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12/11/2008 21:50 #47034
Happy Holidays. Love Chad.12/03/2008 23:00 #46944
Read a Bookthat is awesome.
Too funny! Thanks for posting it!
My daughter showed this to me a while back - I think the message is great. And you're right, it's not meant to be racist; it's satirical.
Wikipedia info on the artist:
Artist's offical web page:
12/03/2008 19:04 #46939
Learn How To DanceNo problem. Just hook electrodes to your face and dance the night away.
Heh. EVERYTHING causes cancer. :p
Saw this a while back. I'm also reminded of this one performance artist who hooked up a bunch of electrodes all over his body and let the audience control them as he tried to perform... Hmm... Was it this guy...? :::link::: Can't recall...
That makes me want to throw up. Ibet it causes cancer.
ouch!!!!! that is so weird!!!!
This was strangly sort of uncomfortable to watch.
12/02/2008 22:13 #46929
Senator HigginsHere is the money quote
After beating back a well-financed Republican effort in 2004 and winning a seat held by Republicans for 12 years, Brian Higgins has become an electoral force to be reckoned with in Western New York, even winning a resounding 75% of the vote in a three-candidate race in 2008. Higgins' victories reflect an impressive ability to win votes across the 27th District's geographic strata. Liberal urban communities in the City of Buffalo, moderate suburban Buffalo areas and conservative rural communities in Chautauqua County don't have much in common -- but they all voted to send Brian Higgins back to Congress in huge numbers. This is the appeal Higgins has, and what he can bring to a statewide ticket.
Higgins' tenure in the House of Representatives indicates a depth of knowledge of the issues of concern to Upstate residents and a willingness to fight hard for Upstate's economic interests. During his first term he waged an unprecedented campaign for Western New York when he took on the New York State Power Authority, which for decades generated vast amounts of electricity in Western New York, only to ship it to other communities. Higgins won a record financial settlement to keep Power Authority revenues in Western New York and to dedicate them to waterfront development, which had been ignored for decades by the existing power structure. This fight -- at its core -- was a fight for forgotten communities in New York State. It is a record -- and a message -- that will resonate with voters statewide.
The Governor he has many great public leaders from which to choose to make this appointment, and at the end of this process, I am confident that Governor Paterson will appoint a Senator who will serve all of New York's residents well. I simply believe that an upstate voice is critical at this point in time, and I believe that Congressman Brian Higgins is the right person at the right time.
Hell. Fucking. YA!
11/30/2008 21:01 #46893
SenateGOP, take note. This is how you unseat powerful Senators: you let them win elections.
I don't think that will happen. I can't imagine that would be a popular pick with anyone other than the Mayor and the Governor. They are both buddy, buddy from my understanding, but I can't imagine Brownie's popularity extends much beyond 2/3 of Buffalo.
I hear Higgins mentioned. While I have a problem with a number of his votes the man brings home the bacon to WNY.
That certain senator from NY may be replaced by a certain mayor of Buffalo, which scares me to death! I mean really, I'll concede to downstate before supporting an upstate do-nothing. People accused Obama of being a careerist? Lol!
He kinda looks like a character Jack Black would play, HA. When I see that picture I think gay 70's porn not that I have ever seen any but that is what comes to mind.
@Jason: rofl
Felly: dirty sanchez mustache. Table for two.
Jason: they don't make cakes that can hold that much man!
Lauren: "a quality mullet". I will have to meditate on what this line means.
there is just something so irresistible about a quality mullet coupled with nipple hair and stalker mustachio.
I tried to hire Chad to jump out of a cake for Janelle but he wasn't available. *pout*
Omg. That may have just made me straight again.