First of all I'm so tired of this mess with Time Warner and channel 4. I do have a set of rabbit ears that attach to my old TV. But it dawned on me today that I need to go to that lead me to or something like that and then I filled out an application to get two coupons for those digital converter box things. Yes I do have cable so my TVs should be covered that is what I keep hearing on all the ads. But there is a slight problem to get Channel 4 I use rabbit ears so come Feb 17th or when ever that is I wouldn't be able to get that station anymore. Some might say well by then this problem could all be worked out, but see it takes time to get get the coupons and then once you get them you only have 90 days to use them. So if I don't go and do it now when I'm thinking about it the problem doesn't get solved it could be to late. My Rabbit ears are the old school kind that have flat pieces that slide into screws on the back of a TV, I wonder if they will work with the boxes I Need to get. Maybe I should go to Time Warner and pick up their free Rabbit ears. It might be kinda tough though since I saw the times and they are only really available at times when I'm working, argghhhhhhhhhhh. Well I guess we shall see.
Metalpeter's Journal
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10/26/2008 11:36 #46339
Coupons for digital converter boxCategory: tv
10/25/2008 17:18 #46328
Sons of Anarchy +Category: tv
So I will admit I like FX channel. It is the cable version of fox. They used to have some repeats of fox shows like they used to re show 24. At the time it was a pretty good idea, if you miss one episode you could really get behind so it was a good way to keep viewers. Currently I'm watching Sons Of Anarchy it is about a bike gang and it is pretty good I think. I seem to all ways miss It allways Sunny in Philadelphia. I haven't tried yet but i guess you can watch it from their site
I'm not sure when new episodes will be on, I know you can watch mini episodes of rescue me through that site also. That is really a good show.
This morning On HBO I missed the first few minutes of Section 60:Arlington National Cemetery. I don't know how to describe it, maybe it is sad, moving, or just a look into the memories people have of people who die in war. I'm not going to try to politicize it but this side of the story isn't thought about when we all are talking about if we should go to war, and that we are in the wrong country and all of that. I found the show a little hard to watch but it is something that should be watched.
More fun stuff so tonight on HBO at 11pm is Cathouse : Manage A Trois that looks like it should be a lot of fun to watch. Will it all be sex I doubt it but it could be lots of it. The only thing I wish was that on that show they would not blur out the mans dick when it is hard. I mean we know they are fucking but no dick. Not sure why that is I know showtime won't show erect dick either. Maybe they fear that men won't watch then, or maybe that would make it porn and there are legal reasons not sure really should still be pretty good. Yes I like my porn hard core for those who are wondering.
NBC tonight is replaying the 3 episodes of SNL live on Thursday tonight for those who haven't seen them that might be something to watch and then after the news SNL is live or as they say on the site all new, yes the music band is Coldplay, I love coldplay by the way in the "Stright world" that makes you a fag or gay. Well it doesn't really but people say that it does. That reminds me tonight I need to think out and write out that blog about that. Most blogs I write are right out of my head but that one needs to be written down really.
I lost my train of thought so hope everyone has a great weekend.

This morning On HBO I missed the first few minutes of Section 60:Arlington National Cemetery. I don't know how to describe it, maybe it is sad, moving, or just a look into the memories people have of people who die in war. I'm not going to try to politicize it but this side of the story isn't thought about when we all are talking about if we should go to war, and that we are in the wrong country and all of that. I found the show a little hard to watch but it is something that should be watched.
More fun stuff so tonight on HBO at 11pm is Cathouse : Manage A Trois that looks like it should be a lot of fun to watch. Will it all be sex I doubt it but it could be lots of it. The only thing I wish was that on that show they would not blur out the mans dick when it is hard. I mean we know they are fucking but no dick. Not sure why that is I know showtime won't show erect dick either. Maybe they fear that men won't watch then, or maybe that would make it porn and there are legal reasons not sure really should still be pretty good. Yes I like my porn hard core for those who are wondering.
NBC tonight is replaying the 3 episodes of SNL live on Thursday tonight for those who haven't seen them that might be something to watch and then after the news SNL is live or as they say on the site all new, yes the music band is Coldplay, I love coldplay by the way in the "Stright world" that makes you a fag or gay. Well it doesn't really but people say that it does. That reminds me tonight I need to think out and write out that blog about that. Most blogs I write are right out of my head but that one needs to be written down really.
I lost my train of thought so hope everyone has a great weekend.
10/25/2008 16:40 #46325
Happy Halloween kindaCategory: holiday
Yes I know it isn't Halloween yet but I did want to wish to anyone who is doing anything for the holiday today. I know there is that big party at the Central Terminal. Than out at Garden Village Plaza in Cheektowaga The Misfits and As Summer Dies have a show out there and you can get tickets for the Concert and Haunted House and that other things are going on as well so hope everyone has a good time.
10/24/2008 19:27 #46311
SNL Live BushCategory: tv
So Last night I got to watch SNL live on Thursday and thought it was good.
(to watch the entire thing). The high lite to me was the opening. Will Farrell played George W. Bush I thought it was awesome, with out giving to much away he endorse Palin (Tina Fey) and McCain who can't be found but is brought onto stag, I again thought it was great.

10/24/2008 19:20 #46309
Ads based on other Ads?Category: philosophy
I myself Like adds that are based on other adds but the question is what does that say about us as a Society. I think that all it really says is that a lot of people watch a lot of TV. But it could also mean that people like comedy in there adds as well. I think when one add is based on another it assumes that the person watches enough TV to know the previous add and to understand the new add. I know this isn't a new concept but in the past it was kinda reserved for the beer companies where one would mock out the other or even the Cola Wars. The Most recent Versions of this is one for I think it is miller lite not sure. There is this pretty famous Bud ad where this horse tries out for the Budwiser wagon but isn't good enough so a dalemation trains the horse and he makes the team that same kind of dog has been on a couple other ads. Well the ad that plays off that dog the show the budwiser wagon and the horses and you know what it is with out them showing the company the then the dog jumps off what you know is the budwiser truck onto there truck, I thought it was funny. Another version of that is MAC has all those great ads bashing PCs and most of them are pretty funny but now Windows has one with a guy who looks like the PC guy where he says He has been made into a sterotype and there are a couple if maybe not 3 versions of the same people saying different things.
The other type of ad is where a company comes out with an add and then bases other ads of the original one. The its so easy a cave man can do it has spawned a lot of those. That however is not an original idea by the way, in my mind. Anyone who used to watch SNL remembers a bit called "cave man lawyer" the guy would act like he didn't understand like one of those famous court shows and go "But I'm Just a Cave man". I think the first one based of the idea that the cave man was upset was him with a shrink and he is supposed to talk to a doll and he says it doesn't talk back. Then based off of that there has been a series of some caveman getting up set by Gieco. There is one at an airport, tennis match with billy jean king, Party where the one guy is called a sell out for trying to save money, one on motorcycles where they wear the racing suits but aren't on Japanese racing bikes, on the beach and a plane goes by with an ad and that breaks up the romance and the I think the newest one the guy has a metal detector on the beach and he thinks he found something and it is a gieco key chain all very funny. But see if you didn't see the original one where he gets upset none of these would make any sense. Another example is Mac, I love all there Mac vs. PC ads they are all pretty good. The recent turn of ads have all been vista based and things along the lines of not calling it vista. So there is one ad where they show all this money on the table and how it is used to advertise Vista in stead of like fixing it so PC then throws that other little portion over into the ad budget. But there newest ad is based of that and the PC dude is having a bake sale to raise money so he can get Vista fixed, I think it is pretty funny.
This is just a small example from the ads I have seen. What I think it says is that we are a nation of TV watchers. That isn't to bad really there are a lot of stations and options for kinds of shows and info to watch. I could make the leap that we are not a reading nation any more but that isn't true. Often the ads we see for movies where best selling books, or comic books before. I could say that people are very sedintary. I don't agree completely because to be able to have cable or dish you need money so you must be working. But what I do think is that what it shows is that more people stay in at night then going out as a family for family events. I think if you looked closer you would see that a lots of families watch TV together but that more often Kids watch shows by them selves and sometimes both parents do to. I'm not saying that TV causes families to be less close, kids would play video games or listen to music to not be around there parents. What I think is that TV has become a big entertainment device as opposed to going out side and playing or doing stuff out side. I admit I not sure if philosophy was the right term to put this under but it is close enough.
The other type of ad is where a company comes out with an add and then bases other ads of the original one. The its so easy a cave man can do it has spawned a lot of those. That however is not an original idea by the way, in my mind. Anyone who used to watch SNL remembers a bit called "cave man lawyer" the guy would act like he didn't understand like one of those famous court shows and go "But I'm Just a Cave man". I think the first one based of the idea that the cave man was upset was him with a shrink and he is supposed to talk to a doll and he says it doesn't talk back. Then based off of that there has been a series of some caveman getting up set by Gieco. There is one at an airport, tennis match with billy jean king, Party where the one guy is called a sell out for trying to save money, one on motorcycles where they wear the racing suits but aren't on Japanese racing bikes, on the beach and a plane goes by with an ad and that breaks up the romance and the I think the newest one the guy has a metal detector on the beach and he thinks he found something and it is a gieco key chain all very funny. But see if you didn't see the original one where he gets upset none of these would make any sense. Another example is Mac, I love all there Mac vs. PC ads they are all pretty good. The recent turn of ads have all been vista based and things along the lines of not calling it vista. So there is one ad where they show all this money on the table and how it is used to advertise Vista in stead of like fixing it so PC then throws that other little portion over into the ad budget. But there newest ad is based of that and the PC dude is having a bake sale to raise money so he can get Vista fixed, I think it is pretty funny.
This is just a small example from the ads I have seen. What I think it says is that we are a nation of TV watchers. That isn't to bad really there are a lot of stations and options for kinds of shows and info to watch. I could make the leap that we are not a reading nation any more but that isn't true. Often the ads we see for movies where best selling books, or comic books before. I could say that people are very sedintary. I don't agree completely because to be able to have cable or dish you need money so you must be working. But what I do think is that what it shows is that more people stay in at night then going out as a family for family events. I think if you looked closer you would see that a lots of families watch TV together but that more often Kids watch shows by them selves and sometimes both parents do to. I'm not saying that TV causes families to be less close, kids would play video games or listen to music to not be around there parents. What I think is that TV has become a big entertainment device as opposed to going out side and playing or doing stuff out side. I admit I not sure if philosophy was the right term to put this under but it is close enough.
I thought I had HBO but the other day I realized I didn't. I really thought it would have been part of the package, but I guess I can't see any packages anyways so...
I'm a little bit upset last night I go and try and watch the tape and it is all messed up. I guess I'll have to watch it on demand I think it starts Monday.
In terms of not seeing dick on the cathouse shows and other real sex shows on HBO. You can see dick because I have seen dick and I have seen full frontal nudity in a shower scene and some other scenes on showtime (I think the actor was Peter Piage he looked pretty well hung to me like a porn star) and HBO but all the guys where limp. I think that with the girls they show frontal nudity and if she is fully shaved (most ladies are now on those shows) then you might see some of her pussy. I think that you never really see in side it or see insertion that you can tell is insertion and I think and a hard dick is sort of the same level so that is why you don't see either one of them really. I'm just guessing maybe being hard means the man is aroused and for some reason they can't show that, maybe in some states that would be considered pornogrophy where with limp it is safe in every state, not sure just a guess. It would be interesting to write HBO I wonder if they would respond.
There is something unfair about naked women but blurred naked men. And seeing as everyone knows what it is, what is the point of blurring.
well, I'd have to agree with you there MP. what's the point of blurring the penis?