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02/10/2009 12:04 #47703

Blog Goodness
I am obsessed with blogs. Vapid blogs, banal blogs, pointless blogs, angry blogs. I'll take 'em all. I was catching up on Frangry's blog (I love her because she strongly dislikes a girl in another blog I read). Anyway this was on her blog and it was so awesome I stole it for my blog:

metalpeter - 02/11/09 18:37
Great picture
jason - 02/10/09 18:47
I like Frangry! My type of girl!

02/09/2009 16:12 #47692

I only hope I can rock it like M.I.A. on my due date..

hodown - 02/09/09 17:23
Good point. I should clarify: I am not with child. I am 100% sure of this!
heidi - 02/09/09 17:18
You're pregnant??


02/04/2009 15:55 #47636

I love me some stickers. If they are free, even better.

You too can get free stickers. Apparently Google is expanding upon their awesomeness by giving away free stickers. I'm not sure why, and I don't ever look a gift horse in the mouth. Simply send a self address and stamped envelope to:

Send me some Gmail stickers already
P.O. Box 391420
Mountain View, CA 94039-1420

Obviously I've already sent in my self-addressed envelope.

mike - 02/04/09 22:31
OMG!OMG!OMG! I LOVE STICKERS! I HAVE BOXES AND BOXES AND ALBUMS AND DRAWERS FULL OF STICKERS! BIG STICKERS, little stickers, scratch and sniff stickers, cartoon stickers, state flag stickers, beer stickers, picture stickers, pony stickers, tv show stickers, animal stickers all kinds of stickers. stickers stickers stickers! I WANT MORE FREE STICKERS!
jenks - 02/04/09 20:33
I think that's about the meanest thing you could possibly say to Paul!!
imk2 - 02/04/09 17:33
That's the website that the rest of the world is on these days, Paul.
hodown - 02/04/09 17:27
Eff you I mentioned it on Facebook, that's the website that gets my good stuff now.
paul - 02/04/09 17:26
No mention of your aunt status?

01/25/2009 20:33 #47521

Am I Elaine?

Elaine: Oh come on. I'm not difficult I'm easy.

Jerry: Why because you dress casual and sleep with a lot of guys?

  • Me: Oh so wearing jeans doesn't automatically make you easy to date?
hodown - 02/02/09 17:20
Wait I just saw this comment.

I am NOT Mommie Dearest. When was the last time I beat you with a wire hanger?
lilho - 01/27/09 17:34
ur not elaine. ur more like mommy dearest...ahahaha.

01/22/2009 16:36 #47492

If I could marry a company Bose would for shiz be in the running.

I have this tendancy to go through like 3 pairs of Bose in ear headphones a year. Not because they are a crappy product, but simply because I use them for at least 4 hours a day. I tend to crumple them up and stuff them in my pocket after each use. Great way to treat $100 headphones I know. Well my latest pair I purchased in December and they are already broken. Somehow I managed to detach one part from another. I figured it was worth a shot to call Bose and see if they'd fix them- even if I had to pony up a partial payment or something. I gave their 1-800 number a call and boom- new headphones for free. All I had to do was go along with the suggestion that I did nothing to cause them to break.

I should have the new headphones in 2 weeks. Yay!

lilho - 01/23/09 00:46
that's amazing. i love how you say, "go along with the suggestion", if anybody ever mentions free, i will agree to whatever they say!