This totally came to me as a shock tonight
He always had a crazy energy, especially when you engaged him in conversation. I think I requested Anna's a Speed Freak by Pure once at the old Kingdom in Burlington after shooting the shit with him back in the late 90's. He reminded me of some old dude @ the Pink that still picked up 21 year olds even though he was in his 40's, some guys have that passionate edge but unfortunately in his case it may have been his downfall.
This economy is crazy, even though he was downsized back in May I seriously thought he was on some vacation or something. It's just also kind of creepy that he wrote his suicide note as a facebook update.
Earlier today, Martin Streek updated his Facebook status message with words that sound so ominous now. This, it turns out, is Martin's farewell to the world.
So...I guess that's it...thanks everyone...I'm sorry to those I should be sorry to, I love you to those that I love, and I will see you all again soon (not too soon though)... Let the stories begin.
Wow I feel so old as so much as he was so much a part of my life every Friday, Saturday and sometimes Sunday. I will always going up to The Kingdom in Burlington on Friday's; the couple of times I went to the Phoenix and the Sunday's @ Whiskey Saigon were some of the kick ass times in my life as I did score a VIP card from an ex of mine for a year once. Now even if I didn't manage to go up there it always pumped me up to hear the stuff on the live to air shows that they never played at all during the week. The Ministry, Skinny Puppy, Sisters of Mercy and nowadays Killswitch Engage. Although the shows have gone on for the most part since he was let go from the station in May, it's not going to be the same as I've been listening to him for 20 years. He won't ever reappear on some other station like Chris Sheppard and give me a change to think my opinion.
You'll be missed Martin :'-(
I went! It was chilly and looked like it was going to rain, but it held off. Consumed lemonade, pizza and I came home with some fish and a large stuffed animal. score!
haha, do you have shell OCD and ALWAYS arrange them? or did you just do it for the pic?
Sounds like a good time. I just missed the ending of the winner from last year and watched like one guy. I got back right when the last person finished and they where figuring out who won. I like how the play it over speakers through out the festival. That Per-session is pretty cool. I didn't see the eruption though not sure when that happens though. Thanks for the picture posting.