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07/11/2009 09:28 #49261
Meow?07/10/2009 16:35 #49253
YOU GOT ME RIBBONSCategory: lulz
theecarey - 07/11/09 01:11
I still love the lolz
I still love the lolz
dimartiste - 07/10/09 22:50
FUNNY! Definately funny! Thanks for the late night laugh!
FUNNY! Definately funny! Thanks for the late night laugh!
07/10/2009 12:41 #49248
So hungryYay lunch.
metalpeter - 07/10/09 19:08
Not really a hot dog fan but those look pretty good, Hope at Ted's you also got some side dish like maybe a thing of Cheese Fries.
Not really a hot dog fan but those look pretty good, Hope at Ted's you also got some side dish like maybe a thing of Cheese Fries.
mrmike - 07/10/09 13:19
Was just there yesterday, most pleasing food coma followed.
Was just there yesterday, most pleasing food coma followed.
joshua - 07/10/09 12:45
Damn, three with virtually everything. What's in the cup - did you go with the classic beverage?
Damn, three with virtually everything. What's in the cup - did you go with the classic beverage?
07/09/2009 13:48 #49242
Bugtinypliny - 07/09/09 14:49
- freakout* I had this HUMONGOUS dragonfly in my office last year and I totally gave everyone anxious moments by throwing a BIG dramatic freakout. I don't know what I might have done if I had seen that!
07/08/2009 16:52 #49235
PROUD TO BE AN AMERICANCategory: politics
Just in my kitchen :)
awh, where was this taken?