So I guess I'll start by talking about some people there. (e:tinypliny) great comment costume. (e:Heidi) it was nice to meet you I like the costume and you looked pretty good in it. It is to bad (e:imk2) was sick and couldn't make it, you are often the life of the party and it would have been interesting to see how you would have dressed up (yeah she is a hottie). (e:lauren) that was a great crazy old cat lady costume oh yeah and the Jello shots where pretty good to, did I hear it right that felly made that mask by hand, if so that is pretty rad. (e:dragonlady7) had a nice costume and I really liked your sisters Ninja outfit, it is always a bonus when the ninja is also a hot lady. I know I didn't see everyone who was at the part and there where a few ladies in skimpy little outfits I didn't get pictures of one girl looked like santa's little helper and then there was some girl in green. Before I forget it was nice to see Jason and Josh who both looked like they had a good time. I also Liked (e:jenks) Costume even though I never saw the mask on her at the same time as the crown.
Well that is the end of part 1. I forget to thank (e:pmt) for having the party I passed out for a bit upstairs and left about 5. It was a good time and I wish I drank a little more but that is ok. I did hear that someone was playing the organ downstairs but kinda missed it. I hope some more pictures start showing up from other people on this site also.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/01/2008 17:37 #46464
2008 Halloween Party Part 1Category: photos
10/30/2008 20:54 #46434
Zack and Miir make a pornoCategory: movies
So on Friday Kevin Smith's newest movie comes out "Zack & Miri make a porno". It looks like it could be pretty good. I'm hoping that I have time to go see it On Saturday, or who knows if I will even be in good enough shape to make it to a movie. I will admit I am a Kevin Smith fan so I must go see it.
the first time the video didn't show up from youtube but I kinda forgot how to do that.
the first time the video didn't show up from youtube but I kinda forgot how to do that.
10/30/2008 21:06 #46435
Henry Rollins Last NightCategory: event
Well first of all I ran into someone who I haven't seen in a long time at last nights show, it was nice to see and talk to you again. In terms of the show it is hard to describe what was talked about it is kinda something you have to see. I think most of what he said was new but did connect with some stuff he talked about last year. I liked his take on W. not only person but the movie also and he also talked about his dad and Clinton. I liked that he talked politics and said people should vote but said he wouldn't say who to vote for or who he voted for. But it wasn't all political some of it was like about all the stuff you have to watch before a movie and he talked about how Kid Rock has a song trying to get people to join the military. Some of his traveling stories where pretty interesting. I will admit I liked last years show better then this years but it was still a pretty good time this year. I think this cold is messing with my memory because there was at least another thing he talked about that I wanted to get into but can't remember. Hopefully this doesn't interfear with me at the party on Firday night, I plan to take the peterazzi to a whole new level once I get the settings down on the camera for (e:pmt)'s place.. Sorry I can't tell the story better I did such a good job telling it last year.
10/28/2008 18:01 #46391
November is Spy Month I sayCategory: entertainment
The reason I'm calling November spy month is for two reasons, well I guess it is really one reason. Before 24 returns in January they are having a two hour special called 24 Redemption it looks like it will be pretty good on Sunday Nov. 23. Then also this month the new James Bond movie opens. Yeah some people might say Bond who cares any more. I will admit that I liked the old style with all the rockets and stunts that where over the top even for movies. I also liked the more recent bonds of Pierce better then this new Bond. That being said I do like that they have gone in this other direction, and not that I have read the books. But from what I have heard these movies are closer to the books then how the previous movies have been. I think what will make this newest movie interesting is that it is the first Bond Sequel and so that might be interesting to see how that plays out. I don't know if Daniel Craig will be in what ever the next movie they do after the current one. The reason I say that is because I was watching one of the features on Casino Royale and they said that they didn't use Pierce because with this being the story of how bond becomes bond they needed someone younger. See I haven't even seen the newest one and I'm jumping a head. I'm hoping it will be very good, we shall see.
10/27/2008 20:16 #46373
Henry Rollins Spoken wordCategory: events
So I'm looking forward to Wends. I'm going to see Henry Rollins. He won't be singing or dancing or well maybe he will be you never know, but it is for spoken word not music. I'm thinking maybe head downtown from work and treat myself to some drinks and a nice meal at say T.G.I fridays but I have to double check the time. I don't know how to say what spoken word is other then that he tells stories, at some point of the story it leads into another story. Hey sometimes someone mentions something and then to know what that is you need another story. Some of it is funny and some of it is political and yes he does have merch. for sale so you can buy other spoken word tours. I'm hoping it really good this year like it was last year. I have never seen him do a question and answer thing it isn't like an Evening with Kevin smith but some aspects are the same. Yes you can disagree with his political views and still have a good time at the town ballroom.
metalpeter - 10/28/08 17:50
I am so going to jump up on stage and hug him for you, HA. kidding of course. I wonder if he will ever go to Qatar I know he has been in the area I think Dubai and Isreal so who knows.
I am so going to jump up on stage and hug him for you, HA. kidding of course. I wonder if he will ever go to Qatar I know he has been in the area I think Dubai and Isreal so who knows.
yah, i'm looking forward to the new bond film!
i'm down with spy month.....