Some on the right calling the the end of life as they know it. That's a totally self defeating mentality. You can make money in any kind in any kind of economy or situation outside of some kind alternate universe economy as North Korea. Just take for example Warren Buffet buying the Washington Post in the mid 70's knowing that he would get a great ROI with Jimmy Carter expanding government and thus the D.C. economy. Heck him and George Soros one of my heros for being a wicked trader backed Obama. Do you think he wants to donate all of his wealth? These guys know ways to profit from what may be in store as policy changes. The challenge is to try to figure out what they are doing and follow suit.
This may be the turning point for the American worker as they come back from being Squeezed

None the less these should be interesting times.
me too. I'm not 100% behind Obama, but I just couldn't in good conscience vote for Palin. I like libertarians in theory, but yeah, they seem a little nuts too. Whenever people were listed in multiple parties, I picked the 'independence' party when I could. Not even sure what that is (about to go look it up), but it sounds good. ;)
I voted Third Party. Not crazy about Cynthia McKinney, but I'm desparate for a serious third option to develop other than Republican and Democrat.
Good thought with the alternative party lines. I managed to completely avoid all the democratic and republican lines and still get the folks I wanted. Doing my best to vote smart, not hard.
oh shoot. You outted me for selling out the Greens.
I really like the Green Party. I just think they shot themselves in the foot with this particular candidate. They would have been better off running a complete unknown, or endorsing another party's candidate.