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07/13/2009 12:56 #49278

Yay Rock Salt

Beef on Weck
metalpeter - 07/13/09 19:23
That soup was weird but very good, but I thought the Chicken Wing soup from the same place was better taste wise.
jim - 07/13/09 17:49
Roll not role. Was writing authorization code and my fingers are used to typing role.
jim - 07/13/09 16:40
Yup, a kimmelweck role.
hodown - 07/13/09 15:00
Add that to the list of things I miss about B'lo.
tinypliny - 07/13/09 14:12
Is weck the bread-bun?
paul - 07/13/09 13:21
Yum , (e:james) and I had beef on weck soup yesterday at the taste. It was so weird.

07/12/2009 14:12 #49275

Watching out for squirrels

jim - 07/14/09 08:55
I'm worried that since I grew my hair out we're starting to be one of those human/pet combos that match looks just a little too well :)
tinypliny - 07/12/09 15:13
Wow. He has an almost human looking mane. :)

07/11/2009 21:30 #49267

Surfboard 4100 Modem, j'accuse!
Category: internets
So my slow internet problems were due to a cable modem with a known-funky chipset (when it comes to interoperating with Macs on a network).

For two years we've paid for the highest tier of TWC cable internet, and usually had max download speeds of around 200kbs. Then the last month or so it's declined down to about 20kbs for every download, which was ridiculously painful. As in, I could download stuff faster on my phone over cell data networks then I could at home.

That's when I started doing research and found out the problem. I bought a new modem, and we're getting 3mbs average downloads now, and scoring at 14mbs on the speed test sites.

SO MUCH BETTER. We could have had this along :/


Very angry/happy now. I want two years of premium service payments back from TWC. Plus the $3/month rental fee for the TWC-supplied modem. But, OK, I no longer have third world internet access at home.

tinypliny - 07/12/09 00:11
Hehe... I initially had this vision of you and James being sucked into the information highway with mind-blazing speed - but I guess that is not going to happen with.. 384 kilobytes per second? :)
jim - 07/11/09 22:44
It's megabits per second, lowercase 'b' ;)
tinypliny - 07/11/09 22:26

07/11/2009 10:51 #49262

Auto-Tune The Jim
Category: music
I just spent about an hour messing around with auto-tune, and let me tell you, even that can't save my singing voice.

I might try again later, but it was so bad I'm not going to post any snippets of my singing like I'd planned to.

So much for technology!

07/11/2009 09:28 #49261


jim - 07/11/09 21:42
Just in my kitchen :)
theecarey - 07/11/09 20:22
awh, where was this taken?