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08/25/2009 15:15 #49626

LOL Whitewashing
Microsoft US:


Microsoft Poland:


Forgot the hand... via:
heidi - 08/26/09 16:45
Heh heh they apologized :::link:::
mike - 08/25/09 19:58
that is hilarious!

08/24/2009 12:35 #49619

CDC may propose routine recommendation for circumsion:

Public health officials are considering promoting routine circumcision for all baby boys born in the United States to reduce the spread of H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS.
-- NYTimes

I think the only person who should be allowed to consent to bits being chopped off is the person whose bits are going to be chopped. Cultural and religions traditions, or small percentage increments in medical studies be damned.

Wikipedia on mutilation:

The traditional Chinese practices of língchí and foot binding are forms of mutilation that have captured the imagination of Westerners, as well as the now tourist centered "long-neck" people, a sub-group of the Karen known as the Padaung where women wear brass rings around their neck.[1]

The act of tattooing is also considered a form of self-mutilation according to some cultural traditions, such as within the Muslim religion.[2][3]

A joint statement released by numerous United Nations and other international bodies oppose female genital cutting (female circumcision) as a form of mutilation.[4] Denniston et al. have argued that male circumcision is a form of mutilation;[5] their arguments have been criticised by Benatar and Benatar.[6]

Some tribes practice some ritual mutilation, e.g. scarification, as part of a rite of passage (e.g. initiation ritual).

Whether or not to have 50% of the surface area of your penis cut off is a serious decision. I am definitely NOT saying circumcision is in the same class of horror as female genital mutilation. I am saying that it's a choice I wish I was given, personally.

metalpeter - 08/25/09 20:39
(e:Jenks) makes the point I was going to
(e:James) makes a great point that if they want to cut down on AIDS there are a lot of ways of doing that.
-I think the best way of doing that is real Sex ed. You know talk about Blow Jobs and Jerking off and things like that

The thing is that no kid really has a choice when you are a baby who ever takes care of you makes those choices and I don't think any one would have a bris at 14 infront of their entire family. I don't think most people would even do it at a doctors office. Now if they could make it look like a porn star in look and size then maybe it could be sold. But since it can't be sold let the parents decide.
iriesara - 08/25/09 13:13
firstly, I thought circumcision was pretty much already routine in the US anyway.
my son isn't circumcised, and he's never had a problem with infection or anything. just have to keep reminding him to wash well when he's in the shower.
as far as HIV prevention, I suppose I could see that being more effective in african countries, but here I think everyone pretty much knows they should be wearing a condom. whether they do or not is a different question, and their business I suppose.
and "ant-eater", that cracked me up!!
libertad - 08/25/09 10:00
Oh but you could have a career in porn (e:vincent). Seriously, there is stuff all over specifically for uncut. Not sure about straight porn but definitely if you do gay for pay.
vincent - 08/24/09 23:05
I have an "ant-eater" & the only thing that I can say disadvantage wise is that I can't have a career in porn ;-)
Ok, you do have to consciously wash it out once in a while. It is really eye opening to me to see that most guys that are cut always seem to have this longing for something that they can't remember having but at the feel a sense of loss. My one friend let his wife name their son anything she wanted, as long as their kid didn't get circumcised, as he wishes his parent's never did it to him...

jim - 08/24/09 16:41
It is a relatively low-pain, low-risk surgery, true (low not meaning no-risk). But it's still a completely voluntary, non-urgent decision. To me, that means morally it should be left to the person who it directly affects.
jenks - 08/24/09 16:06
I think there are reasonably convincing arguments (medically speaking) on both sides of this argument- so I just have one small comment.

And I don't mean to play devil's advocate here, and I am *NOT* pulling the "babies don't feel pain" BS line that has been used in the past- BUT- I will just say that the procedure is much less traumatic on a baby than an adult. It's actually kind of a big deal on an adult.

For whatever that's worth.
jason - 08/24/09 15:38
How about you let me and my family make this decision for my kid, Uncle Sam, instead of butting into the conversation? It disgusts me.

I guess I'm dispassionate about my own situation. I can't miss something that I don't remember. I would have liked the decision to be mine too but what's done is done. If I have a son, I can't see myself condoning someone putting anything sharp near his bait 'n tackle. If wants to go through that, it's his choice.
james - 08/24/09 14:20
Want to slow the spread of HIV?

How about comprehensive sex education?
How about increasing funding for clinics?
How about increasing funding for outreach organizations?
How about condom distribution?
How about about protecting Planned Parenthoods so more people have access to their education resources?
How about a needle exchange program?

Funny, Europeans generally do not circumcise their children and they don't have the same problem we do. Meanwhile, when the AIDS epidemic began in the 70's around 70% of children were circumcised. And that sure helped, didn't it?

Rates of HIV infection are increasing in pockets of the population. In 2004 50% of all cases of HIV/AIDS was among African Americans. Being about 12% of the population you would think it would make sense to make a strategy targeting that group rather than cutting off dick skin.

This is just a foolish and poorly thought out strategy not to mention it violates what is a basic human right.

Finally, let me add, fuck you CDC.

Thank you.
janelle - 08/24/09 14:02
Huh, it seems like there are other simpler methods to prevent the transmission of HIV that don't involve genital mutilation.

libertad - 08/24/09 13:51
I'm still mad mine was taken from me. I want it back.
james - 08/24/09 13:05

I have nothing to add to that other than a horrific groan of frustration and disappointment.

08/23/2009 01:07 #49602



08/21/2009 11:21 #49586

What the?

08/19/2009 09:06 #49574

How to Save a Life

In 1972, the philosopher Peter Singer proposed a simple thought experiment: Imagine you're on your way to work and you come across a child drowning in a shallow pond. You're tall enough that you can run in and rescue him, but if you do so you'll ruin your new suit. Should you save the child?

Almost everyone says yes: the value of saving a child's life far outweighs the cost of losing your new suit. Indeed, someone who would let a child die to save their clothes seems like a monster.

But aha, Singer says. You - yes, you, the reader - probably spent several hundred dollars on new clothes recently, clothes you didn't really need. (Or if not clothes, perhaps a dinner out, or music, or books you could've gotten from the library.) And instead of spending that money on luxuries, you could have sent it to Partners in Health, and they could have used it to save a child's life in the developing world. (GiveWell estimates that you can save a life for between $150-$750.) How are you not a monster? [...]

-- Aaron Swartz

Read the whole post here:
metalpeter - 08/19/09 19:54
Now that I have read it all I do have a few more things to ad.

Often times when people go into water to save drowning people they drown them selves. Yes I get that it is a metaphor but what about people who go over to other countries and get caught in between to groups. Also who says these are good kids? Maybe they where thrown in for being bad. If you take the evil man as an example. I'm sure he thinks he is the good guy and the kids are bad. It is up to us to judge and decide who is really the bad guy. But see that isn't so easy. Yes oxfam is a good cause. But Feed the Children has stolen all kinds of money. Some times you give food to a food pantry and the people who voulenter take all the good food. Hey sometimes you give food and it goes to the people but the army takes the food from them, in a civil war who do you give the food to?

metalpeter - 08/19/09 19:43
Once I read the entire thing maybe my view will be different. But Chances are if you are wearing a suit and you are driving by then that means you are on your way to work. The only people who wear suits to work do so because they have to. If you are in a job that requires a suit, then most of the time you also need a good suit. Yes the suit is only part of the package but often in these types of jobs how you present your self is a big issue. What if you don't present your self well enough and you lose your Job, well then what about the well being of your family. Isn't the well being of your family more important then some other person you don't even know. What about the fact that this dying person is in some other country. The bigger question is why isn't any one where they are helping them. That brings up the question is if people in the same area of the world can't help this kid then why should I? I assume that they have the choice to do so and choose not to. I'm guessing maybe this kid is important to them. If this is true then who am I to say that these people are wrong and that I should help this person. Not to mention sometimes people don't want help and if they don't want help one shouldn't help them.

Ethics and Moraltiy aren't so Cut and Dry.
joshua - 08/19/09 11:55
Damn those people who do what they like with their earnings!
jim - 08/19/09 10:11
I've always thought utilitarian ethics were cold. But they also have lots of logical weight :)
james - 08/19/09 09:27
Imagine a child molesting grizzly bear. He is mauling and molesting all day long. To stop him, all you have to do is politely ask.

Now, in this example, the child molesting grizzly bear is you not giving me $5. Asking politely is giving me $5. Wont you save the children?