I don't know why this stuff can permeate you so, except for the fact I'm a sucker for a pretty face and
(e:imk2) tagged me and well, you know. So, just what you weren't waiting for:
1. I still dream about what life would have been like had my brothers been born without their disabilities.
2. I know a lot about a lot of things, just none of it is terrifically financially rewarding.
3. Despite being able to professionally fake sincerity, I am pretty socially inept.
4. I 've spent far too long worrying about what other people might be thinking. That only made me unhappy and it took way too long to get comfortable in my own skin.
5. I used to read way too much, now I worry that I'm not reading enough.
6. I liked "old man" bars long before I started becoming one.
7. I want to shave my beard off, but I'm afraid of what my chin might look like after 20 years (and that there is still just one there).
8. Been working since I was 15 and finally got a job that I like.
9. Bright eyes and a killer smile will make me stop in my tracks, although I sometimes wish I was twenty pounds lighter and 6 to 7 years younger.
10. I used to put stock in retail therapy, but the euphoria is quick to end and ultimately didn't make me happy in the first place.
11. I'm proud that I dealt with an illness and kicked it on my own. Not that there wasn't help available, but my inner control freak wanted to smack Bell's Palsy around on my terms.
12. MRIs made me realize that I'm a bit claustraphobic.
13. I know the difference between red and white wine glasses, but still prefer a well-poured good beer.
14. I listen to all kinds of music all but there is a regular cadre of people I regularly gravitate back to.
15. I write for a living so I know Number 14 ended grammatically incorrectly, so shaddup.
16. I am enticed and afraid of heights at the same time.
17. I want to see and experience more of everything instead of worrying about the petty shit that keeps me back.
18. I want everybody who gave my former spouse and I shit for the end of our marriage to fuck off already. She never deserved it and I might have, but not for that
19. I love motorcycles but I think my skills are best left to a Vespa instead of a Harley.
20. I still fantasize/dream.
21. I miss my Dad-in-law because he was such an unapologetic booster. He was one of those types where five minutes into your first conversation with him he'd be looking for "Ways to help you shine."
22. I'm too self conscious to dance very well.
23. I drink and I mellow. Most irish guys get more cantankerous. Not me, I just chill and enjoy the arguments among the other drinkers. Anything else is too much work.
24. I'm pretty proud of the paths my kids are on. They have the ability to make me nuts, but I think they are on the right road. I like to think I had something to do with that.
25. I make mistakes, lots of them, in glorious fashion, yet the world keeps turning.
They always look so comfy in snow. I wish I could feel like that.
awwwhhh I really want to snuggle with a polar bear.
Somehow, I think that he might not be as receptive.
Yeah, except given this area, she hasn't seen the sun at all yet. After the past days, that is the least of her problems.
that's probably one of the few animals at the zoo that gets to feel anything of it's natural habitat. poor baby giraffe is like, 'WTF! who shut off the sun?'