tinypliny - 07/08/09 13:00 Heh. I thought it was worth a shot... ;-)
jim - 07/08/09 12:29 At UB's tech incubator by north campus. Not sure if it's open to anyone outside the tech startups. :/
tinypliny - 07/08/09 12:19 Wow that looks awesome. Where is this? And can I come?
07/07/2009 21:36 #49223
Physical Thing Is Physical Category: music
Akai APC40 is back ordered!
That is the problem with physical contraptions, as opposed to code/mental things.
Toys take weeks to arrive. It is the really frustrating thing about working with electronics, too, realizing 90% of the way into construction that I needed a 50 cent chip that would take a week to get here and cost $5 shipping. At least this is ONE thing one time, just back ordered until the end of July.
My wrist hurts from using the mouse, I can't wait to use this instead.
P.S. Paul zip up those sound files and email them to me :)
P.P.S. This is what the APC40 is for:
drew - 07/08/09 09:48 very cool toy. I want to play, too!
jason - 07/08/09 08:31 My God. I had no clue you were interested in music. That is one awesome, beautiful toy.
tinypliny - 07/07/09 22:09 Cool - I will be dropping it off @ the 24 tomorrow. Check it out for a week.
tinypliny - 07/07/09 22:01 Ah, that is wise. I can't do that at all. I end up with ultra-cramped wrists. Give the tablet a shot? Or the controller a shot?
jim - 07/07/09 21:57 Tinypliny: moving from the elbow/shoulder instead of twisting at the wrist. I pretend my wrist bones are fused together... If I move the mouse with my wrist I get pain within about 30 minutes so I know when I do that :)
jim - 07/07/09 21:56 I'd like to give it a shot if you don't mind, despite my concerns.
tinypliny - 07/07/09 21:56 Keep us posted on how this works out! I would be really interested in hearing about it. :)
I don't know how you can operate a regular
mouse without lateral motion??!! Do you have some kind a rollerball mouse?
tinypliny - 07/07/09 21:52 But that's just it. You don't write. Writing requires precision control, constricted grasping and pressure for making the mark on paper/surface. With the stylus, you will just be waving it like a stick in air. There is no constrictive motion. If you like, I can loan my tablet to you for a few days, so you can check it out. Drop me an email - I can leave it at Paul's.
jim - 07/07/09 21:51 And I don't move my wrist laterally - the problem is that I can't seem to maintain good posture when using a mouse for extended periods of time. I have managed to get excellent posture and really good ergonomics, but something about using a mouse makes me slump.
I am about 99% keyboard only in general computing tasks, and with this MIDI controller I can be about 90% non-mouse in making music, so I think it'll work out fine.
jim - 07/07/09 21:49 The only thing that causes me pain aside from using a mouse is writing / pens unfortunately, so I'm not sure if that'd work.
tinypliny - 07/07/09 21:46 Jim, if you wrists hurt from using mice, you NEED THIS --> amazon.com/review/R104JOWJNFTKTS/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm
It is, hands down, the best thing ever for wrist pain. It is exactly like using a pen (and waving it in the air - so no strain). It completely relieves lateral movement at the wrist joint (which is primarily the cause of most strain).
jim - 07/06/09 12:14 101 ounces, 6 people, $25 I think.
dimartiste - 07/06/09 12:08 How much beer was in that tube? How many people were drinking? How much does that tubal beer drinking exprience cost?
Thanks for the photos! Wicked!
tinypliny - 07/06/09 08:32 Does it have a pipe to drink out of?
07/04/2009 22:55 #49190
Erie Harbor
Missed most of the fireworks and then lost Heidi and Tinypliny.
But a pretty night.
tinypliny - 07/06/09 08:33 Well, then it was totally worth missing some of those puny fireworks. :)
metalpeter - 07/05/09 10:15 I can't figure out how you lost those two and missed most of the fireworks. But what I will say is that it is funny how people in a crowd don't see each other. With out knowing how much of a zoom you used it is hard to say but you could have been right behind me. In any event nice picture and I hope you still had a great time.
jim - 07/05/09 10:14 Tinypliny: I thought everyone was meeting us where we were, but then the fireworks started and I wanted to sit next to James so I had to run around to find him and missed half the fireworks. But I did find him :)
tinypliny - 07/04/09 23:56 I hooted and whooped like a 8 year old. It was a spectacle. haha
tinypliny - 07/04/09 23:54 What happened? How did you miss them??? You were like... RIGHT THERE!!???
I vote for whatever (e:james) said right below.
Oh man, a sitcom about Hu Juntao and Angela Merkel trading bodies ala Freaky Friday would be so very good.
Ego measurement, IMO.
Dead wrong.
The competition was for most creative leisure suits.
America- Fuck yeah!