I am thoroughly interested in McCain's announcement of his Vice Presidential Candidate, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska.
Commentators are already noting the irony that Obama with his Change America campaign has picked a politican who's been around the block in the Capitol City. McCain on the other hand has picked a little known woman Governor whose life in Alaska represents the American spirit in a way that will resonate with a lot of Americans. One more red flag in my head for Obama.
Governor Sarah Palin isn't enough for the McCain-Palin ticket to win my vote, but a review of her Wikipedia entry has me fascinated.
In Drew Style, I'll do a post on the 10 things (in no particular order) that I already like about Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin.
1. She embodies the spirit of feminism.
2. She is secure enough to be a feminist and a Republican.
3. She is secure enought to be a feminist and Pro-Life.
4. As a Republican, she was willing to tackle unethical behavior among her fellow Republicans.
5. She has the Alaskan Frontier Spirit.
6. She has the spirit of the Green Party wrapped up in a Republican body.
7. She hunts, snowmobiles, eats moose, ice fishes and has posed for Vogue fashion magazine.
8. She has shown that a woman can be a mother to five kids (one with downs syndrome) and a successful politican ... not that anyone ever questions male politicians ability to be fathers and politicians.
9. She's my sister in faith.
10. Like me, she played a wind instrument and was point guard for her basketball team.
I will be available around the 12th to start training with you I hope (it depends on where my employment goes post-primary) if you want someone to train with. But I would love to do the race with you. I have never entered one before. My 5k time floats between 25-27 minutes. So, if I can keep up with you then it sounds like a blast.