So, Jim Heaney of the Buffalo News ran a story about how Councilmember David and the Brown administration are under investigation from the DA and the FBI. Hurrah!
This is just part of an endless stream of scandals. $30,000 of anti-poverty money used to purchase blackberries. Over a million in anti-poverty money being used to run a restaurant. Sending emails to city employees telling them they had to work on his campaign.
Property taxes are lower, but assessments raise the price of homes and the total amount taxed. Violent crime is up 6.5% this year. What economic development has taken place? A new court house is not long term development. Tearing down the aud is not long term development.
Charges of ethics violations, election law crimes, endless corruption, and failure to meet most campaign promises would topple the mayor of a better city. But we are not a better city. We are a good city run by bad people.
A few days later, the Mayor handed in 21,000 signatures on his petitions for reelection. He needed only 2,000 to qualify.
But, he has a challenger! South district councilmember Mickey Kearns is gunning for the Mayor's office. Rumor has it that scandals and corruption in the Brown administration are going to send people flocking to support Kearns. Rumor has it that he should be handing in over 3,500 signatures!
Wait, 3,500? That is it?
We do not have a mayor with a vision for a sustainable future for our city. But he will be mayor for four more years as he does not have a serious challenger. With a number like 3.5K it isn't even certain that he will be on the ballot.
Really? There has to be someone around here who wont flop around the political stage like a fish.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/15/2009 11:58 #49297
Change Buffalo06/25/2009 16:35 #49080
Who wants to rub elbows with the local political elite tomorrow, eat a whole mess of clams, and drink beer for free? If you can volunteer some time to help out at Sam Hoyt's Clambake at the West Side Rowing Club and be there between 4:30-5:00 and stay until dark you will have a full belly and be quite tipsy.
Work is mostly directing traffic at the beginning, and then picking up trash at the end. With considerable time in between to ear drink and be merry.
Come on, who wants in?
Who wants to rub elbows with the local political elite tomorrow, eat a whole mess of clams, and drink beer for free? If you can volunteer some time to help out at Sam Hoyt's Clambake at the West Side Rowing Club and be there between 4:30-5:00 and stay until dark you will have a full belly and be quite tipsy.
Work is mostly directing traffic at the beginning, and then picking up trash at the end. With considerable time in between to ear drink and be merry.
Come on, who wants in?
lilho - 07/17/09 15:15
i would have if i lived there, i love clams!
i would have if i lived there, i love clams!
james - 06/25/09 22:08
Sweet! If you don't know where the West Side Rowing club is here are terrible directions.
Take Porter until nearly the end, there is a road without a name or marking on the right hand side just past the entrance to LaSalle Park. If the road bends to the left, you went too far.
Otherwise, let me email you both my phone number in case there are problems.
Sweet! If you don't know where the West Side Rowing club is here are terrible directions.
Take Porter until nearly the end, there is a road without a name or marking on the right hand side just past the entrance to LaSalle Park. If the road bends to the left, you went too far.
Otherwise, let me email you both my phone number in case there are problems.
mrmike - 06/25/09 21:26
yeah, why not
yeah, why not
drew - 06/25/09 20:44
Yes, I do!
Yes, I do!
tinypliny - 06/25/09 19:38
I just recalled how completely in bliss you were when you ate those clams two whole years back. HAHAA
I just recalled how completely in bliss you were when you ate those clams two whole years back. HAHAA
06/24/2009 12:54 #49061
Kids love to... come?Gentlemen,
I urge you to view this only if you do not posses a heart condition.
I urge you to view this only if you do not posses a heart condition.
james - 07/11/09 09:40
Oh yes, ladies are always more than welcome to view my posts.
Here is a link to the horrible video
Oh yes, ladies are always more than welcome to view my posts.
Here is a link to the horrible video
dimartiste - 07/11/09 00:42
Is it alright if ladies view your post? Do you have a link to the video? My computer is old and refuses to upload flashwhatever... just curious.
Is it alright if ladies view your post? Do you have a link to the video? My computer is old and refuses to upload flashwhatever... just curious.
06/11/2009 10:08 #48890
Hello Kitty... ZOMGWTF!
metalpeter - 06/11/09 19:13
That is scary, creepy and weird all at once
That is scary, creepy and weird all at once
libertad - 06/11/09 13:55
That is freaky.
That is freaky.
06/06/2009 13:14 #48849
MGMT KidsThis is my new favorite music video from my new favorite band.
I love plushy monsters with plushy claws.
I love plushy monsters with plushy claws.
jenks - 06/07/09 14:44
Ok, really dumb question.
Is the band name pronounce "M-G-M-T"- or "management"?
Ok, really dumb question.
Is the band name pronounce "M-G-M-T"- or "management"?
terry - 06/06/09 23:06
I've been listening to the MGMT Pandora station for the last couple months myself and like most of what comes on. I stole their CD from a certain houseguest before she could even open it.
Thanks (e:hodown) (though I'm not sure if mentioning you is allowed still) :)
I've been listening to the MGMT Pandora station for the last couple months myself and like most of what comes on. I stole their CD from a certain houseguest before she could even open it.
Thanks (e:hodown) (though I'm not sure if mentioning you is allowed still) :)
jessbob - 06/06/09 19:44
I love the song (was mildly obsessed with it for a while and bought the album as a result), but the original unofficial video kicks this one's ass :::link:::
I love the song (was mildly obsessed with it for a while and bought the album as a result), but the original unofficial video kicks this one's ass :::link:::
metalpeter - 06/06/09 17:29
Well Mom is hot, MILF all the way. On a side note kinda is the kid seeing the monsters or evilness in us all or is he just messed up, maybe mom read him "Where The Wild Things Are" one too many times, ha. It is a good video and I like the music it seems like it ends before it should.
Well Mom is hot, MILF all the way. On a side note kinda is the kid seeing the monsters or evilness in us all or is he just messed up, maybe mom read him "Where The Wild Things Are" one too many times, ha. It is a good video and I like the music it seems like it ends before it should.
Unfortunately Brown will be mayor for quite some time. He's black. In Buffalo. He will only be defeated by another black probably.
My Understanding that the Brown thing is nothing new, that thing of getting city workers to work on your campaign is very old. I won't say it is as old as the Chicago Gangs but for buffalo it isn't new, It is Just a Black Guy doing it now instead of the "Old Money White Boys Club". The corruption under brown won't stick to him. He didn't do it, it was people under him and he will get re-elected for 4 more years. In politics no one ever really goes to jail. It is a rigged system. The System is set up to favor incumbents. It takes lots of money to run for office, but it shouldn't. So then once you get in you Now kinda owe the people who got you in. I say that this is true at all levels. The Honest truth is that if you want a new waterfront or a New Staduim for the Bills, Or a new park, or to be able to have chickens in your Yard. You Have to do it on your own, you Have to be the change. Is that what is called a grass roots movement?
Oh my god I don't mean to repeat post so much but I can see a burgeoning bromance between Mickey Kearns and I. Blue collar boy, son of a city firefighter, started out as a sanitation worker and worked his way up from the bottom to become a successful fundraiser and Common Councilman. He doesn't appear to be a career man like Byron Brown or Antoine Thompson. I might be considering working for a politician's campaign for the first time.
Alright I'm in, I signed up for his e-list.
Byron Brown should be wearing federal property for the misappropriation of funds and abuse of City Hall employees. Do you know what his rationalization was for the city hall employee scandal? "It wasn't illegal because the e-mails were distributed from private property, rather than city property." I'm not making this up - I heard him (or his spokesman, can't remember) say this very thing on NPR this week.
I know absolutely nothing about Mickey Kearns but I support him.
Coffee: I like Kearns a lot. He is a great councilman and is one of the good guys. The fact that he defeated the establishment candidate to get his seat is great. I have no doubt that his motives are good and that he would be a better mayor.
Jason: I don't think a viable second party is all that meaningful in this town. The sort of change that would make a sizable portion of the city change party would be something bigger than Buffalo. There are good politicians and bad politicians and their attending factions. I just hope more good politicians steer those factions to better ends.
Mike: I wonder if Sam will ever run again. He might love what he does in Albany too much, and god did he pass a lot of amazing leg this year.
Drew: You have my vote. Let me know when you want to start fundraising.
I need to wait a few years before I run.
Brown has a 'with us or against us' way of doing business, that's not good for the city. There is a culture of corruption in this city and we need new leaders that view public service as an honor and a privelage, not a means of self glorification.
Sure there's been construction and development in the city during Brown's tenure, but that has more to do with an active and involved public. We've taken a hands on approach to our city because we're sick and tired of waiting for honest leadership at City Hall.
Kearns is not looking for glory, he just wants to be able to do more to help his hometown.
I'm glad I'm a registered Democrat.
There is no credible competition in the Republican Party. People in Buffalo won't ever pull the lever for an R, no matter how shady Brown turns out to be. Change has to come from within the Democratic Party, and I hope you work towards that end.
This is where I get frustrated with the system. It seems like we have been annointing candidates instead of letting the primary system work. Kearns unfortunately stands no chance short of divine intervention. Trying to unseat the sitting mayor of the same party is a tall order in slow thinking Buffalo. The republicans can't really sell anybody so they don't try. To improve on the long nap we are currently under, we need somebody of even higher profile to trump the current setup -- like Sam, perhaps.