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07/12/2009 00:02 #49270

Category: eating out
I had a fun-taste-tick time at the Taste of Buffalo. It was pouring in the morning but it cleared up beautifully by around four.

I sampled a good variety of really appetizing stuff, learnt how to make a fairly complicated Turkish dessert, came home and made an inspired crunchy stir-fry.

The Turkish Cultural Centre of Buffalo demonstrated the art of making traditional Turkish Baklava and a savoury little appetizer called Borek. It was quite interesting. The culinary stage was too high for me get direct shots of their cooking. I had to instead resort to somewhat blurry shots of the broadcasting TV screens.

Baklava starts with layers of "filo" dough.

Twenty layers of filo dough are stacked atop each other with a generous brushing of clarified butter between each layer.

Then comes a layer of grated walnuts and sugar, followed by twenty more layers of butter-sandwiched filo dough layers. At this point, I was consciously wondering what the rates of cardiovascular diseases in Turkey were. I think they must have got through 75% of that box of butter.

The Baklava came out of the oven looking heavenly. They brushed it with a sugar-lemon glaze and topped it with grated pistachios. It started raining and I was probably their only non-Turkish audience. They let me take this shot from inside the stage trailer.

It was delicious enough to make me forget that probably a week's worth of calories were packed into this small triangle.

The Turks also demonstrated Borek - a savoury deep fried savoury pastry roll filled with feta cheese, mozzarella cheese and parsley.

The rich flaky pastries were accompanied by slow-brewed Turkish tea. They put this traditional turkish kettle on when they started their show. It brewed for a complete 40 minutes before they handed out a deeply burgundy-golden coloured tea. It was strong, bitter and completely refreshing in the rain.

The "Cina-Monkees" - a vegan dessert from Craftsmen cafe, was interesting and went pretty well with the Turkish tea.

The previously publicized dark chocolate covered funana was fun. :)

Got to hear a couple bands in transit.

The White Chocolates were egged on by a completely smashed undergraduate crowd in the beer tent. They played a string of MJ hits. Random people within hearing range launched into personal versions of the MJ dances. It was weirdly hilarious.

Jon Seiger and the All Stars played some awesome jazz tunes. Some talented couples from the crowd broke out into ballroom jazz dances in front of the stage. It was a curious contrast to the MJ fever simultaneously razing another part of the festival.

I also sampled a salad from the Polish stall, fruit juice samples, a bruschetta pizza from one of the Italian restaurant stalls (I forget which one. There were so many of them!), a mango smoothie and some chips with salsa.

Overall, quite a well-spent and enjoyable food experience. :)
dimartiste - 07/15/09 12:32
I missed going this year. We had a death in my BFF's family, so I choose to start the dreaded summer projects. Thanks for the great photos and running commentary!
tinypliny - 07/12/09 09:22
Where was the "crankshaft"?
metalpeter - 07/12/09 09:18
Glad you had a good time. That one band with the girl on Guitar I did hear a bit of them. Those girls at crankshaft where a little bit prettier then the pictures shows them, I got some good food there also.

07/09/2009 16:23 #49243

The island poll
Category: opinion
This is something I was chatting to (e:Jim) about in the chat-space. (Notice how I say "to (e:Jim)". Yeah, I wasn't really sure if he was chatting back.)

Anyhow, the poll is about "holding on" to "stuff" in your life and the question is:

Were you forced to leave your current residence RIGHT NOW FOREVER and take two inanimate purely materialistic things with you - and strictly two things, (Ideally, in these kind of scenarios, you are only allowed ONE THING, but I am being slightly generous and slighly shifty here. I want to take two things, you see and this is my party island blog!) what would these two things be?

I am voting:
- My rice cooker
- My newer laptop

I just want to get an idea about what kinds of (money-bought) stuff (e:strip) peeps would generally want to hold on to.

PS: I know. I know. There is no mention of being stranded on an island. That just seemed like a good cliched title for the post. Oh, and I don't want to deal with all kinds of complications and restrictions of a bona-fide island stranding. If I wanted to be *that* unrealistic, I would just have had to say, food or some such practical boring thing.

dimartiste - 07/15/09 13:06
Sorry about that just found out all the left overs were eaten last night and I have to get ready for the Wednesday Card night. I pushed the wrong button.

See here. I will be honest my first impression is I have no clue. My second response is that I have answered this question daily for a week and it changes everyday. Therefore I still have no clue.

Today's response is my hospital bag: water bottle, snack, money, crochet hook, knitting needles, scissors, dad's medication list, yarn with at least two projects already started, a book, a journal, pencil (i think that's all) AND my purse which usually but is not limited too: wallet, checkbook, pen, water bottle, allergy meds, inhalers, digital camera (unless it is next to the computer to upload), holder pack of usb drivers with current computer projects, hand sanitizer, pencils, eyeliner, lipsticks, eyeliner sharpener, keys, travel pack of tissues, Stop pain, Extra Strength Tylenol bottle, Immodeum AD bottle, Vitamin C bottle, Migraine Meds, Curiously Strong Mints - Cinnamin, book, journal, toothpaste and a toothbrush.

Yesterday's response: my teddy bear and my tiger throw.

Day before yesterday's response: take my master portfolio (which is not compiled yet, but I have all the parts - i think) and my computer.

I like everyone else's responses, especially the unmentionables!

Go figure!
dimartiste - 07/15/09 12:46
tinypliny - 07/12/09 09:21
Lipgloss, condoms, whore-numbers, pets with strapped-on guitars, guns, phones, bikes, laptops, rice-cookers, cameras, anime-lunchboxes, mp3 players, money arcade sticks and possibly, drunk revelling.

Forget emergency camps. This reads like an exotic holiday resort packing list. Heh.
metalpeter - 07/10/09 18:54
Well since My Photo Albums can't go, I'm taking this in a new direction. Condoms and Artvoice so I can get some whores to the island, woo hoo, HA.
heidi - 07/10/09 16:17
I am *so* hanging out with (e:theecarey).
drew - 07/10/09 15:06
Buckley gave up his free will a long time ago. He lives only to make me happy.
theecarey - 07/10/09 15:04
damn, I was getting excited about the idea of strapping an item or two to my cats backs. I doubt they would select on their own anything I would want. Unless what I want are mousies and a catnip stuffed George Bush chew doll.

Come to think of it, I carry a smallish bag stuffed with money, current book selection, notepad, suduko puzzle book, mechanical pencil, hand sanitizer, lip gloss, tissues, a protein bar, MP3 Player, Phone, camera, laptot/netbook, moisturizer, water bottle & ragged tiny piece of my 'blankey' (good grief!), Keys with flash light and a thin sweater. Toss my cats in and I really do have my favorite 'needful' things on me at most times. However, if you see me in public, this bag is in my car and I just grab my phone and money card 8/10 times as I like to wander around without burden.

So my bag (counts as ONE! mwhahahaha) and my flat stuffed animal as it also serves a pillow- and I will appear to have many things to get me through this crazy Buffalo Hurricane in physical and psychological comfort.

See ya there! haha

tinypliny - 07/10/09 12:58
I am not sure that they put you in a nudist colony when there is an evacuation emergency. Do they?

Regular everyday clothes can't possibly count as materialistic. (e:Jim) wanted to sneak in his phone - a 100% materialistic thing and that's blatant rule-violation. Maybe if you were wearing a oscar red-carpet walk-the-walk designer tuxedo, that could be counted as materialistic.

Oh and you absolutely can't impose your will on your pets! They will have feline and canine moderators. Buckley and the cats get to carry their own choice of top-two items.

(e:Janelle) needs to make a decision very very soon!

(e:theli): The island is a hypothetical emergency construct suggestive of oppression and limited means. So an anime boxset/lunch box combo is a dvd/video set in which you can store food? Honestly, you own the most bizzare things! I didn't even know there were space-age consoles all over the place that you could plug your brain into... With all this high-end paraphernalia, you might actually survive this exigency.
theli - 07/10/09 11:35
(e:tinypliny) So...we ARE being stranded on an island after all?

Your post is confusing. :D

And no, only one anime boxset/lunchbox combo in my collection. It's just my favorite anime.

And the arcade stick I've referring to is one that you can plug into a console to play games with.

I think I might actually have more hope in finding a good arcade on a random island than I do in finding one in Buffalo... *sighs*
drew - 07/10/09 11:09
(e:tiny) does that mean things on our person count? Then I will be extra slow in leaving, since I will have to eat the food, drink the beer, take off my clothes (easier after drinking all the beer) grab my bike and guitar, and then go!

Hopefully, one of Janelle's two things will be the camera. I forgot about that.

oh wait! If pets count as living things than they get to carry things out! Buckly will take the camera with him, and my other guitar (or my laptop if I took it home) I will let Janelle pick what the cats will carry.

Hopefully the red cross, or some embarrassed neighbor, will arrive quickly with some clothes.
tinypliny - 07/10/09 09:40
WHOA. Since when did a simple island poll turn into a suicidal cult picnic? Besides, I am not sure (e:Paul) would cut a responsible cult figure.

I am all for sharing (especially publicly unmentionable stuff) but this is like a Saffir-Simpson category five buffalo hurricane scenario. Who knows... maybe your blankey might not make it in one piece.

(e:Jim): You WILL be frisked for a third item! You underhand non-regulation item cheating is being monitored.

jim - 07/10/09 08:38
And my phone will be with my automatically since it's not store 'at home', but rather in my pocket. Another useful tool ;)
jim - 07/10/09 08:37
Two items then, laptop and camera - the hardest to replace financially and both are useful tools.

Luckily I don't have to worry about grabbing an external hard drive thanks to offsite backups :)
heidi - 07/10/09 00:31
Of course! ;-)
theecarey - 07/10/09 00:29
are we all being forced out of our homes at the same time and showing up together at the same exact island? maybe we can confer first? see who has what, and go from there :)

is this the making of an official (e:strip) commune? Should we all wear Converse (bought by Nike, right?) sneaks? Just gotta be careful of (e:paul)'s purple koolaid! ;)

real question though is (e:heidi) willing to share this non publicly mentionable item? hmmmmmmmm? hehe
theecarey - 07/10/09 00:21
but besides my furblobs, if only considering truly materialistic items, hmm.. again, my external hard drive, and um.. my favorite stuffed animal or my blankey. shut up. ;)
theecarey - 07/10/09 00:16
my two cats.

if they are considered "one", then I will add my external hard drive to what I grab.
tinypliny - 07/09/09 23:03
@(e:drew): Logistically speaking, won't you feel sick after eating everything in the fridge and drinking the beer? Especially if you need to lug a guitar and ride your bike later?? And yeah, you can say goodbye to your laptop in that case. It's too late to save it!

@(e:metalpeter): No mercy. 2 items only. That photo album thing looks like a plural to me!
drew - 07/09/09 22:22
I left my laptop at work so: guitar and bike.

unless maybe there is something good in the fridge.

Can I eat the food/drink the beer and then run out with my two things?
metalpeter - 07/09/09 19:32
All of my Photos Albums.
My Camera
tinypliny - 07/09/09 19:04
(e:theli): You actually have enough number of anime boxset\lunchbox combos to pick a favourite out of them?! Interesting. VERY interesting. :p And is an arcade stick like a thing you insert in game slot machines to get unlimited plays or something? How do you know this island is going to have a game arcade??

(e:Jim). NO! Approximations are not allowed. This is an exercise in precision! No guns. No other thing with a working nervous system! And that's that.
jim - 07/09/09 17:41
My dog is very lazy. By approximation inanimate.
theli - 07/09/09 17:16
Favorite anime boxset/lunch box combo.

Arcade stick.

A think the loss of much of my belongings may be a blessing in disguise.
tinypliny - 07/09/09 17:10
(e:Jim), you are going to get into really deep trouble right there. The specific operative words were:
- inanimate.
- money-bought.

(e:Paul). YES! you have to own it already! You can't possibly have any other new things when you don't have any money and are being oppressed. And OMG, I hope I am not in the same island as you will be.
paul - 07/09/09 17:06
Do you have to already own the thing? If not, I guess my phone and a gun, seeing as I was being forced from my house.
tinypliny - 07/09/09 17:06
Publically unmentionable. Hmmm... ;) Now we all would like to know what that is!! Way to drive us crazy!

Wow. I didn't realize that camera of yours was this pricey! You know, after reading your comment, maybe I would still not be so shaken up if I didn't have my laptop...

I wonder if people will have a really hard time with this poll if they were to answer it most truthfully. I certainly had... It kind of tells you how much you are counting on certain things... for instance, being able to cook perfect rice in 20 minutes.
jim - 07/09/09 17:06
Dog and laptop. Or maybe James.
heidi - 07/09/09 16:51
- 1 publicly unmentionable item, $20 purchase price, but it's unique and I would not be able to replace it exactly.
- my camera gear, $750 value

I really had to debate between the 1TB drive and the camera... and then I realized that most of my good pix are online already. Losing all my files would be a serious pain but I could recover. My camera is something that if I had to start over with material belongings, I couldn't justify buying soon, but it gives me so much pleasure that I'd be crushed not to have it.

07/08/2009 21:08 #49237

World of Wokcraft
Category: eating in
Can you imagine the sheer deadweight of concussion-inducing wok-power on that wall in the background?


This is not a restaurant wall or even a wok showroom. This wall is "at home". I think if I had these many frying contraptions in my kitchen, I would be somewhat uneasy at the thought of cooking in it...
tinypliny - 07/09/09 20:00
You are awfully observant and you totally have a point! I am wondering what the story behind that wall is...
metalpeter - 07/09/09 19:36
Sorry something is up with that. Here is why some of those aren't Woks. The other thing is that if you look you can see two scales. I'm wondering if maybe she lives with a family and cooks all their meals or something.

07/06/2009 15:06 #49207

We refill ink.
Category: the odes
That is good to know.


But who will refill this ink?


The Meadow Brook milk factory?

Why would anyone want a gallon refill of ink? Wouldn't it be more helpful if they advertised, "We refill milk"?

07/05/2009 00:09 #49191

Dennis definitely has a bigger boat.
Category: buffalo
Overheard at the height of the finale of fireworks at the Erie harbour.

First Old Man: (Jostling all the kids watching the fireworks in front of him) Do you see that? That, over there?

Second Old Man: (Elbowing his way to the first old man) Yeah, I see it. Yeah, it's smaller. It is really smaller than Dennis's boat.

First Old Man: (Completely focused on the boat in the water, fireworks are going off like crazy around him.): YEAH, Dennis definitely has a bigger boat than this one!!!

tinypliny - 07/09/09 20:01
hahaha... that was hilarious, (e:metalpeter). LOL what a picture!
metalpeter - 07/05/09 10:25
See that is why you need to get there early so you can see all the boats and enjoy them. I find the entire double parking triple parking in one spot 7 boats pretty interesting. The first boat attaches to that little floating walk way. Then the next boat has to attach to the first boat. So as the boat pulls up the throw the line to someone on boat one and then they tie them up. I assume that this means unless you climb onto some else boat (sounds bad allready) and then untie and then Jump back onto your boat then that same boat has to untie you. But not only that but that boat can't leave untill boat 2 leaves. Like I said think about how that must work where there are 7 boats. I think when I first got there it was 5 not sure though. Those people on the boats where living it up in the cold. One has like a grill right on the back of it. Others had stuff set up on the dock. I even saw on the permenent deck dock part we all stood on what looked like a statilite dish with a compus on it. I assume it has to point a certain way. I assume you had a great time, hope so.
james - 07/05/09 01:36
Whatever, Dennis' boat is tiny compared to that one. It is all hull.