apparently the secret santa gift that provided so much entertainment at the party can be quite expensive. maybe i can upgrade next year.
EURYTHMICS star DAVE STEWART is creating a buzz again - by launching a diamond-studded sex toy costing £1,000.
The 56-year-old music legend worked with a specialist adults-only firm to devise and market the Little Steel Tonight vibrator.
It is made of solid steel with a "satin finish" and a band of 28 diamonds - but bizarrely has a guitar pick attached and the lyrics from Stewart's latest solo song, Let's Do It Again, scrawled on it.
Owners also get a code that allows them to download the tune.
Married dad-of-four Stewart had a string of hits, including Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This), with Eurythmics singer ANNIE LENNOX.
His Rock Fabulous range with firm Jimmyjane also includes the £100 vibrator Little Chroma Tonight.
Jimmyjane describes the Little Steel as "the ultimate backstage pass" and boasts: "Our vibrators are the world's quietest - all the better to enjoy the music."
lilho - 01/02/09 20:31 you should show up again before i leave on monday!
metalpeter - 01/02/09 19:51 Well from what I saw it did cause fun at the party, hopefully you have a lot more fun with it. I read that article and that sounds like a lot to me. But I can tell you what the next step might be (assuming their isn't one all ready) You will be able to download some songs onto it and then the vibrator will move at the speed of the song or where the base comes in. I can just Imagine the Metallica one now with the name made out of diamonds with lighting bolts, ha.
01/02/2009 12:06 #47251
hillary clinton
clinton finally wrote back to my email. here is her response.
Dear Ms. *********:
Thank you for sharing your views on the state of the auto industry. I appreciate your concern and I welcome the opportunity to respond.
The auto manufacturing sector has been devastated by the recent economic crisis. Frozen consumer and commercial credit and sharply declining sales have pushed U.S. automakers to the edge of bankruptcy. According to one estimate, almost three million American jobs are tied to the Big Three automakers. The collapse of the domestic auto industry would have a ripple effect that would be immediately felt by New York's nearly 98,000 auto manufacturing-related workers and the many suppliers and dealers throughout the state and the entire nation. Moreover, a collapse would have a destructive impact on our economy.
It is profoundly disappointing that the measure on the floor of the Senate last week was blocked. It would have provided critical assistance for American automakers and the millions of workers whose jobs are directly and indirectly in jeopardy. Millions of Americans, whose livelihoods are in jeopardy, are left to wait over the holidays to see whether their jobs will be saved.
This is a difficult time for America and for American families. Our economy has been buffeted by turmoil in the financial markets and the growing mortgage crisis, resulting in - and compounded by - severe job losses and a deepening sense of anxiety across this country. Inaction is not an acceptable option. I have called for the current administration to use the tools at its disposal to keep our automakers afloat, including using the authority given to the Treasury Secretary to stabilize our markets and troubled companies. In the long term, we must pursue economic policies that will not only create jobs but create the incentives for these companies and many others to lead our nation and the world in developing innovative technologies that will shape our future and ensure our prosperity.
Again, thank you for your letter regarding the auto industry and our economic challenges ahead. For updates, please check my website at .
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
12/11/2008 20:54 #47032
OMG they finally found the body of a small child about half a block from the anthony home that they believe is of little caylee marie anthony, the child of the florida mom who didn't report her gone until the grandmother forced her to call the cops when she found out the child has been allegedly missing for over a month!
i'm sure you guys have heard about this case in the news and i've written about is a few times. i didn't think they were ever going to find the body so this development is fantastic. i though this bitch had a chance to get away with this murder because there was no body to strengthen the prosecution's case, but now, there is no way that she's getting with it.
the prosecution this week announced that they were not going to ask for the death penalty because there was no body and their case would have been too weak, but now they have all they need.
here is the news report
i have been obsessed with this case for so long. it's been so crazy because of all the evidence that has been made public. there are about 2000 pages of evidence, transcripts, text messages, phone records, IM's, forensic reports, etc. as well as taped phone conversations, video's of interviews, jail visits, surveillance tapes, etc.
i guess florida has these sunshine laws that allows for the public to request to see information regarding trials. i don't know how it's possible but just about everything the state has against casey anthony is public, and i mean, EVERYTHING....thousands and thousands of documents.
did you know that most times when a child is murdered they are disposed of within 3 blocks of the child's home? in her taped jail visits with her parents and brother, casey kept saying, "i know she's near by, i can feel her, she's's my gut still feels like she's close to home". just go and listen to her phone calls....the bitch is a cold hearted murderer.
here is a news station that has a lot of the documents stored on one page. but if anyone wants to really see the real documents, let me know, i have all of them downloaded and stored on my computer.
imk2 - 12/11/08 23:21 wow....i sound like i'm from backwoods louisiana with a 6th grade education in this post. i didn't proof read at all, and it shows.
vincent - 12/11/08 22:08 Great, now it's going to be All Caylee, All the time for a long time. Thanks for giving me a heads up not to watch Cable News Tonight...
12/05/2008 14:01 #46973
mp3 search engine
for you music lovers, this is the best kept secret in town.
it is a mp3 search engine thingy.
the reason no one knows about this is because it is a russian site that scours russian servers, so it stays clear of the american music corporations.
it's great because it ONLY returns actual songs, nothing but mp3, and it lets you listen to the file before downloading it.
try it out and let me know what you think. I was even able to find an mp3 version of my previous journal's primavera piece. faben tried to find it earlier to download onto her ipod and all she could find was wmv files. this thing got it in a second.
imk2 - 06/04/09 10:10 this search engine has gone to shit now. now you can only download a max of 2 songs a day, otherwise they want you to pay for a membership or something like that. that's what happens when you find something sweet on the internet; enough people find out about it and then people get greedy and want to start making money.
this was such a sweet site. now it's worthless.
tinypliny - 12/05/08 16:55 Interesting - I got a bollywood song that I hadn't heard for many many years from there. But then, Russians (and Pakis) are HUMONGOUS fans of anything that comes out of demented bollywood so it shouldn't be a big surprise... but still!
Thanks! :)
11/28/2008 14:56 #46872
"The Reader" and the music
It's Oscar season and the movies are coming out of the woodwork. One of my must see is "The Reader". When I saw this trailer in the theater, I was struck by the music. It's amazing what music can do for a movie. Remember Requiem for a Dream?
Watch with your sound turned up loud.
It gives me chills every time I hear that or watch that trailer. The composer is Ludovico Einaudi. The piece is Primavera. Here is the whole thing: (ignore the cheesy youtube visuals)
I like Kate Winslet more and more as she get's older. I didn't care for her much when Titanic came out, but the more mature she gets the more beutiful she becomes and the more interesting her choice of roles become. She actually has another movie coming out that is an Oscar contender; Revolutionary Road with her Titanic co-star, DiCaprio.
vincent - 11/28/08 20:51 Requiem is not a move to watch in an altered state. Made that mistake late one night, sitting at home enjoying a few beverages.
I know how you feel about changing your feelings about an actor/actress. Julia Stiles to me was just freaking annoying, but after the last Bourne movie I actually think she's alright.
mrmike - 11/28/08 15:49 I saw the preview for the Reader, looks worthwhile and I have hearted Kate Winslet for a long time. Agree wholeheartedly.
tinypliny - 11/28/08 15:42 Ah, you need to try Giovanni Allevi, Zbigniew Preisner, Jan A.P. Kaczmarek and Bruno Coulais. :)
you should show up again before i leave on monday!
Well from what I saw it did cause fun at the party, hopefully you have a lot more fun with it. I read that article and that sounds like a lot to me. But I can tell you what the next step might be (assuming their isn't one all ready) You will be able to download some songs onto it and then the vibrator will move at the speed of the song or where the base comes in. I can just Imagine the Metallica one now with the name made out of diamonds with lighting bolts, ha.