...you NEED to see this.
James's Journal
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03/09/2009 21:42 #48002
If you plan on seeing Watchman...03/09/2009 15:06 #47997
Jobby JobI love my job.
It is the best job I have ever had. I deal with crazy people on the phone for about 30 minutes a day and the rest of the time I work on making the city a better place.
But I am still new at this. I just know I am going to work dozens of hours on a project that would improve life for everyone only to have it killed. That's what happens when the affiliation of the person who has the idea is placed over the quality of the idea itself. Thankfully though, that hasn't happened yet. So I will just be full of bliss.
It is the best job I have ever had. I deal with crazy people on the phone for about 30 minutes a day and the rest of the time I work on making the city a better place.
But I am still new at this. I just know I am going to work dozens of hours on a project that would improve life for everyone only to have it killed. That's what happens when the affiliation of the person who has the idea is placed over the quality of the idea itself. Thankfully though, that hasn't happened yet. So I will just be full of bliss.
tinypliny - 03/31/09 21:03
So are you running for mayor or not? Enlist me in your campaign if you are!
So are you running for mayor or not? Enlist me in your campaign if you are!
tinypliny - 03/15/09 19:04
Good Luck!!! Buffalo needs you!!!!!! :D
Good Luck!!! Buffalo needs you!!!!!! :D
joshua - 03/09/09 19:37
Hang in there pahtnah.
Hang in there pahtnah.
james - 03/09/09 16:21
There are no actual polar bears having sex out my window. But when I close my eyes I can see polar bears having sex.
There are no actual polar bears having sex out my window. But when I close my eyes I can see polar bears having sex.
dcoffee - 03/09/09 16:10
sounds worthwhile! I went to the South Buffalo BOA meeting, it would be great if I had a job in that field. Drafting plans, getting public input, getting some funding to make it happen.
sounds worthwhile! I went to the South Buffalo BOA meeting, it would be great if I had a job in that field. Drafting plans, getting public input, getting some funding to make it happen.
mrmike - 03/09/09 15:17
Sure, it's a great job, but are there polar bears having sex outside your window....come to think of it, if there are, please speak up
Sure, it's a great job, but are there polar bears having sex outside your window....come to think of it, if there are, please speak up
03/08/2009 12:15 #47982
I love this adIt makes me a terrible person in a way, but ever time I see this banner ad I crack up.

First of all, it is your dads funeral kid, could you have at least not worn a brown sweater with your black jacket.
Second, what is up with the widow? This looks like a promo poster for a movie about a woman who seduces rich men and murders them to collect the inheritance. And what is up with those praying mantis glasses? Is she an aviator about to chase the Red Baron after the service lets out.
My sides hurt.

First of all, it is your dads funeral kid, could you have at least not worn a brown sweater with your black jacket.
Second, what is up with the widow? This looks like a promo poster for a movie about a woman who seduces rich men and murders them to collect the inheritance. And what is up with those praying mantis glasses? Is she an aviator about to chase the Red Baron after the service lets out.
My sides hurt.
tinypliny - 03/15/09 19:05
"a woman who seduces rich men and murders them to collect the inheritance" I am still laughing. LOL
"a woman who seduces rich men and murders them to collect the inheritance" I am still laughing. LOL
hodown - 03/09/09 15:41
Clearly what happened is the Dad dies leaving no money for the poor little boy to buy a tie for the funeral.
Clearly what happened is the Dad dies leaving no money for the poor little boy to buy a tie for the funeral.
libertad - 03/09/09 13:29
theecarey - 03/08/09 13:53
I was cracking up before I even got to your commentary. Yeh, she looks sinister, like she knows exactly what is in store for her bright and financially secure future now that her hubby is dead.
I was cracking up before I even got to your commentary. Yeh, she looks sinister, like she knows exactly what is in store for her bright and financially secure future now that her hubby is dead.
02/18/2009 17:58 #47801
Dinosaurs Fucking RobotsI started getting misty eyed browsing this new site.

Please, RSS Dinosaurs Fucking Robots. For the children.

Please, RSS Dinosaurs Fucking Robots. For the children.
02/15/2009 16:43 #47757
Why the Buffalo News SucksI will keep this short and just give you two reasons.
The NYTimes has been giving Zilly Cakes more coverage for her Obama/Lincoln cupcake portrait than the Buffalo News.
And then I saw this on the Buffalo News. This is part of a 2008 retrospective of best cartoons.

Buffalo Wings? That isn't even a clever play on words. Are you trying to say that Tim Russert's virtue is somehow related to bar food? It doesn't make any sense!
What is wrong with you?
The NYTimes has been giving Zilly Cakes more coverage for her Obama/Lincoln cupcake portrait than the Buffalo News.
And then I saw this on the Buffalo News. This is part of a 2008 retrospective of best cartoons.

Buffalo Wings? That isn't even a clever play on words. Are you trying to say that Tim Russert's virtue is somehow related to bar food? It doesn't make any sense!
What is wrong with you?
iriesara - 02/17/09 00:11
yeah, that's pretty bad. unfortunate, too. Tim Russert was one of my favorites. I watched Meet the Press every Sunday morning for almost 10 years until he died, it's just not the same. I was totally devastated when he died. I found out while I was on lunch break and came back to work a little drunk and crying.
yeah, that's pretty bad. unfortunate, too. Tim Russert was one of my favorites. I watched Meet the Press every Sunday morning for almost 10 years until he died, it's just not the same. I was totally devastated when he died. I found out while I was on lunch break and came back to work a little drunk and crying.
tinypliny - 02/15/09 22:10
Ah... wiki'ed him and this leapt out.
(Russert's) "history of coronary artery disease led to a myocardial infarction with the immediate cause being an occlusive coronary thrombus in the left anterior descending artery resulting from a ruptured cholesterol plaque"
Isn't the wings sauce 3/5ths butter?
Ah... wiki'ed him and this leapt out.
(Russert's) "history of coronary artery disease led to a myocardial infarction with the immediate cause being an occlusive coronary thrombus in the left anterior descending artery resulting from a ruptured cholesterol plaque"
Isn't the wings sauce 3/5ths butter?
tinypliny - 02/15/09 22:03
Who is this Russert? He looks like someone who might come to take you to hell.
Who is this Russert? He looks like someone who might come to take you to hell.
Even worse torture for us who had to go without Tiny!
Thanks. :D I am never going the Lenten way again. That was some torture!
Would it ever!
Oh, and welcome back Tiny!
Damn - would have been cool to have a tea guzzling superhero!
Chaiface Chippendale. hahahaha Chaiface? What.. does he have tea all over his face?
The Tick is one of my favorite shows. The cartoon which preceded the show you linked to is legend. The Man Eating Cow, Chaiface Chippendale, Dinosaur Neil. Classics each in their own right.
Haha if you liked that, you would LOVE.. and I mean really LOVE THE TICK! :::link:::
I really feel they should have made more episodes.