Why would a spouse you suspect of cheating hold on yet try to catch you in lies and spy on you?
Heres what i think.
A. A Guilty Conscious
I would say to make an attempt to show he/she is just so in to you, plus they need to keep up with your whereabouts so they can do their dirt. I know, I've just gone through that. My ex would call me constantly "to see where I am" only to find out he was cheating on me the entire time.
This reminds me of ''The best defense is a good offense.'' (i.e. if you are verbally attacked, attack back, and it'll keep 'em guessing).
Someone wrote me this.....
My partner does this to me ALL the time. He calls me every hour on the hour to see where i am or what im doing and who im doing it with. Only to find out, he wasnt working like he said, but was with another woman that i know. This woman takes my children to and from school. This woman used to be a close friend of mine. My husband comes home from work, straight to the bathroom to shower and change. Puts his own clothes in the hamper or wash. Im sitting home with 3 kids and he knows i can't go everywhere all the time, so he makes plans with his pals to go out when im unable to up and go. Thats when he meets up with her. Ive been with him 11 yrs. I want to leave, but my children will suffer from all this. I love him as a person, but im not in love with him. I can't be. He has done this since my second child, I've took him back and forgave him, BUT i couldn't forget. I can't trust him at all. He tells me all the time he hates coming home to me, that im nothing, and that the only reason he hasn't left yet is because he doesn't want to pay all that child support (3 kids). I don't know really what to do. Im trying to do whats right for my kids, but is it worth it to be miserable all your life?
My Answer
Leave him for your kids, let your kids learn how NOT to be abused. You will be happy again.
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So Wait I get that he is a Killer now... But he dated one as well? Wonder if that is how he learned.... Now I'm confused.... In any event how crazy... Like why not just kick the person out instead of hacking them to pieces and shipping them all over the place?
heh....he now IS a canadian serial killer!
i saw online that you dated a canadian serial killer? is that for reals?