I have to say I freaking hate Coke for that Olympic Sponsorship commercial that they play that uses this song When I am watching the Olympics, and being getting a flashback of the finale of Six Feet Under is not a place that I want to be taken for the next 2 weeks. I'm not seeing the Olympians of year gone by, I get Claire driving off into the desert and then getting visions of everyone dying!!!!! Yea, I still break out in tears ever time I watch it...
Vincent's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/14/2008 02:16 #45326
Olympic RantCategory: olympics
08/11/2008 00:04 #45298
McCain & Obama....as ButterCategory: the fair
I must have been insane to go to the fair today. Somehow we managed to surf our way through Route 5 and Lake Ave with some wicked hydro plaining. The upside, not as many people as not once did my ankles get attacked by a stroller. It was really my only day to go as I have other stuff going on this week.
So here is a pic that is a pretty impressive sculpture of our future President, made out of a dairy product.

So here is a pic that is a pretty impressive sculpture of our future President, made out of a dairy product.

carolinian - 08/13/08 10:42
Given that this is Buffalo, I'd imagine that around Easter time they'll have little flags stuck in them and be sold at Broadway Market.
Given that this is Buffalo, I'd imagine that around Easter time they'll have little flags stuck in them and be sold at Broadway Market.
tinypliny - 08/12/08 17:22
Who gets to eat them in the end? Is there an eating contest on the last day where whoever devours the entire Obama or McCain, wins??
Who gets to eat them in the end? Is there an eating contest on the last day where whoever devours the entire Obama or McCain, wins??
metalpeter - 08/11/08 18:44
I plan to see them Tuesday, I'm Surprised they are touching them up still.
I plan to see them Tuesday, I'm Surprised they are touching them up still.
mrmike - 08/11/08 09:58
Best they've looked all campaign
Best they've looked all campaign
08/09/2008 18:54 #45291
POV getting my skate onCategory: working out
I was just bored when I decided to go and burn some calories today. Back in the day my GF at the time would videotape herself doing tricks on her blades. Well I haven't seen her in 10 years so there is no one edging me on to do tricks, so I just spontaneously decided to whip out my phone and record this little thing. It's the one thing about the summer I love doing and the path is always a nice time. This stayed on the Isle View side of things.
it does have quite a bit of wind, but you do hear my wheels grinding away.
mrdt - 08/11/08 12:52
WOw! That was interesting. I started to watch the video and realized you had captured my early afternoon bike ride on Saturday but then more than half way through the video I passed you in the opposite direction. I think I'm the fourth or fifth bike rider in the video (not the fat guy with his shirt off)! Had I known you were filming I would have done an endo or something.
WOw! That was interesting. I started to watch the video and realized you had captured my early afternoon bike ride on Saturday but then more than half way through the video I passed you in the opposite direction. I think I'm the fourth or fifth bike rider in the video (not the fat guy with his shirt off)! Had I known you were filming I would have done an endo or something.
paul - 08/10/08 09:31
Looks fun. I have only really gone on city sidewalks which is a much different terrain. The video would be unwatchable.
Looks fun. I have only really gone on city sidewalks which is a much different terrain. The video would be unwatchable.
08/07/2008 23:55 #45270
I think I'm stayingCategory: contemplating
It has been something that I have been giving serious thought for quite some time. Over the past few months I have applied for other jobs in other cities and when the acceptance and interest has been there for me I had to do some serious analyzing on what my next move would be. At some point it became a, "be careful of what you wish for, since you just might get it" type of thing. So I sit here with opportunities to move on elsewhere, but for some reason I just can't really pull the trigger.
I think it just may come down to money. Yea I have some saved up and do have most of it working in some way, but to be honest I am able to be in that position due to the way I live here in keeping my expenses low. If I picked up and moved to Richmond, VA that wouldn't be as cost effective as where I am currently.
What's the reason why I'm driving myself to push all in and make a move if I'm really torn and feeling the urge? It really comes down to the fact that I have the spent the last 10 years looking for someone and I have come to the fact that either, I am totally Fucked up in the head (which may be a possibility given my lack of confidence/game) or such a woman does not live in the Western New York area that fits to my standards and has the potential to mesh in some kind of chemistry.
Although I have plenty of faults I think that's it's the later. Especially given the last couple of dates I have been out on I have just realized that in some ways I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel around this area. Crap I had to move to Canada to find my ex-wife. I don't want to choose between looks and chemistry, in the end you are just unhappy eventually because you want at least some of one that you are not getting or have.
SO, I may be totally screwing myself for not packing up and leaving town in search of a dream, mainly finding a suitable mate. It's just that I'm being a bit partial to something that will just scorch a marriage if it's not looked after, money. With how things are going economically these days, how could you not?
Those "suitable" wife material women elsewhere that have scores I can only dream of on these dating sites that have those fancy smanchy algorithms and match percentages that are non-existent for me her in Western NY are just going to have to wait I suppose...
I think it just may come down to money. Yea I have some saved up and do have most of it working in some way, but to be honest I am able to be in that position due to the way I live here in keeping my expenses low. If I picked up and moved to Richmond, VA that wouldn't be as cost effective as where I am currently.
What's the reason why I'm driving myself to push all in and make a move if I'm really torn and feeling the urge? It really comes down to the fact that I have the spent the last 10 years looking for someone and I have come to the fact that either, I am totally Fucked up in the head (which may be a possibility given my lack of confidence/game) or such a woman does not live in the Western New York area that fits to my standards and has the potential to mesh in some kind of chemistry.
Although I have plenty of faults I think that's it's the later. Especially given the last couple of dates I have been out on I have just realized that in some ways I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel around this area. Crap I had to move to Canada to find my ex-wife. I don't want to choose between looks and chemistry, in the end you are just unhappy eventually because you want at least some of one that you are not getting or have.
SO, I may be totally screwing myself for not packing up and leaving town in search of a dream, mainly finding a suitable mate. It's just that I'm being a bit partial to something that will just scorch a marriage if it's not looked after, money. With how things are going economically these days, how could you not?
Those "suitable" wife material women elsewhere that have scores I can only dream of on these dating sites that have those fancy smanchy algorithms and match percentages that are non-existent for me her in Western NY are just going to have to wait I suppose...
metalpeter - 08/08/08 18:16
Hey You could always have a Camera Crew follow you around and tape your dates oh wait that has all ready been done as Movies and a Good TV show (Why Am I still Single, on showtime as you know). I think one of the factors in finding "A good women" is that often lots of the good ones are taken. That whole Chemestry thing is odd to, sometimes you might have it but yet have nothing in common then sometimes you see that someone is awesome person and you share interests but there is no spark. Not that I would put in all the work it takes to move but I know what you mean about places being more Costly. I have never done the math but have a few times thought about how it would be Nice to go move To Toronto. But I know there is no way I could afforid to. I hope that as long as you stay here you are happy. In terms of where to find a good women I don't have one so I don't know where to tell you to meet one.
Hey You could always have a Camera Crew follow you around and tape your dates oh wait that has all ready been done as Movies and a Good TV show (Why Am I still Single, on showtime as you know). I think one of the factors in finding "A good women" is that often lots of the good ones are taken. That whole Chemestry thing is odd to, sometimes you might have it but yet have nothing in common then sometimes you see that someone is awesome person and you share interests but there is no spark. Not that I would put in all the work it takes to move but I know what you mean about places being more Costly. I have never done the math but have a few times thought about how it would be Nice to go move To Toronto. But I know there is no way I could afforid to. I hope that as long as you stay here you are happy. In terms of where to find a good women I don't have one so I don't know where to tell you to meet one.
08/03/2008 20:43 #45235
Schlitz is backCategory: beer

I remember drinking a 6 pack over Christmas this year when I was down in Sarasota. I guess the positive trial markets indicated that they could make a go of it. With the revitalization of Pabst Blue Ribbon I don't see why they wouldn't parlay that success into another emotionally nostalgic brand. Plus as I remember it was actually pretty good. I did buy some of the "new" formula over the spring when I went down to Virginia and although it's great to complement a picnic, it just wasn't as good as the original stuff I had in Sarasota.

It's not entirely about the beer. For older people it's about nostalgia, for people like me or younger it's about communion with older long passed on relatives or better simpler times. Then again it could just be that people won't be able to afford beer brewed by microbreweries with no bargaining power for key ingredients due to their diminished economies of scale or beer imported from a country with a stronger currency. I think that's why the foreign brewers bought out the domestic macro breweries, so we can be the "cheap foreign labor" for their brands as we do for our children's toys and clothes from southeast Asia.
mrmike - 08/05/08 13:17
I think it was Cheech and Chong who said it best "When you are out of bud, tough schlitz."
I think it was Cheech and Chong who said it best "When you are out of bud, tough schlitz."
Ok I pressed play on the little play button and it played. That is one pretty interesting video with the pictures. Now I know the music so if I here that on a coke ad maybe I'll know the ad you mean. But in terms of if it fits the add or not I still don't know.
Well I tried to Play the video but it says it is no Longer available, so I'm not sure if it is one I have seen and what I thought of it if I did. I have never watched Six Feet Under so I can't comment on that show. But I might feel the same way if I heard a song on 24 where Jack Cries or some other peak of the show and then hear it on an add. But I'm guessing the song was a song before six feet under or that at least it wasn't written for that scene so to other people who might know the song from someplace else they might get a different meaning from it. So I say hate the add but not coke. But again I don't know the add maybe if I did I might agree with you but I doubt that I would.
Wow. Thanks so much for posting. Such a creative video! And the song is kind of soothing and fitting as well. :)