Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Russia is willing to abandon nuclear weapons, if the United States and all other countries that have them do the same.
"If those who made the atomic bomb and used it are ready to abandon it â€" like, I hope, other nuclear powers officially and unofficially owning them â€" of course we will welcome and facilitate this process in all ways," Putin said, according to state-owned RIA Novosti news agency.
Putin spoke at a meeting with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who said earlier that the idea of scrapping nuclear arms altogether rather than limiting their proliferation was a real prospect.
"The goal of global zero is not a game for utopians, but will be taken up by the doyens of U.S. foreign policy as well as by German and Polish politicians," Steinmeier said.
In a joint declaration on April 1, President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ordered negotiators to start work on a new treaty reducing their nuclear stockpiles as a first step toward "a nuclear-weapon-free world."
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in televised comments added that no unilateral steps on the nuclear issue were foreseen.
Eliminating the nuclear threat held by the former Cold War enemies was raised at a 1986 summit in Reykjavik, Iceland, between President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
Putin's announcement came on the same day as a top Russian general warned of the dangers of cutting the number of nuclear warheads possessed by Russia and the Unites States to less than 1,500 each.
Col.-Gen. Nikolai Solovtsov, the chief of the military's Strategic Missile Forces, said in remarks carried by Russian news agencies that it will be up to the Kremlin to make the final decision on how deep the cuts should be.
"We believe that we mustn't go below 1,500 warheads," Solovtsov was quoted as saying. "But in any case the issue will be decided by the political leadership."
Russian and U.S. officials are currently negotiating a successor deal to the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START I, which expires in December. Negotiators are to give a progress report to their presidents by the time Obama visits Moscow on July 6-8.
Steinmeier met Medvedev on Wednesday and was expected to discuss economic ties and human rights. The trial of former Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky is being watched in Germany with particular interest as a measure of Russia's commitment to the rule of law.
Steinmeier also met with editors at newspaper Novaya Gazeta, one of Russia's few remaining media outlets critical of the government.
Lukamagnotta's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/23/2009 21:01 #49049
Putin Will Abandon Nukes If Others Do06/23/2009 20:56 #49048
Its Hard Being So Hot06/23/2009 20:28 #49046
Telman Ismailov's Billion Dollar hotelBillionaire Telman Ismailov has built Europes most expensive Hotel.
Take a look at the Photos
Telman Ismailov and Actress Monica Bellucci look on during a press conference on the launch day of the Mardan Palace at the Mardan Palace Hotel on May 23, 2009 in Antalya, Turkey. Mariah Carey, Seal and Tom Jones have all been hired to perform at the launch of Europe's most expensive luxury resort - the USD1.65 billion Mardan Palace Hotel on the Turkish Riviera.

Take a look at the Photos
Telman Ismailov and Actress Monica Bellucci look on during a press conference on the launch day of the Mardan Palace at the Mardan Palace Hotel on May 23, 2009 in Antalya, Turkey. Mariah Carey, Seal and Tom Jones have all been hired to perform at the launch of Europe's most expensive luxury resort - the USD1.65 billion Mardan Palace Hotel on the Turkish Riviera.

06/23/2009 19:27 #49045
unsafe Hollywood NeighbourhoodsEast and Mid-town (Central) Hollywood, that is , unless you know good street smarts and are genuinely interested in discovering the ethnic neighborhoods, esp. Little Amenia. This area of Ho-town includes a portion of the major streets, Santa Monica Blvd and Sunset Bvd ( but especially Santa Monica Blvd).
This is the very unglamorous part of Hollywood that is hardly ever seen on TV. There is relatively more crime and poor conditions here as supposed to posh Hollywood Hills, other western parts and the city of West Hollywood. At least, this area adds to the color and represents the true heartbeat of the city of Los Angeles (and a tremendous sense of non-fakeness which is a definite plus in my book and is something to see just as much as the drab Hollywood sign on the hills).
The area around that street especialy
east of La Brea is very dangerous, and
there are a lot of seedy elements around there. I got assaulted and robbed just south
of Santa Monica blvd not too long ago. The
area is very ugly looking, and it's mostly
film vaults and small enclosed studios.
Be CAREFUL! Best time to do your walking, touring and all that, is during the day. Don't walk around at night. Many homeless people, strange, just all around WEIRD! things going on at night. Keep your car locked and your doors. If you carry a purse..clutch it tight.
possibly the most dangerous city in the usa. i almost got killed once. honest! i was at a stoplight next to a gas station and a gang shooting broke out in the gas station. freaky.
oh and traffic SUCKS, even when there aren't bullets flying.
Like NY's Times Square before it, Hollywood is reinventing itself. There are new malls everywhere, security street patrols, new businesses opening and a notable improvement in the quality of life in the area. This doesn't mean it is wise to lower your guard--after all, this is a major urban area--but crime is down, panhandlers are down, prostitution on Hollywood Blvd is down, and if you stay on the major, well-lit streets at night, you're no more likely to run into trouble than in any other city. BTW, drive-by shootings, carjackings, and gangster activity in general is WAY down in the Los Angeles area in 2004. Probably in part because the would-be perpetrators can't see you well enough to rob you--smog levels are rising after years of relatively clear skies!

Luka Magnotta
This is the very unglamorous part of Hollywood that is hardly ever seen on TV. There is relatively more crime and poor conditions here as supposed to posh Hollywood Hills, other western parts and the city of West Hollywood. At least, this area adds to the color and represents the true heartbeat of the city of Los Angeles (and a tremendous sense of non-fakeness which is a definite plus in my book and is something to see just as much as the drab Hollywood sign on the hills).
The area around that street especialy
east of La Brea is very dangerous, and
there are a lot of seedy elements around there. I got assaulted and robbed just south
of Santa Monica blvd not too long ago. The
area is very ugly looking, and it's mostly
film vaults and small enclosed studios.
Be CAREFUL! Best time to do your walking, touring and all that, is during the day. Don't walk around at night. Many homeless people, strange, just all around WEIRD! things going on at night. Keep your car locked and your doors. If you carry a purse..clutch it tight.
possibly the most dangerous city in the usa. i almost got killed once. honest! i was at a stoplight next to a gas station and a gang shooting broke out in the gas station. freaky.
oh and traffic SUCKS, even when there aren't bullets flying.
Like NY's Times Square before it, Hollywood is reinventing itself. There are new malls everywhere, security street patrols, new businesses opening and a notable improvement in the quality of life in the area. This doesn't mean it is wise to lower your guard--after all, this is a major urban area--but crime is down, panhandlers are down, prostitution on Hollywood Blvd is down, and if you stay on the major, well-lit streets at night, you're no more likely to run into trouble than in any other city. BTW, drive-by shootings, carjackings, and gangster activity in general is WAY down in the Los Angeles area in 2004. Probably in part because the would-be perpetrators can't see you well enough to rob you--smog levels are rising after years of relatively clear skies!

Luka Magnotta
06/23/2009 16:39 #49043
Public ErectionsI have a question that I’d like to get some feedback on. I work out a good amount at my university’s gym and I’ve recently started taking showers afterwards in the public shower just cause its more convenient. I can’t help from getting a semi-erection or even a full out erection when I do. This usually happens to me after i work out, regardless of if Im in a public shower or not. Oftentimes there isn’t anyone in the showers, but yesterday I was taking a shower and had a nearly full erection and there was another guy in the shower. Do you think other guys think this is really weird or awkward, or do they recognize that I can’t control it and it just happens? I don’t want to weird anyone out, and I don’t really know the etiquette on this sort of thing. Could someone enlighten me? Does this kind of thing happen to others, and how do they handle it. Im just trying to take a shower like everyone else, but i can't help from getting hard.

Public Boner
metalpeter - 06/23/09 20:34
I would guess that if they are gay or bi they would think that guy is into me and think that is good and if they aren't gay it would freak them out?
I would guess that if they are gay or bi they would think that guy is into me and think that is good and if they aren't gay it would freak them out?
All I can say is: forrealz you two know each other?
Yo Eric,
It's been a long time, haven't seen you since you moved to the Bahama's. You still mackin' it or have you finally settled down with your wife?
How's your son? Don't forget he needs a good american education.
So fucking mysterious you are, WTF are you doing on a little Buffalonian web-site like this?
dude...seriously, I mean this in the nicest way possible, shut the fuck up!
If by hot you mean not hot at all then yes- Im sure its a terrible burden for you to live with.