It's my fifth day of isolation. I ventured out for hot chocolate on Saturday and Monday. I need milk, sugar, cranberry juice and ginger ale but I've got too much studying to do to leave, instead, I'm writing here!
First final is tomorrow morning- Corporations
(e:heidi,49944). I hate the Wall Street Journal. Here's a study limerick:
Walkovszky v. Carlton
Walkovszky was hit by a cab
Would Carlton pick up the tab?
No, limited liability
Has social utility;
Undercapitalization is fab!
- Jeremy Telman
Second final is Friday afternoon - taxation of nonprofit organizations - where I'll get to discuss the fine points of 501(c)(3) qualification and the Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT).
Sunday is the estrip potluck!! (see how bad I need it?)
Last final is next Thursday - federal individual income taxation. I'm looking forward to it because it's multiple choice, the test will be considerably easier than it could be, and the prof (whose name happens to be Heidi!) doesn't like gray areas so the exam is very clearly black & white.
And then I'm done! Halfway through my JD. Yea!
In other news, the Save Our School coalition packed the Mansfield High School auditorium (at least 450 people) Monday night to express its hope that the Southern Tioga School Board will renovate North Penn instead of closing it
(e:heidi,50116) Newspaper article

The crowd sang the North Penn alma mater, did crowd cheers, the girls volleyball & basketball teams read off one fact about the potential impact closing... Jill said it was a very moving experience.
Thanks for the encouragement, (e:peeps)! I had set an unnecessarily ambitious study plan that had become overwhelming. I refocused on the core concepts and feel much much better! Final at 1 :-)
Go get 'em! Make sure you sleep well, eat well, and think positive thoughts. It's how I got through school.
Good Luck, Good Luck, Good Luck!!!! You will do smashingly well! :)
There comes a point in every semester when studying is useless.