I guess I could feel the vibe when I was out there in August. The place is in for some trouble. How are they going to fill all of the rooms that have tripled the capacity of rooms over the last 10 years with less flights being booked? It's just too insane now these days. If I do go back I'm going to check in at a dump on Freemont St or hang in a "local" casino where you have a shot at making your bankroll last the whole trip. The days of people going to Vegas, spending $500 on a room, Droppinig $5000 at a nightclub for bottle service, and $100 bills on other "stuff" are at an end. The credit card is Maxed out & the bank won't let you get any more money from your HELOC since you're underwater on your mortgage
You had a grandfather who only spoke Polish? How cool! Do you speak Polish?!
Maybe the Happy Birthday was their was of saying they wanted some seconds!