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04/09/2009 14:22 #48334

Category: school
Ok so as many of you know, I am writing my thesis. I think I have finally come up with a worthy and comprehensive abstract, but I was hoping for some feedback from you all if you are feeling so generous. Not generous in the 'go easy on me" kinda way, but generous as in, honest and sincere feedback. So yeah, here goes....

Chaotic whiteness is a road map, a tool box, offering ways of being that allow for the possibility of re-membering, re-imagining, and un-mastering whiteness in the ongoing projects that make up critical race theory and whiteness studies. By trespassing on the boundaries that have been fabricated in and among various academic disciplines, I will navigate through women's studies, African American studies, literary criticism and various other theoretical paradigms in order to expose and explode the ways in which the fabrication and maintenance of whiteness haunts both black and white bodies. Finally, I will consider the necessities of articulating and performing a whiteness that must not be bound by what whiteness is supposed to be or have access to, while simultaneously taking seriously the ongoing potential for appropriating, commodifying and romanticizing the knowledges, imaginations, memories and interiorities of people of color.
tinypliny - 04/09/09 23:16
Hey Lauren, here's my viewpoint. Take it in with a grain of salt, though. In my field, the stress is on simple short sentences and absolutely no jargon in abstracts. The idea is that a vast number of people will not be reading your thesis directly. They will instead be reading your abstracts to get a rapid idea of what your thesis is about. In fact, the abstract is sometimes the only thing they will read if they don't get it at first go. Quite honestly (and you asked for it. HEHE), I had trouble getting the central idea because:
a) I am completely alien to your field
b) I have no idea what some of those words mean.
c) Perhaps you are not targeting a completely "naive" audience without even a social science background.

Nevertheless, I am taking some liberties and rephrasing your entire abstract, according to how I understand it right now. The question is - is this what you meant?

Ongoing projects in critical race theory and whiteness studies have a rigid idea of "whiteness". In contrast, "chaotic whiteness" is a road map and a tool box that offers ways of re-membering, re-imagining, and un-mastering this conventional and inflexible construct of "whiteness". In my thesis, I propose to conceptualize "chaotic whiteness" by trespassing on the boundaries and navigating through the theoretical paradigms that have been fabricated in and among various academic disciplines such as women's studies, African American studies and literary criticism. I intend to expose and explode the ways in which the fabrication and maintenance of "whiteness" haunts both black and white bodies. Finally, I will consider the necessities of articulating and performing "chaotic whiteness"- a construct of whiteness that is not bound by what "whiteness" is supposed to be or have access to. I will argue that any concept of "whiteness" must utilize the potential to appropriate, commodify and romanticize the knowledges, imaginations, memories and interiorities of people of color.
heidi - 04/09/09 16:57
Ah, thanks for the explanation.
james - 04/09/09 15:37
godspeed captain!
lauren - 04/09/09 15:27
Thanks Heidi! I did change the wording of the first sentence...I tend to try to put too many words into sentences...and interiority, more specifically "the black interior" is a book by Elizabeth Alexander, the woman who read that poem no one like at the inauguration. I expand on that later in the thesis. i am not a big fan of the need for "thesis statements" and abstracts but I have no choice. sigh... :)
heidi - 04/09/09 14:49
Nice, Lauren! That's some complex stuff. From the abstract, I'd expect a definition and explanation of chaotic whiteness and how it can be used to challenge and reconceptualize hegemonic whiteness, drawing on several disciplines' uses and interpretations of critical race theory while also not allowing the reader to marginalize experiences/knowledge/etc. of people of color. Is that what you're expecting the reader to get?

I particularly like the phrase "...haunts both black and white bodies."

I'd like a slightly different punctuation of the first sentence around "tool box" or an increase in parallelism like "a road map, a tool box, an offering of..." or "that offers..." ? Without ",a tool box," the sentence works fine.

"is supposed to be or *has* access to" ?

"interiorities"? does that mean something like "interior landscapes" or "internal experiences" or "subjective experiences"? I get that you're trying to convey something like that in one neat & tidy word but I'm not sure I like that particular construction.

Hope this helps. *Encouraging thoughts!*

04/06/2009 21:21 #48310

Bonsaiiii Pics!
So Felly spent

$6 plant
$11 Pottery
$2 garden shears
$5 soil

$24 for a not so bad lookin bonsai

Dwarf Japanese Juniper...aka shrubbery.


The pottery makes a big impact.





metalpeter - 04/07/09 20:33
I have heard they can be addicting I wouldn't be surprised if you bought some more. I wonder if it will survive ralphie, HA.
fellyconnelly - 04/07/09 09:23
you should make one! they are so easy!

but if you get obsessive, you have to force yourself to back off... or you will have one branch with one tuft of tree....

The juniper really is an outdoor bonsai, but I'm next going to try a Japanese maple - which doesn't need a lot of outdoor light.

And penguins do love bonsai.
ladycroft - 04/07/09 04:46
Brilliant idea! I also love the penguin.
paul - 04/07/09 01:12
That looks awesome. I am totally going to make one too.

03/27/2009 09:57 #48213

Random Fun
Category: randomo
Felly and I have been looking for a dog for her parents for a while now, mostly via craigslist. The other day we saw an ad for a free mini dachshund and now I have two in my house. Amazingly enough, right now, they are both sleeping and it is pure bliss. However, all of last night and most of this morning (since 8:30am when they woke me up) has been HumpFest 2009 in my living room. Sigh. I am not exactly sure what this is all about...if it is a power struggle or a confusion or simply male bonding. Who knows, but I have never seen red rockets quite like these. It's traumatizing really. Maybe later I will take some photos or video so you too can join in the fun. Tonight Felly is taking the new dog, "Lil Smokey," to her parents house in Lake George, so even though I will be alone tonight, at least I will have a chance to recuperate from HumpFest.

Kids doing crazy things

Animals doing crazy things

03/25/2009 11:24 #48195

Holy Goya! updated
Felly and I finally made it over to Price Rite last night and at this time, I don't think I can make a fair assessment of the place because it was still a mad house there. I can't really function when there are that many folks clammering over turkeys. Felly and I did manage to come out with a 3 dollar turkey and a giant ham, however. Dunno what we are gonna do with them, but they were crazy cheep. I understand now that it is similar to Aldis, which Felly and I frequent for various items, but is terribly far away. I wonder how long it will take for that place to calm down...or will it ever??

Also, I have to say that I have never in my life seen such a giant display of Goya products. All the labels were facing the right direction and the stacks were perfect. I was in awe.

In other news, I am an idiot. I now have a total of 6 weeks to complete my thesis. 6 weeks. I have had almost 4 months and I spent it doing who the hell knows what. Good grief. I am feeling confident about the work that I have already, but the whole putting all together into one thing and then DEFENDING it....jeez louise. Terrifying.

Just got a postcard in the mail about PriceRite from the UFCW

"A PriceRite supermarket is opening in our neighborhood. PriceRite calls itself an 'American Company' and says that the store and its parent company, Wakefern, have a 'commitment to community.' But PriceRite workers aren't so sure....
Workers at PriceRite stores say they've been harassed, threatened and even demoted when they tried to form a union...
Consider shopping Tops instead."

So there is a petition you can sign to allow PriceRite employees to join a union:

and their website

drew - 03/25/09 16:16
I knew it was too good to be true.

Of course, guercio's and weggies aren't union, either. I don't know about Aldi's but my guess is "no." Tops just doesn't measure up.
jason - 03/25/09 11:41
I know you'll do great. Now get to it!! =P

03/16/2009 09:42 #48066

I was quite surprised by the magnitude of this parade, I must say. I wasn't sure about the whole drinking in the streets thing, so I chose not to buy beer and bring it along with me. Course this later turned into me, (e:felly) and (e:heidi) having to purchase beer at a bar, and then a convenient store, but thats ok. The parade was gynormous and went on for some 3 plus hours I think. So here is some of it.

Why do these people always have to show up?

These dudes were creeptastic.




Please note the massive amounts of bouncing curls. This is also creeptastic.
I love Irish wolfhounds!


Broken down on the incline.
I will spare you the massive amounts of Union pictures.

Weiner Dogs!! Felly and I went home and joined this club!

Haha...we walked right past the police with our beers in hand... fabulous. Later one of (e:heidi)'s friends asked if they were real cops! Hilarious. Apparently they are.


And for those of you missed it, please check out my last post about good ideas for entertaining children that are free or cheap. Donkey!
metalpeter - 03/16/09 18:14
Nice Pictures glad everyone had a good time.