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Leetee's Journal

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10/27/2009 17:27 #50132

Better Late Than Never
The Daily Chuck is a bit late today... so i took the snap on the road.

theecarey - 10/28/09 12:08
dedication to the Daily Chuck; I like it!
mrmike - 10/28/09 08:21
Nice -- The special Who version?
tinypliny - 10/27/09 23:37
God save America! Is that a red light?


10/26/2009 20:11 #50125

Pretty in Pink

Note from (e:uncutsaniflush) : Alas the lovely (e:leetee) was unable to post her daily chuck because she got a call asking her to come to work immediately this afternoon. Of course, she complied. As she was walking out the door, she delegated the task of the daily chuck to me. The photo was taken by the lovely Lettuce and selected and posted by me.
tinypliny - 10/27/09 01:10
Man, now I want converses! Can't wait for the next!
paul - 10/26/09 23:17
I love shoes so much.
heidi - 10/26/09 23:02
Me, too! I didn't know the double eyelet ones existed - they're like a little trail of bubbles!
mrmike - 10/26/09 20:43
Loving the Daily chuck

10/25/2009 12:43 #50105

Life's About Choices

tinypliny - 10/25/09 17:57
You know I am loving it! :D Moar MOAAAAR!

10/24/2009 12:30 #50092

In Today's News

mrmike - 10/24/09 13:23
Like the purple, I have a set of those myself :)
tinypliny - 10/24/09 12:36

10/23/2009 14:23 #50082

du jour

tinypliny - 10/24/09 00:43
Oooh, someday, could you please post a picture of ALL your converses together and could I call you Imelda Converse that day?! ;-)