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11/30/2008 22:59 #46896

Turkey Lerky

So I was in Las Vegas for Thanksgiving. Great. (read: Great period)
So much better than I expected. I mostly slept on the couch. I ate a lot of food. We watched movies, played Wii, RL bowled, ate out, went the the mall on the strip, walked the strip, enjoyed grandma's cooking, and got reacquainted with all my cousins. So it was great.







vincent - 12/01/08 00:03
That City Center Project is freaking nuts...
james - 11/30/08 23:54
good god! Look at all that construction.

jacob - 11/30/08 23:12
He's my sister's husband, the one on the left. He kind of sticks out, huh? ;)
paul - 11/30/08 23:09
Who's the white guy. Is he an inlaw?

11/25/2008 23:31 #46840

Over the river and through the woods...


I am going to eat no sugar these holidiays. I'm saying it here so that it's written down.


I've been wondering if I should give up meat too. I wish could hunt bison.


Why don't Indians have bison for thanksgiving? That would be something to look forward to. Or what about deer?


Happy Thanksgiving. I'm going to be having Hispano-Native-American Thanksgiving. I just hope there's tamales.

tinypliny - 12/05/08 17:22
I keep coming back to look at these pictures! So cool! Especially the one with the flowes billboard.

11/19/2008 17:15 #46760


lilho - 11/19/08 22:47
you didn't invite me. (silently cries)
jacob - 11/19/08 22:40
Thanks tiny.
paul - 11/19/08 22:10
You should start doing those indian dance competitions. You would be fanastic. More importantly, you should take (e:lilho) with you. She lives in scottsdale and she was one of my favorite going out partners.
tinypliny - 11/19/08 19:46
I love your choice of words. Happy Wednesday! :)

06/26/2008 01:37 #44786















jacob - 06/29/08 02:31
I use to love and hate that time of day. I use to only see it post-rave. I would always wish I could see it when my perspective was a little different.
paul - 06/28/08 00:03
That is serios early morning. The only time I ever see that time of day is when I don't sleep at night and even that is hardly ever.
jacob - 06/27/08 22:30
Sorry. These pics are dark. They are my early morning bike ride to where I get a lift to work.
tinypliny - 06/26/08 23:20
are -> at
tinypliny - 06/26/08 23:19
Hey, I viewed these pics on four different monitors but all of them were really dark... Are all of my monitors dying? (even the one are work?? or are they really dark?)

06/18/2008 21:16 #44710

Seduced by the Sunrise
I've succumbed to my day-laborer side. I am officially a blue-collar worker. I wear a blue shirt with my name embroidered on it. Everyday I wake before the sun and am on the road in my four ton truck before six am. On good days I unload my full truck, all 16,000 pounds of salt.
My first two weeks I worked with someone else. He showed me where the sites I'd be visiting were and helped me get my feet under me. Everyday I was exhausted. My arms and back got sore. The joints in my hands and wrists hurt. When I wasn't working I was sleeping, or eating.
At the end of the two weeks, I felt pretty good. I was finally getting use to the work, and we were getting home early. That's when I started to work alone.
It was just as bad as when I started working, except the days were longer. I averaged fourteen hours a day. I stopped riding my bike. I had already stopped working out. I stopped my life other than work. I began to question whether or not I could really do this. But, little by little I saw progress. It kept me going.
I still get tired, I still eat all day, and I still wake up before the sun, but I have two months that tell me I'm man enough to do this.

"How You Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm" by Andrew Bird
tinypliny - 06/18/08 22:18
Wow. That is really good to hear! Good Luck!

I don't think I could ever grow into such a tough job. I am not a man, of course. But I am not man enough either. How sad is that...