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01/13/2010 05:42 #50809

Category: potpourri
I just got notification that I've been accepted to NAFSA Academy! I really wanted to do this so I am STOKED. It's a 9 month training program for young professionals in the field of international education. Since I'll only be in Qatar one more academic year, I wanted to find ways to broaden my international experience and boost my resume. This is my golden ticket! So, so, so happy I got accepted! Woohoo!

Which means, brief visit to B-lo in March! The spring training session is in Atlanta, but I need to get to B-lo to do some important name change stuff that I must do in person. Hopefully I can see a few peeps while I'm whirl winding my way through!
dimartiste - 02/24/10 21:27
Congrats! Webber clan adventures R U! Just remember inquiring minds want to know and we are right here ready to read salivating over what next?!
ladycroft - 01/18/10 07:03
Maybe NZ, maybe UK, maybe somewhere in is completely unknown at this point!
metalpeter - 01/13/10 18:26
Congrats. Hope that in March you get to see everyone you want to in Buffalo. (e:Jason) asks a good question.
mrmike - 01/13/10 14:00
Congrats, that's terrific, hope the whirl wind can set down for something here when we hear about your next destination.
jason - 01/13/10 09:02
That's awesome! What is the next stop for the Webber clan?

01/08/2010 01:25 #50769

spatchcocked turkey
Category: cooking
For Christmas this year I tried a new way of cooking the turkey. I enlisted Rory's help because it was grossing me out, but hey, got a 13 pound turkey cooked in an hour and ten minutes! Got the idea from our favorite cooking criminal, Martha Stewart.

They made it look so easy in the magazine I thought it would take about 15 minutes to mutilate, but ended up taking an hour! Maybe the turkey wasn't 1oo% thawed, maybe my kitchen sheers need sharpening, or maybe it's just plain harder than it looks in a picture.

STEP 1- remove all the innards, rinse, and pat the bird dry with paper towel. This is important because the bird WILL slide all over the place if it's damp. Our poor Blinky got her head covered in pink turkey juice as it spilled over the counter. I scrubbed her fur and got the pink out but she smelled like turkey all day.


STEP 2 - Flip the bird over on it's belly and stick your sheers up it's butt hole. Cut the spine out by cutting along both sides. I think our bird had scoliosis....




STEP 3 - Flip the bird over so it's breast side up, and break the breast bones. Essentially, set yourself up like you're going to give CPR, except you WANT to hear the bones break.


STEP 4 - Pin the wings under, baste with a mixture of olive oil and pepper, and roast for approximately 70 minutes, basting in between.


STEP 5 - Carve and enjoy.

dimartiste - 02/24/10 21:31
Julia Child makes it all look sooo easy.

Liar. LIAR! It was true love that saved you in the fire swamp!

Great pictures! I will remember to see your additional instructions for preparation of the bird.
lilho - 01/14/10 11:42
arent you veggie???
metalpeter - 01/12/10 18:58
That pull that thing a part where you get like that little gift and a crown we (the family does that also at thanksgiving). There also used to be some thing with a pepermint pig some years and a little hammer.
paul - 01/08/10 21:12
Who doesn't have a turkey fisting pic (e:paul,46959) lol
tinypliny - 01/08/10 10:57
I like how you flipped the turkey, the picture and rory over. :-)

01/06/2010 03:50 #50754

neti pot?
Category: health
Doha has wreaked havoc on my sinuses since I got here. Between the constant sandy air, air conditioners and mold I don't stand a chance. I've already had two URTI's as a result. I've been looking at the neti pot as a form of preventative medicine to see if it helps. I think I remember reading something on here at some point in the last 3 years about people using them?

Does anyone have any input on using one?
dimartiste - 02/24/10 21:37
I am wondering how the neti pot went?

My uncle swears by it. I have a hard time with feeling like I am drownding, since I tried that once when I was a kid. I did not care for that too much. SO I keep waiting to hear someone tell me what it feels like.

I usually add water to the air by boiling on the stove. I have even added eucalyptus oil to cleanse my palete and help me breath better. Lately I have added taking an extra dose of sudafed. I am finding I am getting dehydrate though.
ladycroft - 01/08/10 01:28
Thanks for the input, I think I'll def give it a try. Thanks libertad for suggesting ceramic. I've been reading lots of reviews and they were all mixed regarding differences between plastic and ceramic pots.
libertad - 01/06/10 21:18
I highly recommend the neti. I should be using it right now but it is one of those things you do put off. If you do get one make sure it is ceramic and not plastic. I tried both and the ceramic makes all the difference in the world.
theecarey - 01/06/10 13:05
My story has nothing to do with me, but with a family member. My my niece and her husband were up for a visit this summer; my nephew-in-law was experiencing terrible allergies that were not eased with any sort of medication. He was so out of sorts that it was hard for him to function. He ended up buying a neti pot as a last resort (in that my mom highly recommended it). Much to his surprise, it made such a positive difference in the way he felt and functioned that everyone could see it in his demeanor. Poor thing could finally visit with everyone without looking like he was dying.

Anyone else I know usually uses it when they feel their sinuses beginning to get bad, but they don't do it everyday.
tinypliny - 01/06/10 08:41
Have you tried steam inhalers such as this one: :::link:::

They work very well in keeping your upper airway healthy with regular use.
zobar - 01/06/10 08:41
I occasionally use aerosol saline ... it's not going to stop you from getting sick, but it does work well for minor sinus congestion and sore throat due to dry air.

- Z
janelle - 01/06/10 07:00
I use something similar to a neti pot. I find it really helpful. When I get the first hint of congestion problems, I start using it every day in the shower and it clears up the congestion faster than just using medications to treat the symptoms. I would probably be best off if I did it EVERY DAY, but I find it too time consuming for that.

If you get post nasal drip, I also highly recommend just plain hold salt water gargling. I also use a home made remedy of a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in honey. It dries it all up.

12/31/2009 09:58 #50699

happy new year!
Category: new year
If my cat was a boy I'd have to name it Hammy after that crazy squirrel on Over the Hedge. Seriously. For a cat with no eyes she's pretty spastic.

I just opened a bag of Cheetos and I swear it was just like this clip from the Over the Hedge trailer. 35 seconds in, watch Hammy's reaction to a bag of cheese chips being opened.

Now replace the squirrel with a frantic no eyed kitten. MeOW!

Happy New Year 2010! We'll be ringing it in 8 hours ahead of you, so at 4pm give a shout out to Doha! I'm afraid I'll not be awake at 8am to return the favor, so Happy New Year B-lo!

OH - and happy blue moon! Though you won't get to witness it in North America, there will be a partial eclipse tonight to make it all the more special (viewable from Europe, Africa and Asia only I'm afraid).

Photos to share of my new do, feeling like my old crofty self again....ahhhh purple ;)

metalpeter - 01/01/10 12:32
Happy New Year to Yeah I hope it was a great time

12/29/2009 03:44 #50680

As 2010 rings in
Category: new year
On the eve of each New Year we often reflect on our lives. As I do this dear e-strippers, I wish you joy that never ends and happiness with all your family and friends.

Where were you when 2009 began?
At PMT's

Who were you with?

Where will you be when 2009 ends?
At a house party here in Doha

Whom will you be with when 2009 ends?
My husband, a work colleague, and lots of new people

Was 2009 a good year for you?
Amazing! Married the love of my life and am eternally happy for it!

What was your favorite moment of the year?
Tie: when (e:Rory) proposed to me and when (e:Drew) announced we were official

What was your least favorite moment of the year?
Maybe 3 days before the wedding. My family were at each others' throats and stressing me out.

Did you reach your New Year 2009 goals?
  • Meet Rory's family and friends - did it
  • Finish my sailing course with minimal bruising - sort of did it
  • Travel to Jordan, Singapore, Antarctica - wedding superseded these plans
  • Present at the NASPA conference - attended NASPA, worked on presentation, but had to leave early for Rory's grandfather's funeral
  • Increase my fitness level considerably - negative ghost rider
  • Be the best supervisor I can be - I think so!
  • Marry the love of my life - did it!

Did you fall in love in 2009?
Absolutely! Madly and deeply.

What was your favorite month of 2009?
October - I GOT MARRIED!

Did you travel outside of the US in 2009?
Qatar, England, Italy, Maldives - skim on the travel but for good reason.

How many different states did you travel to in 2009?
D.C., Massachusetts, New York

Did you lose anybody close to you in 2009?
Rory's grandfather Trevor

What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2009?

What was your favorite song in 2009?
Tonight's Gonna Be a Good Night by Black Eyed Peas

What was your favorite album in 2009?
This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars

What was your most exciting moment of 2009?
Convincing Rory to try SCUBA diving with me and him doing really well and enjoying it!

What was your proudest moment of 2009?
Marrying Rory. We did it as a team, together all the way.

What was your most embarrassing moment of 2009?
Having a very temporary haircut after donating my hair and a woman run up to me and say "Oh my God did you just get your haircut, you have a piece hanging in the back!"

If you could go back in time to any moment of 2009 and change something, what would it be?
I would have started the turkey with Rory much earlier in the day - it took us way longer to dismember it than I thought it would.

What are your goals for 2010?
  • Master the art of packing light
  • Travel to New Zealand, Oman, Abu Dabi, India, Egypt, Jordan, Australia, and Antarctica
  • Lose 40 pounds by our 1 year anniversary
  • Pay off my car in November
  • Pay off 1/3 of one of my student loans
  • Knit tons of goodies to donate to charity
  • Participate in more community service opportunities
  • Be the best teammate (wifey) I can be
  • Drop the dead weight in my life and look for more positive forces to surround myself with
  • Create a solid sustainability campaign in our residence halls

metalpeter - 01/01/10 12:39
Sounds like it was a great Year. 2 quick things 30STM I like the new song don't have the CD Yet, I could never pick the best movie of the year But Caroline was pretty good.
tinypliny - 12/29/09 22:00
Wow, very cool year for you. :) Here's hoping this year will be waaaay cooler! \m/
jason - 12/29/09 08:28
Nice goals for 2010, LC. I would agree, on the balance it has been an awesome year for you