metalpeter - 03/18/09 18:17 This reminds me have you ever seen "The God and Devil Show" it is A cartoon that you can watch on the web and some of it was pretty funny. They even had this thing where you could vote on famous people being god or devil and then something would happen to them. I'm not sure if it is still online anywhere but hey if you have some extra time maybe look it up.
03/17/2009 14:11 #48087
iPhone 3.0 SDK Category: tech
The biggest news for me (aside from Copy&Paste) is that the SDK allows virtually unlimited access to hardware. Which means I can get one of these:
And build robots with iphones for brains. hooray!
03/14/2009 18:52 #48054
18 Mile Creek Category: hiking
Thanks Paul, Matthew, Terry and James, it was a fun day :)
I took lots of photos, but most of the ones that looked good were the more abstract ones of the ice.
tinypliny - 03/15/09 12:51 All of you look so handsome! :)
And the pictures manage to convey the bleakness. Thanks (e:Jim). ;-)
terry - 03/15/09 12:32 no it's an official fishing/wilderness area with trails and stuff. Of course it's more fun to try to kill (e:jim) and (e:matthew) by offroading it!
janelle - 03/15/09 11:50 Are there trails? Or are you hiking around on people's property that abuts the creek?
I decided to skip church all summer and go hiking instead.
03/12/2009 12:58 #48029
iPhone 3.0 Category: apple
Preview demo March 17, 2009
Will be nice to get a look at the new OS. Hopefully they'll have a dev release at that time too. Background processing would be just what I need for the apps I want to build.
tinypliny - 03/15/09 17:54 Can you believe this - I ditched open office this past fortnight after sticking faithfully to its vagaries since 2002.
I have to bite down my resentment and finally admit that M$ Office 2007 is painfully (and quite obviously) much better. :|
paul - 03/14/09 18:59 All I am asking for is cut, copy and paste. Please let there be cut, copy and paste.
james - 03/12/09 13:56 I thought I heard a nerdgasim.
03/06/2009 16:51 #47970
Red Panda Category: aminals
The Buffalo Zoo should get one of these:
(source: )
Actually, I should get one of those.
mrmike - 03/08/09 09:27 We gots red lemurs now too.
leetee - 03/08/09 00:16 the ones here are a bit shy... they are in one of the small exhibits by the vultures and big horned sheep.
jim - 03/07/09 15:57 That's awesome! Not sure how I've missed them in the past.
leetee - 03/07/09 10:30 fyi, the Buffalo Zoo has red pandas
theecarey - 03/06/09 19:20 It's Shifu!
(from Kung Fu Panda)
I want one!
james - 03/06/09 18:56 waste your life away with exotic baby animals at zooborns :::link:::
This reminds me have you ever seen "The God and Devil Show" it is A cartoon that you can watch on the web and some of it was pretty funny. They even had this thing where you could vote on famous people being god or devil and then something would happen to them. I'm not sure if it is still online anywhere but hey if you have some extra time maybe look it up.