Just decided to google mike visco and the third result is (e:paul)'s journal about mine and (e:terry)'s birthday one year which includes a video of me reading dramatically from a porn magazine. And that my friends is why i think i could never become a teacher .
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/24/2009 12:31 #49057
My Third Result On Google06/22/2009 23:47 #49035
Maybe I should buy a house?I decided to buy my credit score from myfico.com today and was quite impressed with it. I mean i have never really had any strife in my life and so i have never had to go into debt so that helped a lot. I am also really quite anal about paying everything on time and not having balances. I also just got my interest rate reduced by a percent on my student loans for paying on time for like 5 years in a row or something which was exciting. My dad also made me get a credit card at like 17 to start building credit which I think was a good thing cuz they say longevity counts. So if only i had any money now would be the time to buy a house and get a good mortgage rate right? cuz who knows what will happen to my score in the future!
paul - 06/23/09 00:47
Nonna's would be a good starter house.
Nonna's would be a good starter house.
06/17/2009 22:59 #48996
Little Miss ChatterboxSo me and (e:Mk) were in Target the other day before we went to see the Hangover (which was hilar by the way). ANyway so i used to collect these little Miss and Mr books which never really took off here but were bigger in europe. ANywho they are starting to take off here and have like a tv show and toys and stuff now. And thye had this Miss Chatterbox that when you press her special spot she talked. But the weird part was she talked in French so we read the whole box which was all in english and it said nothing about French and all the other ones spoke in english. It must have been totally a mistake liek that was supposed to go down the conveyor belt to the France box but ended up in the Buffalo Target box by mistake. It was more entertaining than it sounds now that I am writ5ing this. But it was relaly strange!
totally unrelated...my favorite clip from my favorite yet scariest movie of all time

totally unrelated...my favorite clip from my favorite yet scariest movie of all time

james - 06/17/09 23:23
Great, now Carol Channing is going to haunt my nightmares.
Great, now Carol Channing is going to haunt my nightmares.
06/12/2009 09:41 #48894
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!!That's right it's (e:libertads) birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope this year is the best one yet for you, for us, for everything! I couldn't ask for anyone better!!!!!!!!

Look even Buffawhat is celebrating your birthday by having a big ol' cigar!

Look even Buffawhat is celebrating your birthday by having a big ol' cigar!
metalpeter - 06/12/09 18:26
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
tinypliny - 06/12/09 16:16
jenks - 06/12/09 16:08
Happy happy happy birthday!!!
Happy happy happy birthday!!!
james - 06/12/09 15:46
wait... so this means Saturday's party is your birthday party? This changes everything.
wait... so this means Saturday's party is your birthday party? This changes everything.
terry - 06/12/09 14:01
Happy happy B-day!
Happy happy B-day!
paul - 06/12/09 12:25
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday.
heidi - 06/12/09 12:24
Have a wonderful day, Dave!!
Have a wonderful day, Dave!!
hodown - 06/12/09 10:43
Happy Birthday Dave!
Happy Birthday Dave!
mrmike - 06/12/09 10:35
Dave, hope it is a great one!
Dave, hope it is a great one!
libertad - 06/12/09 10:09
Thanks Mike!
Thanks Mike!
06/10/2009 22:34 #48886
Zack Morris on Jimmy FallonI don't love Jimmy Fallon but he had Zach Morris, yes thats right you read that right, Zach Morris (not mark paul gosseler) on his show the other night and it was amazingly amazing fantastic. It ends with a rendition of Friends Forever with the Roots! it is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch it!

I think that plus the lack of a teaching degree. You know what though. It doesn't stop you from being a pharmacist!
HAHAHA I remember that video. You are so klassy!!!
im just hoping my online identity will fade into the cracks by the time i graduate which is really never.
You could be a Teacher it would Just Have to be Sex Ed or what ever it is called now. You could also maybe teach Drama or what ever it is called where people do plays.
James had to remove a couple naughty things from (e:strip) when he was in teacher school.
I know how you feel. For a while the first image that came up on google images when you typed in my name was a nude photo (e:Paul) took of me in the shower a while back. I asked him numerous times to take it down. I'm not sure if he ever did. So I gave up on being a teacher and am now focusing on my porn career. It offers more money anyways!