Being judged on how you look is hard too, especially on your self esteem....because everyone has their own idea of what beauty is. To one person I may be drop dead georgous and to the next I might be hidious.
Im a male model, this is my profession...if you don't like it then why are you reading about me?

Luka Magnotta
Well first thing I saw was an article where he talks about being a plastic Surgery Addict. Then the next one is about a rumor he was dating a Serial Killer in Canada and that mentioned he/you are in I think it said adult movies. it is hard to know what is true some times and that was just a quick search.
(e:metalpeter)- So after I commented on this I called (e:Paul) and was like OMG new dude. We googled him. I suggest you do too. Scandal-o-rama!!
(e:hodown) good point based on this picture.
I admit I know nothing about gay (male) Porn or male modeling, but I think there is a certain look that is kinda in both. The one example I can give is I used to get this catalog called Absolute Male. The clothes where amazing. Most of them where dress clothes but some leather. I don't like dressing up but I would have worn these clothes except one thing. If you looked at the models none of them where built like me. I didn't think that any of the clothes would look right on me. That is true with leather I think. Big Tall wide shoulder guy looks like a rock star or biker or bad ass, but a skinny dude looks gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Again I don't know about fashion but I have heard that it is mostly run my ladies and gay guys, so it would make sense.......
Male model or gay porn star? Based on your few posts it seems like a fine line..