As I kid I watched the Berlin Wall come down and the Eastern European countries shake off the Soviets and become free. There were always shots of crazy crowds in the streets. Yea, Obama winning may not be no par with ending 45 years of communist rule by the shear will of the people, but at least I can get a 1/4 idea of what it would be like to see people go nuts in the streets. I guess it was kind of a "nonviolent revolution" after all.
Some on the right calling the the end of life as they know it. That's a totally self defeating mentality. You can make money in any kind in any kind of economy or situation outside of some kind alternate universe economy as North Korea. Just take for example Warren Buffet buying the Washington Post in the mid 70's knowing that he would get a great ROI with Jimmy Carter expanding government and thus the D.C. economy. Heck him and George Soros one of my heros for being a wicked trader backed Obama. Do you think he wants to donate all of his wealth? These guys know ways to profit from what may be in store as policy changes. The challenge is to try to figure out what they are doing and follow suit.
This may be the turning point for the American worker as they come back from being Squeezed

to actually getting some union respesentation once again for better benefits, wages and working conditions. It sure won't happen next year or anytime soon, but the pendulum may start to swing in the opposite direction.
None the less these should be interesting times.
You had a grandfather who only spoke Polish? How cool! Do you speak Polish?!
Maybe the Happy Birthday was their was of saying they wanted some seconds!