season, it is a game of twister but instead of the oclors it has the Little Miss and Mr characters that I love! Can't wait to play it!
7. I am sick of places forgetting my bacon. Jims' steakout often forgets to put the bacon on my chicken finger club subs. And at Missisisipi Mudds at the eastern hills yesterday they forgot to but bacon on my bacon cheesebuger but I had already eaten half before I relaized so i coudn't really do anyting about it. Maybe it is the world telling me not to eat so much bacon.
8. I don't know what I would do if Rachelle didn't work with me. She is the only thing that keeps me sane in the chaos that is Rite Aid Pharmacy.
9. Relatedly, I am addited to the Rite Aid game of life where you get stickers and collect on the board to win prizes. I have def changed my buying habits to fit with the products that give you extra pieces such as switching from dr. pepper to coke so i can get an extra piece.
10. I'm very happy lately . all around happy and it feels good!
oh i was only gonna do 10 but i thought of another exciting thing
11. I found the wicker park soundtrack at the FYE that is goi gout of business on Transit. I have bene looking for it for so long and could never find it. (i know i oculd buy it online but I like the thrill of the chase). I had it and it was my favorite cd but I lost it like a year or 2 ago i believe it may have been in my car that got ttotalled by the drunk driver. I have not been able to find it since and was so excited to find it! It is very good though it wasn't as amazing as I thought I rememberd it to be.
ok that's all for now folks
Mike's Journal
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01/17/2010 12:21 #50837
A Coupla Things01/05/2010 22:52 #50746
Guarda La Luname and (e:libertad) saw Nine the other day and it wasn't the best thing ever but it was entertaining. The beginning was a little slow but then it got good. ANywho, as anyone who knows me knows I buy soundtracks like whoa. So of course I went last wekeend and bought it and now I can't stop listening to it. I think I actually like listening to the soundtrack more than the movie which is not usually the case, except cuz I can sing along and that is fun> wicker park is an example of a horrible movie with an awesome possibly top 5 favorite of my soundtracks (and ps i currently can't find my copy so if you stole it give it back). Anywho , 1 song i didn't love in the movie but love love love on the osundtrack is guarda la luna sung by the one and only Sophia Loren. She looked a little hot mess scary old withc in the final scene but otherwise looked ok considering. Anywho I love this song and her voice in it for some reason.
tinypliny - 01/08/10 23:09
(e:Mike), did you also mean Gosford Park because I love the soundtrack and didn't like the movie. I am super confused now. Maybe its all that Kale...
(e:Mike), did you also mean Gosford Park because I love the soundtrack and didn't like the movie. I am super confused now. Maybe its all that Kale...
tinypliny - 01/08/10 23:04
So you did or did not like Wicker Park? I think Gosford Park was a period drama, right. I remember it as being very very slow. The songs were awesome though. Am I remembering the right movie?!
So you did or did not like Wicker Park? I think Gosford Park was a period drama, right. I remember it as being very very slow. The songs were awesome though. Am I remembering the right movie?!
mk - 01/07/10 21:53
I was about to write that I liked Wicker Park and then I realized that I'm thinking about Gosford Park. What a great comment.
I was about to write that I liked Wicker Park and then I realized that I'm thinking about Gosford Park. What a great comment.
metalpeter - 01/06/10 18:40
So This is going to sound Weird But I have Heard this Melody before or at least a few that sound a lot like it. It sounds like it fits in one of those Tim Burton Musicals. Just not sure what songs it has been used in though.
So This is going to sound Weird But I have Heard this Melody before or at least a few that sound a lot like it. It sounds like it fits in one of those Tim Burton Musicals. Just not sure what songs it has been used in though.
tinypliny - 01/06/10 08:47
Wicker Park was a really good movie! You are talking about the one with the Pearl Harbour bloke who dies and the Mozart film's leading lady - correct? (Damn, can't remember both their names...)
Wicker Park was a really good movie! You are talking about the one with the Pearl Harbour bloke who dies and the Mozart film's leading lady - correct? (Damn, can't remember both their names...)
01/03/2010 12:51 #50732
Maybe I Like Shoveling?I shoveled today because my dad doesn't let me use the snowblower basically and I watned to have it done for when my parents got back from church. It was actually kinda therapeutic and nice and relaxing. Maybe i actulaly enjoy it? ok prolly not and i will still avoid it at all costs prolly but maybe it is not sooo bad as i always think it will be. It seems i never hate it as much as i tihnk i will and this time it was really quite nice! I felt better and relaxed after, maybe time to go back out for another pick me up booster in this winter weather!
P.S. I should prolly clairfy that I almost never have to do itand that is prolly the only reason I can enjoy iteven a little bit.
P.S. I should prolly clairfy that I almost never have to do itand that is prolly the only reason I can enjoy iteven a little bit.
metalpeter - 01/05/10 19:45
One Of the Shoveling Factors is what kind of Snow it is. Some of the light stuff is easy and fun unless there is a wind and it blows back into your face. But the stuff that gets plowed into the drive way that you have to break up and is supper heavy that aint fun.
One Of the Shoveling Factors is what kind of Snow it is. Some of the light stuff is easy and fun unless there is a wind and it blows back into your face. But the stuff that gets plowed into the drive way that you have to break up and is supper heavy that aint fun.
mk - 01/05/10 11:49
I actually kinda like shoveling too. Then again, I only did it the other day because the snow blower is broken. Now we have a new one, so the odds of me shoveling again are slim to none.
I actually kinda like shoveling too. Then again, I only did it the other day because the snow blower is broken. Now we have a new one, so the odds of me shoveling again are slim to none.
boxerboi - 01/03/10 17:27
I just wait for the sun to come out.
I just wait for the sun to come out.
paul - 01/03/10 14:59
That's how going to the gym could feel.
That's how going to the gym could feel.
01/01/2010 12:29 #50710
My HeroI hope I am like her in my future she is my hero!i particularly like the jerry lewis like lap dance
tinypliny - 01/01/10 21:42
Well, you better get on the dance off, pants off track soon if you want to meet those demanding standards.
Well, you better get on the dance off, pants off track soon if you want to meet those demanding standards.
metalpeter - 01/01/10 17:16
Well she still is hot. In terms of the erections that what that host and the dancers are for, or the mens women, or the single guys there should be a bathroom break, ha. What a great clip
Well she still is hot. In terms of the erections that what that host and the dancers are for, or the mens women, or the single guys there should be a bathroom break, ha. What a great clip
theecarey - 01/01/10 13:58
Jerry: "I don't know what we are all going to do with the... uh... erections"
Jerry: "I don't know what we are all going to do with the... uh... erections"
paul - 01/01/10 13:15
Omg, its gets even crazier. If you didn't you need to watch the whole thing.
Omg, its gets even crazier. If you didn't you need to watch the whole thing.
paul - 01/01/10 13:12
She defies aging even more than dolly parton. Around 2:15 he looks like he is going to have a stroke.
She defies aging even more than dolly parton. Around 2:15 he looks like he is going to have a stroke.
12/30/2009 22:53 #50695
Resolutions- dance off, pants off?So this year for new years I am gonna lose 50 lbs, get a new job, buy a house, get married, give up sugar, become a ballerina, buy a horse, become a snowman, learn to ride a rhinoceros, go on safari, become mormon, and be part of a dance off pants off...... ok or I am not going to make any resolutions becuase i never succeed or even attmept any of them.
Ok well i willl actually prolly be part of a pants off dance off at some point , prolly sooner rather than later if history is any guide!
Ok well i willl actually prolly be part of a pants off dance off at some point , prolly sooner rather than later if history is any guide!
ok, and i think i hate mostly the same though process as you whenever i used to read it. plus the dog was so ugly...
i've always hated marmaduke too!!!