I just got the tickets yesterday. If anyone wants tomorrow @ the Starbucks on Elmwood to pick them up let me know. I would offer tonight but I'm staying late working OT.
Vincent's Journal
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07/01/2009 09:17 #49136
July 3rd Bisions//BPO06/28/2009 05:01 #49105
BPO Bisons 2Crap!
Ok here is where things currently stand. I was assuming that getting a 4th person meant that it was someone other than (e:mrmike) (e:janelle) and myself. (e:mrmike) indicated that he wanted another ticket and that would have made 4 total. If (e:janelle) drops out than I guess there's 1 floating out there. (e:metalpeter) weren't you interested in going?
I'm sorry for all of this miscommunication. I'll try to call the Bisons today and see if they can grab the envolope before it gets mailed to me on Monday to see if I can add/subtract people :-/
Ok here is where things currently stand. I was assuming that getting a 4th person meant that it was someone other than (e:mrmike) (e:janelle) and myself. (e:mrmike) indicated that he wanted another ticket and that would have made 4 total. If (e:janelle) drops out than I guess there's 1 floating out there. (e:metalpeter) weren't you interested in going?
I'm sorry for all of this miscommunication. I'll try to call the Bisons today and see if they can grab the envolope before it gets mailed to me on Monday to see if I can add/subtract people :-/
janelle - 06/28/09 14:32
Okay, perfect. Thanks for all your hard work putting this together, Vincent!
Okay, perfect. Thanks for all your hard work putting this together, Vincent!
mrmike - 06/28/09 12:16
Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good.
Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good.
vincent - 06/28/09 12:09
Yes, Drew is in as well as (e:metalpeter) if he so chooses. Everyone has a ticket and all together in the same row to boot.
Yes, Drew is in as well as (e:metalpeter) if he so chooses. Everyone has a ticket and all together in the same row to boot.
janelle - 06/28/09 11:28
Does this mean that Drew and I can go? Let me know please, so I'm clear! Lol.
Does this mean that Drew and I can go? Let me know please, so I'm clear! Lol.
metalpeter - 06/28/09 11:08
Awesome. That sounds like a plan I would love to go. Just let me know where and when I should meet you and I'll be there.
Awesome. That sounds like a plan I would love to go. Just let me know where and when I should meet you and I'll be there.
vincent - 06/28/09 11:00
Problem solved :-)
I just called up the Bisons this morning & they gave me 2 seats next to the 4! So we're sitting all together, I am gambling a bit since I don't have a full confirmation with (e:metalpeter) but I'm sure I can find 1 person to go if he bows out.
Problem solved :-)
I just called up the Bisons this morning & they gave me 2 seats next to the 4! So we're sitting all together, I am gambling a bit since I don't have a full confirmation with (e:metalpeter) but I'm sure I can find 1 person to go if he bows out.
metalpeter - 06/28/09 10:16
First of all I'm sorry for causing the confusion everyone. Somehow I forgot or didn't see the post about the 4 pack of tickets. In my blog I was talking about 4th of July Stuff and that I might go the bisons game, never even thinking about the foursome. Hey if you wind up with an extra ticket somehow I would buy it off of you. But if not it isn't a big deal because If I went to the bisons game I was going to go down and Buy a ticket on Friday morning since I'm off work. So sorry for the confusion and just let me know what happens thanks.
First of all I'm sorry for causing the confusion everyone. Somehow I forgot or didn't see the post about the 4 pack of tickets. In my blog I was talking about 4th of July Stuff and that I might go the bisons game, never even thinking about the foursome. Hey if you wind up with an extra ticket somehow I would buy it off of you. But if not it isn't a big deal because If I went to the bisons game I was going to go down and Buy a ticket on Friday morning since I'm off work. So sorry for the confusion and just let me know what happens thanks.
mrmike - 06/28/09 08:03
I'm good then
I'm good then
06/27/2009 13:21 #49099
BPO Bisons July 3rd06/16/2009 00:01 #48985
I love comment postsCategory: healthcare
I'm actually right with you (e:dcoffee)
I just loved the line "ultimately force you into an entirely government-run plan" Really? I just love how people love to make the government the boogie man. Seriously, at this point can it be really much worse than what we have now? The bookies that run the insurance companies? Really that's what they are all they do is take in the premiums and just make sure that they keep their "Vig" like some guy booking football keeps his 10% of the action.
Not to be influenced by Michael Moore but Sicko really did it for me. As it's just freaking sick that people get hosed for $10,000 for a non approved ambulance ride & have to choose what finger they want to save. But God bless our capitalist non Government run health care system which given Americans the right to poverty through bankruptcy. Because it's just such more uplifting to have some finance guru douche bag making your health care choices than some government bureaucrat.
If this falls flat on it's face which is a possibility I will always love my Mom for giving me the BIRTHRIGHT of health care by having me in Canada. Which really is always my backup plan if things ever fell apart for me. I'd be over the border so fast waiting me 3 weeks for a OHIP card in St. Catherine's it would be sick.
What gets me is "How are we going to Pay for it?" I don't know but seriously at this point we are past whatever pain threshold we ever may have had as a country it just doesn't matter. After the Bailouts and Stimulus plans it's like we just decided to go for broke at the Casino, there's no sense in stopping now all in the name of fiscal responsibility.
The only thing I can compare it is if you ever went to a Casino with say $100 to spend and you blew it even though you were careful and still wanted to play, then you hit the ATM once, Then Maxed out your card AGAIN after midnight when you had a fresh daily limit to blow.Then after you totally hit yourself in the head against the wall you hit up your credit card for a cash advance. At this point you may still have room on your one card or you may have another card to hit and drain. I'm not sure were we are but I'd have to say we're on the credit cards now. At this point stopping when you're down 3,000 isn't going to be that much different than if you stopped at 4,500.*
I just loved the line "ultimately force you into an entirely government-run plan" Really? I just love how people love to make the government the boogie man. Seriously, at this point can it be really much worse than what we have now? The bookies that run the insurance companies? Really that's what they are all they do is take in the premiums and just make sure that they keep their "Vig" like some guy booking football keeps his 10% of the action.
Not to be influenced by Michael Moore but Sicko really did it for me. As it's just freaking sick that people get hosed for $10,000 for a non approved ambulance ride & have to choose what finger they want to save. But God bless our capitalist non Government run health care system which given Americans the right to poverty through bankruptcy. Because it's just such more uplifting to have some finance guru douche bag making your health care choices than some government bureaucrat.
If this falls flat on it's face which is a possibility I will always love my Mom for giving me the BIRTHRIGHT of health care by having me in Canada. Which really is always my backup plan if things ever fell apart for me. I'd be over the border so fast waiting me 3 weeks for a OHIP card in St. Catherine's it would be sick.
What gets me is "How are we going to Pay for it?" I don't know but seriously at this point we are past whatever pain threshold we ever may have had as a country it just doesn't matter. After the Bailouts and Stimulus plans it's like we just decided to go for broke at the Casino, there's no sense in stopping now all in the name of fiscal responsibility.
The only thing I can compare it is if you ever went to a Casino with say $100 to spend and you blew it even though you were careful and still wanted to play, then you hit the ATM once, Then Maxed out your card AGAIN after midnight when you had a fresh daily limit to blow.Then after you totally hit yourself in the head against the wall you hit up your credit card for a cash advance. At this point you may still have room on your one card or you may have another card to hit and drain. I'm not sure were we are but I'd have to say we're on the credit cards now. At this point stopping when you're down 3,000 isn't going to be that much different than if you stopped at 4,500.*
- I've never blown money like the above paragraph, but I have witness it many times first hand.
06/13/2009 20:12 #48967
They are everywhereCategory: protest
You forgot about these other protesters down North Street!
But I have to say they were clearly Non-Christian more political or in actuality the classification belonging to "Peace" protesters.

You forgot about these other protesters down North Street!
But I have to say they were clearly Non-Christian more political or in actuality the classification belonging to "Peace" protesters.

jason - 06/14/09 23:50
Heh. Oh yeah, the "Free Palestine" guy. He's been around the hood as long as I've been living here.
Heh. Oh yeah, the "Free Palestine" guy. He's been around the hood as long as I've been living here.
metalpeter - 06/14/09 10:23
Nice Picture. That is one reason why I wish I had a cell phone. I would love to be able to mobile post stuff from things that are going on. I wonder if the "Protester" really protest or if they are just trying to spread the word at some place where they know there will be a lot of people.
Nice Picture. That is one reason why I wish I had a cell phone. I would love to be able to mobile post stuff from things that are going on. I wonder if the "Protester" really protest or if they are just trying to spread the word at some place where they know there will be a lot of people.
I wouldn't even know what time because I don't know when I would be done with work and what time I could then get there (did you get my e-mail?).
lemme know when and I will.
That would work. What time? I'm office bound till about 4:30 ish