Thought I broke my connection before. I was downloading some music and things just stopped. Reset everything only to find out it was Time Warner's fault. As a former reboot monkey, I am glad I was not on those phones for a couple of hours. I remember a few nights when thing broke that the list of waiting calls toppled 500. Gallows humor gets you through those situations.
Just dropped my son off at a birthday party where the main celebrant and his folks are strict vegans. I wonder if it is any consequence that I came home for lunch and immediately downed a double steak-um sandwich.
Got to get to the grocery store, but the bulk of North Buffalo is at Wegman's at the moment so it will wait until the eldest is retrieved when the dust settles.
Thought about the hullaballoo about the Buffalo Bills and yesterday and discovered that I am devoid of opinion. There are those that for whom the NFL draft is one of the high holy days. I am not that guy.
Been cheating on (e:strip) a little with wordpress.
I suppose that at age 45, you need to cut out a few things, but the occasional Swiss Roll can do wonders for a disposition, especially when there are no cookies in the house.
Happened to see (e:Janelle) running the other day. It doesn't look fun. I see enough folks flailing their way around ring road in Delaware Park. Nobody looks like they enjoy it at all. Everybody looks like they are heading for a spinal consult soon.
The lovely mother of my lovely children gave me props today. One of our church friends/acquaintances confided that her teenage daughter is afraid of their dad. Apparently my girls even gave voice to it being cooler if I lived a little closer. Yay for me. I think the friend's problem is that the Dad is on his second family is late 60's/early 70's. Some age divides are too large to traverse. Guess I'm on the right track.
Got to get my paperwork in order to be able to go to Canada soon. It might be a time for a new picture as my current photo dates from the first Clinton administration. Liked the picture, but I think I'm aging decently and look better now.
Was in Barnes and Noble yesterday searching for the new book by Tom Robbins (It was a hoot hearing number one son mutter "B is for Beer" as we walked the aisles. Saw the new offering from ABC News' Cokie Roberts. Cokie is looking an awful lot like David Bowie from the "Modern Love" era. Separated at Birth??
Trying to decide whether it is cooler to run up my charge bill on "The Soloist" tonight. Good excuse for popcorn.
If you ever needed an excuse.
Mrmike's Journal
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04/26/2009 14:45 #48512
Swiss Rolls to improve the mood.Category: random
04/24/2009 14:15 #48489
Checking Dignity at the DoorCategory: work
I went to one of the insufferable networking events last night. It's my fourth one and it's like being party scenes in the Ice Storm without the nookie afterwards. The same dull gathering played over and over. The same jerkass printer's rep who hassled me about the non-existent jobs I refuse to send him. The rep from the party organizers whose last sober thought was to order another drink. She sold my folks their last car so she thinks we're buds by association. There is also the one really hot rep from the same organization, but she is actually concerned with doing a good job at the gathering so shenanigans aren't happening.
They set up tables from about 20 firms, most of which don't change from the previous gathering. You load up on your swag, fake a little sincerity, have a nosh, and be on your way. Early on, I ran into a kindred spirit who had the same attitude about the gathering, so it was nice to have somebody to partner in the making of the other attendees.

This progressive dinner changes venues and last night's was at Lasertron. The gathering took over one area with the schmoozing, used an anteroom for suprisingly decent food, wings and whatnot. Driving out there, I was seized with visions of account execs in the Laser tag vests shooting each other. I forgot about the other large scale game they play called cyber sport.
You ride the little carts around and use the sawed off lacrosse thingys to shoot on the goals. Once you sit in the little carts, you do indeed feel stupid. It was actually a pretty good time. Learning to drive the cart and checking your dignity at the door made up for a interesting time. I can only imagine what the two actual birthday parties in the place thought of the knuckleheaded adults shooting each other in one room and doing the above in the other. Good thing my innner child doesn't have an inside voice.
Never drank celebratory beers over two cyber sport wins before.
They set up tables from about 20 firms, most of which don't change from the previous gathering. You load up on your swag, fake a little sincerity, have a nosh, and be on your way. Early on, I ran into a kindred spirit who had the same attitude about the gathering, so it was nice to have somebody to partner in the making of the other attendees.

This progressive dinner changes venues and last night's was at Lasertron. The gathering took over one area with the schmoozing, used an anteroom for suprisingly decent food, wings and whatnot. Driving out there, I was seized with visions of account execs in the Laser tag vests shooting each other. I forgot about the other large scale game they play called cyber sport.
You ride the little carts around and use the sawed off lacrosse thingys to shoot on the goals. Once you sit in the little carts, you do indeed feel stupid. It was actually a pretty good time. Learning to drive the cart and checking your dignity at the door made up for a interesting time. I can only imagine what the two actual birthday parties in the place thought of the knuckleheaded adults shooting each other in one room and doing the above in the other. Good thing my innner child doesn't have an inside voice.
Never drank celebratory beers over two cyber sport wins before.
04/20/2009 21:25 #48458
Pointless Sports PostCategory: sports
Can we all just agree that Lindy is a good coach and that if given the right reign, Darcy is a good GM? C'mon, Larry, remove the handcuffs, give em a budget and let'em alone. Darcy didn't suddenly get stupid. Left to his own devices, he's found Doug Gilmour, J.P. Dumont, Briere and Drury and many others. If it was up to him, Drury would still be here.
My only concern about John Madden's retiring has more to do with the future of his video game than NBC's broadcasts, which have about six too many guys on it anyway.
The hullabaloo over the schedules being out. I don't understand it. People are peeved about a division game being moved to Toronto. Personally I think the NFL did us a favor by moving the Jets up north, eh. I'm sure the NFL Network will find a local outlet to resale.
I think the Bills did themselves a favor in regards to Jason Peters. Other stars who actually showed up and are either doing new contracts or just completing them weren't commanding those numbers. With his vacancy, the Bills have an issue, but not nearly the problem another hold out could have been.
That whole thing with contracts is still a wonder. Why have one if you are prone to whinning for a new one. What is up with that? What made this okay? Shouldn't you honor the contract, then see about the next one?
Bisons are at least looking good in their new threads while they suck. Given the parent club, they might suck on SNY before too long.
The stadium count is rendering Major League Baseball into the NFL stratosphere. With the hooha about the new Yankee Stadium, I did get a chuckle out of the Yankees getting pasted by three touchdowns on national tv.
Evil, like that.
My only concern about John Madden's retiring has more to do with the future of his video game than NBC's broadcasts, which have about six too many guys on it anyway.
The hullabaloo over the schedules being out. I don't understand it. People are peeved about a division game being moved to Toronto. Personally I think the NFL did us a favor by moving the Jets up north, eh. I'm sure the NFL Network will find a local outlet to resale.
I think the Bills did themselves a favor in regards to Jason Peters. Other stars who actually showed up and are either doing new contracts or just completing them weren't commanding those numbers. With his vacancy, the Bills have an issue, but not nearly the problem another hold out could have been.
That whole thing with contracts is still a wonder. Why have one if you are prone to whinning for a new one. What is up with that? What made this okay? Shouldn't you honor the contract, then see about the next one?
Bisons are at least looking good in their new threads while they suck. Given the parent club, they might suck on SNY before too long.
The stadium count is rendering Major League Baseball into the NFL stratosphere. With the hooha about the new Yankee Stadium, I did get a chuckle out of the Yankees getting pasted by three touchdowns on national tv.
Evil, like that.
metalpeter - 04/21/09 19:39
I was supposed to do a post on that but I forgot to do the Madden thing. I have all ways been a fan of Madden and I think Collinsworth won't even be close to filling his shoes. That being said I like Collinsworth view on things. If he sees and ify he doesn't care that if he says it is bad officating and not a mistake the NFL will fine him. I think Sunday Night Football could get really interesting. I know a lot of people will be happy cause they hate Madden. OH he never liked the Bills, well when he was on Fox he Never saw them. Oh he talks down to us like we are Idiots. No he was a coach so he explains the game the way he sees it. I also like that he would kinda let us know that these where his thoughts with out saying it.
Onto the sabres, I don't know what to say. I think the problem is the team doesn't play the same all the time. I have seen games where they play great (yes playoff hockey into at least the second round) then they play as if they are in last place. I know this sounds mean but I think since miller lost (forget the exact relative) cousin I think he hasn't been the same. I think he also plays better when he has a goalie who knows they can take his spot. Remember Biron was the high paid guy and Miller took his spot.
I was supposed to do a post on that but I forgot to do the Madden thing. I have all ways been a fan of Madden and I think Collinsworth won't even be close to filling his shoes. That being said I like Collinsworth view on things. If he sees and ify he doesn't care that if he says it is bad officating and not a mistake the NFL will fine him. I think Sunday Night Football could get really interesting. I know a lot of people will be happy cause they hate Madden. OH he never liked the Bills, well when he was on Fox he Never saw them. Oh he talks down to us like we are Idiots. No he was a coach so he explains the game the way he sees it. I also like that he would kinda let us know that these where his thoughts with out saying it.
Onto the sabres, I don't know what to say. I think the problem is the team doesn't play the same all the time. I have seen games where they play great (yes playoff hockey into at least the second round) then they play as if they are in last place. I know this sounds mean but I think since miller lost (forget the exact relative) cousin I think he hasn't been the same. I think he also plays better when he has a goalie who knows they can take his spot. Remember Biron was the high paid guy and Miller took his spot.
drew - 04/20/09 23:04
Madden Football is a huge moneymaker. Madden could die and they would keep making it. It's not about him anymore.
The 2k series was good, btw, but not better. It was similar and cheaper. Selling the last one for $20 scared EA.
Madden Football is a huge moneymaker. Madden could die and they would keep making it. It's not about him anymore.
The 2k series was good, btw, but not better. It was similar and cheaper. Selling the last one for $20 scared EA.
tiburon1724 - 04/20/09 21:45
-I agree Lindy's a good coach, but Regier is a terrible GM. Someone's head has to roll to make a statement when you suck for two straight years. His would be the appropriate head.
- EA is continuing the game franchise unfortunately unchanged. I still hate them for the NFL license thing though it's really the NFL's fault more than theirs. Sega had them beat with a superior game, The NFL 2k series. Now I have to play crappy Madden until the end of time.
-There are definitely worse opponents who could be playing in Toronto than the Jets. Having a vital divisional game in neutral territory is a slap in the face.
-At first I was bothered by the Peters trade; I felt the Bills got little in return for someone of his talent (he sucked last year but IS a talented player). But after hearing his comments in Philly, he's clueless, heartless and wasn't going to be an asset this coming year anyway. Hopefully we trade at least one of those draft picks for a player, since we can't draft worth a damn. The contract thing boggles my mind though, I don't know why they're allowed to make their own rules. Oh yeah there's a damn UNION involved....unions destroy all.
-Haven't seen the Bisons uni's, though the new logo SUCKS. Baseball is about as exciting for me as watching paint dry so I don't care about this one :)
-I agree Lindy's a good coach, but Regier is a terrible GM. Someone's head has to roll to make a statement when you suck for two straight years. His would be the appropriate head.
- EA is continuing the game franchise unfortunately unchanged. I still hate them for the NFL license thing though it's really the NFL's fault more than theirs. Sega had them beat with a superior game, The NFL 2k series. Now I have to play crappy Madden until the end of time.
-There are definitely worse opponents who could be playing in Toronto than the Jets. Having a vital divisional game in neutral territory is a slap in the face.
-At first I was bothered by the Peters trade; I felt the Bills got little in return for someone of his talent (he sucked last year but IS a talented player). But after hearing his comments in Philly, he's clueless, heartless and wasn't going to be an asset this coming year anyway. Hopefully we trade at least one of those draft picks for a player, since we can't draft worth a damn. The contract thing boggles my mind though, I don't know why they're allowed to make their own rules. Oh yeah there's a damn UNION involved....unions destroy all.
-Haven't seen the Bisons uni's, though the new logo SUCKS. Baseball is about as exciting for me as watching paint dry so I don't care about this one :)
04/20/2009 13:33 #48453
Show a little faith...Category: theism
Largely for the sake of setting down some roots, my exsuggested we start going to a nearby church. This is somewhere around 1999. We dove in, thinking it would give the kids a foothold on exposure to various faiths and work on building their understanding and tolerance. And it has largely done that. When we separated, many of the folk we met there were helpful in getting through the inevitable rough patches.
In recent years, I find myself drifting away. It isn’t doing it for me. There have been plenty of times I have sat in services and while there physically, I’ve gone out for a walk mentally. We’ve made some good friends and it is largely a positive involvement. I have been involved in varying degrees from being a nursery parent to teaching, to serving on a R E Committee to now serving on the Board. I have served on committees before, but I especially hate this one. I was afraid of knowing too much. That fear has come to pass.
For a liberal place that supposedly welcomes all faiths and perspectives, it seems like the Bush adminstration is in charge. We are for freedom of speech until somebody uses it. My daughter had to give a senior address at the youth service yesterday, that had to get approved by the minister. Apparently, three years ago, a senior gave her opinions about some aspects of the church. She was right about pretty much everything, but the resulting hullabaloo has the poor Rev auditing to make sure the kids don’t say anything too disturbing.
That is disturbing. Again, it’s home, but it is a flawed home. The senior members of the congregation can be guilty of being lousy role models at times, rolling eyes at the appearance of an electric guitar & while wondering why the kids fidget at the orchestra appearance. That level of hypocrisy wouldn’t be a big deal, except for the whole church was founded on the idea of being open to all ideas.
Of late, I’ve found Sunday brunch to be a little more spiritually fulfilling. The infighting among committees amazes me. There are turf battles that rage with intensity of groups fighting for the cool tables in the cafeteria. The decisions of the board should be entrenched in the actual business of the church, but instead are swamping in jr. high level gossip. Interesting to be a part of a group that is all about freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas until somebody wants to actually use those freedoms. Like I said, it's a flawed place, but I don't envision that as a problem, it's the pretending we are perfect that bothers me. The flaws just mean we're human.
One recent example that has been on my mind a lot is a recent discussion of personalities, that a change might be required because “It doesn’t look good.â€
Why should we care how it looks if we truly are who we say we are?
Faith shouldn’t feel so hypocritical.
In recent years, I find myself drifting away. It isn’t doing it for me. There have been plenty of times I have sat in services and while there physically, I’ve gone out for a walk mentally. We’ve made some good friends and it is largely a positive involvement. I have been involved in varying degrees from being a nursery parent to teaching, to serving on a R E Committee to now serving on the Board. I have served on committees before, but I especially hate this one. I was afraid of knowing too much. That fear has come to pass.
For a liberal place that supposedly welcomes all faiths and perspectives, it seems like the Bush adminstration is in charge. We are for freedom of speech until somebody uses it. My daughter had to give a senior address at the youth service yesterday, that had to get approved by the minister. Apparently, three years ago, a senior gave her opinions about some aspects of the church. She was right about pretty much everything, but the resulting hullabaloo has the poor Rev auditing to make sure the kids don’t say anything too disturbing.
That is disturbing. Again, it’s home, but it is a flawed home. The senior members of the congregation can be guilty of being lousy role models at times, rolling eyes at the appearance of an electric guitar & while wondering why the kids fidget at the orchestra appearance. That level of hypocrisy wouldn’t be a big deal, except for the whole church was founded on the idea of being open to all ideas.
Of late, I’ve found Sunday brunch to be a little more spiritually fulfilling. The infighting among committees amazes me. There are turf battles that rage with intensity of groups fighting for the cool tables in the cafeteria. The decisions of the board should be entrenched in the actual business of the church, but instead are swamping in jr. high level gossip. Interesting to be a part of a group that is all about freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas until somebody wants to actually use those freedoms. Like I said, it's a flawed place, but I don't envision that as a problem, it's the pretending we are perfect that bothers me. The flaws just mean we're human.
One recent example that has been on my mind a lot is a recent discussion of personalities, that a change might be required because “It doesn’t look good.â€
Why should we care how it looks if we truly are who we say we are?
Faith shouldn’t feel so hypocritical.
mrmike - 04/20/09 14:37
He is a good guy, has to juggle a lot of feif-doms -- that's the part of the community that I find distastful.
He is a good guy, has to juggle a lot of feif-doms -- that's the part of the community that I find distastful.
drew - 04/20/09 14:25
Sometime I will have to tell you about the sermon a Senior in HS gave at the last church I served. People walked out.
Your minister is a good and thoughtful guy, so I would talk to him about this, if you haven't already.
When the infighting happens, go back to the core values. In Christian Churches, that means that we engage with humility and deference, seeking reconciliation, even when the other party does not.
We can't expect people at church to be perfect. If they (we) were perfect, we wouldn't need to go to church. Forcing them to live up to their ideals will be difficult, but by living the ideals yourself, you can and will find a way through.
And if all else fails--there's a great place just up the road. And they will have all of the same problems. It's the joy of community.
Sometime I will have to tell you about the sermon a Senior in HS gave at the last church I served. People walked out.
Your minister is a good and thoughtful guy, so I would talk to him about this, if you haven't already.
When the infighting happens, go back to the core values. In Christian Churches, that means that we engage with humility and deference, seeking reconciliation, even when the other party does not.
We can't expect people at church to be perfect. If they (we) were perfect, we wouldn't need to go to church. Forcing them to live up to their ideals will be difficult, but by living the ideals yourself, you can and will find a way through.
And if all else fails--there's a great place just up the road. And they will have all of the same problems. It's the joy of community.
04/14/2009 16:02 #48382
Artistic blood from nearly empty stonesCategory: current events
There was an article in this past Sunday’s Buffalo News outlining Erie County Executive Chris Collins’ desire for greater representation from the executive branch on the boards of the eight largest cultural institutions in exchange for the regular county funding that is regularly awarded.
The request seems a little heavy handed as most already have county representation, but the explanation being given is to give tax payers a greater seat at the table of organizations that receive county money. That, in and of itself, is hard to argue against.
What I’m not sure about is why the culturals are being singled out. It feels a little like token reform. The amount of money being spent on the 8 largest cultural organizations is roughly 3.5 million dollars give or take. Erie County offers the Buffalo Bills roughly that same amount with absolutely no strings attached. The Bills are not exactly starving as any passing glance at a tv contract will bear out. The culturals were told to consider the county money “the last funds in the door.†that these funds shouldn’t be used to keep the lights on, that they should be used to instead enhance programming and increase multilingual marketing, even translate signage and website advertisments into spanish, french, german, japanese and chinese. Which of the many chinese languages was never actually specified.
While that isn’t terribly practical, the whole thing seems a little petty & petulant. I watch the Bills toy with WNY’s emotions every fall, and they play a decreasing amount of games in the area, yet pocket their county funding without stipulation. It’s an existing agreement and I say let that pass, but the culturals stretch through the entire calendar year and proactively contribute to the quality of life in Western New York. All operate very lean and mean when it comes to funds. Ironically enough, people come to the area to see the BPO, tour the Botanical Gardens, see the Burchfield and so on. And the extra bonus is that the money that gets spent at these places stays here. In an era where corporate support is dwindling and capital improvements have been dealt a body blow, it seems when you got a few things working and comparitively thriving, you count your blessings and work on the bigger problems.
We all need to work together and I don’t think anybody is looking for separation or anything, but the way it was reported in the news made it sound like the county was acting like Deniro in “The Untouchables,†pacing the dining room lecturing his subordinates about Team and brandishing a baseball bat.
You like to think the demand for more board seats truly is for greater representation not for places to hide folk. That office is represented on a number of boards including my employers. I fully applaud the Exec for looking to reform and spend smart.
Given that the arts outlets help broaden the quality of life for all in the area, I hope the powers that be pay due diligence to all agencies where they have an interest.
The request seems a little heavy handed as most already have county representation, but the explanation being given is to give tax payers a greater seat at the table of organizations that receive county money. That, in and of itself, is hard to argue against.
What I’m not sure about is why the culturals are being singled out. It feels a little like token reform. The amount of money being spent on the 8 largest cultural organizations is roughly 3.5 million dollars give or take. Erie County offers the Buffalo Bills roughly that same amount with absolutely no strings attached. The Bills are not exactly starving as any passing glance at a tv contract will bear out. The culturals were told to consider the county money “the last funds in the door.†that these funds shouldn’t be used to keep the lights on, that they should be used to instead enhance programming and increase multilingual marketing, even translate signage and website advertisments into spanish, french, german, japanese and chinese. Which of the many chinese languages was never actually specified.
While that isn’t terribly practical, the whole thing seems a little petty & petulant. I watch the Bills toy with WNY’s emotions every fall, and they play a decreasing amount of games in the area, yet pocket their county funding without stipulation. It’s an existing agreement and I say let that pass, but the culturals stretch through the entire calendar year and proactively contribute to the quality of life in Western New York. All operate very lean and mean when it comes to funds. Ironically enough, people come to the area to see the BPO, tour the Botanical Gardens, see the Burchfield and so on. And the extra bonus is that the money that gets spent at these places stays here. In an era where corporate support is dwindling and capital improvements have been dealt a body blow, it seems when you got a few things working and comparitively thriving, you count your blessings and work on the bigger problems.
We all need to work together and I don’t think anybody is looking for separation or anything, but the way it was reported in the news made it sound like the county was acting like Deniro in “The Untouchables,†pacing the dining room lecturing his subordinates about Team and brandishing a baseball bat.
You like to think the demand for more board seats truly is for greater representation not for places to hide folk. That office is represented on a number of boards including my employers. I fully applaud the Exec for looking to reform and spend smart.
Given that the arts outlets help broaden the quality of life for all in the area, I hope the powers that be pay due diligence to all agencies where they have an interest.
mrmike - 04/18/09 16:38
They don't share much and it is rather irrelevant to what I was talking about: the selective strong arming of some organizations and complete lack of accountability for others, another reason we're broke and bloated.
They don't share much and it is rather irrelevant to what I was talking about: the selective strong arming of some organizations and complete lack of accountability for others, another reason we're broke and bloated.
tiburon1724 - 04/14/09 22:50
The Bills generate far more money for the county than what the county gives.
The Bills generate far more money for the county than what the county gives.
paul - 04/14/09 22:39
It really seems like bullshit although I bet if people voted that would sponsor sports over other cultural institutions. Maybe if the Bills go away they can reclaim that extra money for other purposes.
It really seems like bullshit although I bet if people voted that would sponsor sports over other cultural institutions. Maybe if the Bills go away they can reclaim that extra money for other purposes.
I was reading some Bataille this afternoon. He was going on about how erotic pleasure and death are linked in Western culture, particularly Christian culture. But I couldn't help but think there were wider connections when I went jogging. And now that I am thinking about a Swiss Roll, everything that is pleasurable is bittersweet.
If I looked miserable yesterday, well, I was... I was trying to run 4 miles on too little energy. I ended up throwing in the towel and jogging home.
Running is simultaneously painful and pleasurable. I don't understand it, but I like it.