Something similar to what I'm about to describe happened in an earlier journal but tonight's incident was so perfect I had to relate the updated version. It was a little before 8 and I'm on my way to retrieve my eldest from cheerleading practice. I'm on Delaware Ave. by Hutch's where traffic is still sorting itself out after surviving Gates Circle. One knucklehead uses the left turn lane at Delavan as his personal accerlation lane, and flies north on Delaware at 50+ mph into the "S" curve. I beep as if to say "Hey, I'm driving here" and continue on my merry way. As the cluster of cars I'm in thins out a little, it reveals a Buffalo Cop who saw the speed demon. Yonder Cop turns on his lights and we all slow down a little to make sure that it's........that guy. Cop floors it. I'm thinking how cool it would be if it is the road hog who gets nailed.
Pulled over a little beyond Nottingham is said road hog. Laughed all the way to the park. Made my day.
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/12/2008 22:08 #45319
Cops is filmed on Delaware Ave.Category: traffic
08/08/2008 14:15 #45278
Week's endCategory: random
Random notes:
I would really like to get excited about the Olympics beyond the opening ceremonies, but I just can't. While it was/is interesting to see what a show the Chinese will put on, the nature of the environment makes it tough. There was a piece on this morning's news were an "Air Quality" minister snapped at a journalist that "Nobody can be certain what causes the air to appear that way, that the appearance is not indicative of quality." My inner bullshit detector redlined. I saw another piece about one of the inland reservoirs was diverted from needed farmers to make sure the Beijing flowers look nice for tv. It's a mystical, amazing place and I want to see it again, but the folks in charge need to work on their people skills.
Brett Favre should have taken the money and gone away.
I'm enjoying a few days off with the youngins, but between number one son going to Zoo camp and Eldest child working at concessions, Monday will be my first completely free Zoo day since June. I think I'll be at the beach (anybody else want to come along?).
Why is Pfizer spamming me so often?
I want to go to a Bisons game, but they really suck this year with Cleveland bolting for the door. Hard to get pumped to go see really bad baseball, when you know from the getgo that it is really going to be bad.
Finally, in our sports report, the Bills asked if I'd come back to usher this year. I would have thought telling them no would have been more fun, but no. The union represents the arena and standing around lost whatever little charm it had. Think I'll try one job for the time being. It was nice to run into one of the Bills hostess folk at a recent Zoo fundraiser who was sorry to see me not come back. Told her somebody else has to break up the fights this year.
Kids have been in residence and while I grumble about the regularity of the August vacation, it's been pretty great. The prodigal daughters were rummaging through my kitchen concocting food and referred to when I was at the house and doing the shopping as "the good old days." Made me smile (well, I wanted to, but still can't all the way).
The Paris Hilton ad is the best political commercial since we've established the nominees, of whom I'm very weary, along with their cheerleaders, O'reilly and Olbermann.
Darling eldest child told me she was organizing a car wash next week at the Elmwood Jesus church. She and her cheerleading squad from City Honors were going to meet with "Pastor Drew." This is indeed a small neighborhood.
Tru-teas is heading to Hertel. Paul, perhaps you should register while the getting is good.
My recent round of media appearances caught up with me. I met somebody at Shakespeare in the Park last night (pre-flood) who said they did a google search on the coverage and that lead them to where I mentioned whoring myself out for the elephants. Told her to hang on as next month I whore myself out for the Rainforest exhibit. Actually, I'll just be doing a lot of billboards, and making other people create commercials. Good times. My dad was giving me some lip last week about how it had been three days since he'd last seen me on tv, when he opened his paper last friday only to see my son staring at him.
Coolest aspect to that was that my older brother recognized my voice from the tv. I know that doesn't sound remarkable, but he is autistic and has a number of other factors that he deals with on a daily basis. Sometimes, my siblings and I are pronouns, but he locked right in on me on Channel 4. I think that was mostly because he has a thing for the weekend weather girl, but the smirk of recognition from him over the weekend was pretty cool.
Hope the recently non-journaling estrippers are doing alright.
Enjoy the soggy weekend, ya'all
I would really like to get excited about the Olympics beyond the opening ceremonies, but I just can't. While it was/is interesting to see what a show the Chinese will put on, the nature of the environment makes it tough. There was a piece on this morning's news were an "Air Quality" minister snapped at a journalist that "Nobody can be certain what causes the air to appear that way, that the appearance is not indicative of quality." My inner bullshit detector redlined. I saw another piece about one of the inland reservoirs was diverted from needed farmers to make sure the Beijing flowers look nice for tv. It's a mystical, amazing place and I want to see it again, but the folks in charge need to work on their people skills.
Brett Favre should have taken the money and gone away.
I'm enjoying a few days off with the youngins, but between number one son going to Zoo camp and Eldest child working at concessions, Monday will be my first completely free Zoo day since June. I think I'll be at the beach (anybody else want to come along?).
Why is Pfizer spamming me so often?
I want to go to a Bisons game, but they really suck this year with Cleveland bolting for the door. Hard to get pumped to go see really bad baseball, when you know from the getgo that it is really going to be bad.
Finally, in our sports report, the Bills asked if I'd come back to usher this year. I would have thought telling them no would have been more fun, but no. The union represents the arena and standing around lost whatever little charm it had. Think I'll try one job for the time being. It was nice to run into one of the Bills hostess folk at a recent Zoo fundraiser who was sorry to see me not come back. Told her somebody else has to break up the fights this year.
Kids have been in residence and while I grumble about the regularity of the August vacation, it's been pretty great. The prodigal daughters were rummaging through my kitchen concocting food and referred to when I was at the house and doing the shopping as "the good old days." Made me smile (well, I wanted to, but still can't all the way).
The Paris Hilton ad is the best political commercial since we've established the nominees, of whom I'm very weary, along with their cheerleaders, O'reilly and Olbermann.
Darling eldest child told me she was organizing a car wash next week at the Elmwood Jesus church. She and her cheerleading squad from City Honors were going to meet with "Pastor Drew." This is indeed a small neighborhood.
Tru-teas is heading to Hertel. Paul, perhaps you should register while the getting is good.
My recent round of media appearances caught up with me. I met somebody at Shakespeare in the Park last night (pre-flood) who said they did a google search on the coverage and that lead them to where I mentioned whoring myself out for the elephants. Told her to hang on as next month I whore myself out for the Rainforest exhibit. Actually, I'll just be doing a lot of billboards, and making other people create commercials. Good times. My dad was giving me some lip last week about how it had been three days since he'd last seen me on tv, when he opened his paper last friday only to see my son staring at him.
Coolest aspect to that was that my older brother recognized my voice from the tv. I know that doesn't sound remarkable, but he is autistic and has a number of other factors that he deals with on a daily basis. Sometimes, my siblings and I are pronouns, but he locked right in on me on Channel 4. I think that was mostly because he has a thing for the weekend weather girl, but the smirk of recognition from him over the weekend was pretty cool.
Hope the recently non-journaling estrippers are doing alright.
Enjoy the soggy weekend, ya'all
tinypliny - 08/14/08 06:17
Yeah, the stairs are a roadblock when you are lugging a shopping cart.
Yeah, the stairs are a roadblock when you are lugging a shopping cart.
joshua - 08/13/08 18:01
I've never really thought that Tru-Teas was located in a good spot. For them to flourish they really should consider a more traditional storefront. I've lived a block away for 8 years and have never bothered to go in.
I've never really thought that Tru-Teas was located in a good spot. For them to flourish they really should consider a more traditional storefront. I've lived a block away for 8 years and have never bothered to go in.
metalpeter - 08/08/08 19:12
I guess I'll chime in on the Brett Farve thing. He shouldn't have taken the money, that is the last thing he should have done. See Greenbay was trying to buy his love and you can't do that, that would put his entire carer on the line. What I mean is He Played after his dad died because he loved the game, he over came his Pain Killer addiction (he could have stopped he didn't need the money). When his wife had cancer he thought about stopping but she told him you love it keep playing. See if he takes the money then it buys his love for the game and the one guy who you have to like loses a lot of respect. What should have happened is both sides should have said I'm sorry for being an ass hole and maybe even Maden (he is in love with farve) could have got in the middle. What ever happened that made playing on the Packers not possible could have been worked out no matter what it was. Remember two years ago Brett was thinking about hanging it up and they asked him to play two more years then he makes the mistake of retiring. What the Packers should have done is held the paperwork and not filed it and that would have solved everything. Yes I'm a farve fan and He should be with the Packers, Fuck the Jets. Farve should be in the Frozen Tudra not in some stadium in New Fucking Jersey where both the Giants and the Jets play. I'm sorry but I think both sides needed to think about the fans of greenbay instead of themselves and for that I'm a bit sad, but not to sad cause it is football.
I guess I'll chime in on the Brett Farve thing. He shouldn't have taken the money, that is the last thing he should have done. See Greenbay was trying to buy his love and you can't do that, that would put his entire carer on the line. What I mean is He Played after his dad died because he loved the game, he over came his Pain Killer addiction (he could have stopped he didn't need the money). When his wife had cancer he thought about stopping but she told him you love it keep playing. See if he takes the money then it buys his love for the game and the one guy who you have to like loses a lot of respect. What should have happened is both sides should have said I'm sorry for being an ass hole and maybe even Maden (he is in love with farve) could have got in the middle. What ever happened that made playing on the Packers not possible could have been worked out no matter what it was. Remember two years ago Brett was thinking about hanging it up and they asked him to play two more years then he makes the mistake of retiring. What the Packers should have done is held the paperwork and not filed it and that would have solved everything. Yes I'm a farve fan and He should be with the Packers, Fuck the Jets. Farve should be in the Frozen Tudra not in some stadium in New Fucking Jersey where both the Giants and the Jets play. I'm sorry but I think both sides needed to think about the fans of greenbay instead of themselves and for that I'm a bit sad, but not to sad cause it is football.
07/19/2008 21:15 #45078
Bird Island Photo DumpageA rare two post day...
It was staggeringly warm on Thursday so I peeled off the work clothes and headed down to Bird Island to just be down on the water. One of those days where breathing made you perspire...

It was a little windy...

It was staggeringly warm on Thursday so I peeled off the work clothes and headed down to Bird Island to just be down on the water. One of those days where breathing made you perspire...

It was a little windy...

mrmike - 07/21/08 08:56
James, I don't know as I only went out as far as the Peace Bridge. I think the sections that were messed up were toward the end. I'm going back this week as dealing with my ailments so far this summer has made my stamina pretty crappy. Perhaps I'll catch a follow up as it is a good walk.
Tiny, that is the Peace Bridge. To get there just go West on West Ferry till you run out of road. You cross a draw bridge and then you are on the Island. No beach to speak of, but places to eat and stick your feet in the water.
James, I don't know as I only went out as far as the Peace Bridge. I think the sections that were messed up were toward the end. I'm going back this week as dealing with my ailments so far this summer has made my stamina pretty crappy. Perhaps I'll catch a follow up as it is a good walk.
Tiny, that is the Peace Bridge. To get there just go West on West Ferry till you run out of road. You cross a draw bridge and then you are on the Island. No beach to speak of, but places to eat and stick your feet in the water.
tinypliny - 07/20/08 21:26
Is that the peace bridge in the first photo? And where is this island? Is it in US/across the border? Is there a beach? I know. Lot of questions, but it looks like a fantastic place for a picnic! :)
Is that the peace bridge in the first photo? And where is this island? Is it in US/across the border? Is there a beach? I know. Lot of questions, but it looks like a fantastic place for a picnic! :)
metalpeter - 07/20/08 10:00
Nice Pictures. I just wanted to ad that I know you don't think of these currently (and I think (e:theecarey) had some pictures from down there last year same thing applies) [ok I assume I don't really know] as historic pictures. But perhaps they will be in about 10-15 ok who am I kidding 30 years when the second peace bridge is built. All pictures from before then will be known to be before that certain time. On a side note will the new bridge be called the peace bridge? Glad you had a good time,or at least it looks that way.
Nice Pictures. I just wanted to ad that I know you don't think of these currently (and I think (e:theecarey) had some pictures from down there last year same thing applies) [ok I assume I don't really know] as historic pictures. But perhaps they will be in about 10-15 ok who am I kidding 30 years when the second peace bridge is built. All pictures from before then will be known to be before that certain time. On a side note will the new bridge be called the peace bridge? Glad you had a good time,or at least it looks that way.
james - 07/19/08 22:51
Are the metal poll and wire railings still messed up? I went just after the winter thaw and the ice had completly ripped them off at points.
Are the metal poll and wire railings still messed up? I went just after the winter thaw and the ice had completly ripped them off at points.
08/01/2008 16:01 #45217
Cannoli Ice Cream & Event-a-pauseCategory: work
You might have seen some news coverage of Wines in the Wild at the Zoo. It was a pretty cool gathering, not often you can drink on the job, even pouring for the elite. I got the job of shoveling champagne for media and VIPs, operating fully on the principle of that's two for you and one for me for pouring.
I'm still whipped from the experience as whenever there is events, my office and the development folks are the principle "roadies" so from about 7AM till party time we were tossing and dressing up tables, tents, running supplies and whatnot. It's nice to know I can still do that, but damn it catches up with you. By the time the night was done, I must have walked 20 miles in stuff related to the gathering. For a work day that started a little before 7AM, rolling it at 11PM was a little weird. Woke up yesterday feeling like somebody beat me up while I was sleeping.
The ice cream, you ask, was the offering by Perry's at the big Zoo party on Wednesday night, but our Finance Director appropriated at tub on Thursday. Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate chips and crushed cannoli shells all blended together. Three great tastes.....yada, yada, yada.
Tried to hang out at the Square last night, but had to be a parent and rescue a rideless child (my own), but I'm not sure I would have lasted through Spirit of the West anyway as my knees were calling me names, none of them terribly kind ones.
Number one Son wound up on the front page of the paper. Saw the electronic version, but it was nice photo op.
Can hardly wait till Sunday, a day off, a free morning, before a week with the youngins. One has work, the youngest has camp, and the middle child, has to babysit, all hail a week of kid centered relaxation after a zoo event heavy schedule. My lovely son decided he wanted to see the elephants on Sunday, this is after I spent all Saturday with them and talking about them incessantly. Got to love going to work when you don't have to.
Love the job, love the pending day off.
I'm still whipped from the experience as whenever there is events, my office and the development folks are the principle "roadies" so from about 7AM till party time we were tossing and dressing up tables, tents, running supplies and whatnot. It's nice to know I can still do that, but damn it catches up with you. By the time the night was done, I must have walked 20 miles in stuff related to the gathering. For a work day that started a little before 7AM, rolling it at 11PM was a little weird. Woke up yesterday feeling like somebody beat me up while I was sleeping.
The ice cream, you ask, was the offering by Perry's at the big Zoo party on Wednesday night, but our Finance Director appropriated at tub on Thursday. Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate chips and crushed cannoli shells all blended together. Three great tastes.....yada, yada, yada.
Tried to hang out at the Square last night, but had to be a parent and rescue a rideless child (my own), but I'm not sure I would have lasted through Spirit of the West anyway as my knees were calling me names, none of them terribly kind ones.
Number one Son wound up on the front page of the paper. Saw the electronic version, but it was nice photo op.
Can hardly wait till Sunday, a day off, a free morning, before a week with the youngins. One has work, the youngest has camp, and the middle child, has to babysit, all hail a week of kid centered relaxation after a zoo event heavy schedule. My lovely son decided he wanted to see the elephants on Sunday, this is after I spent all Saturday with them and talking about them incessantly. Got to love going to work when you don't have to.
Love the job, love the pending day off.
imk2 - 08/13/08 07:55
i dont suppose i will see you on the 24th at the zoo?
i dont suppose i will see you on the 24th at the zoo?
tinypliny - 08/02/08 19:35
Hahaha.. I went to the Zoo for every school picnic from Grade 1 through Grade 12.
I have never been to any Zoo (including Buffalo's) after my 12th Grade.
Hahaha.. I went to the Zoo for every school picnic from Grade 1 through Grade 12.
I have never been to any Zoo (including Buffalo's) after my 12th Grade.
mrmike - 08/01/08 16:38
Tasted kind of Vanilla-ish upon first review, but definitely one of Perry's better ideas.
Tasted kind of Vanilla-ish upon first review, but definitely one of Perry's better ideas.
zobar - 08/01/08 16:25
Cannoli is the motherfucking bomb. That's not vanilla- it's mascarpone. What is this world coming to?
- Z
Cannoli is the motherfucking bomb. That's not vanilla- it's mascarpone. What is this world coming to?
- Z
07/24/2008 20:20 #45132
Mr. Mike SpokespeepCategory: work
The thrill of live TV is always numbed when you are doing it at 5:30 in the morning. I did two segments on Daybreak today. You can see me whoring myself for the elephants behalf here. 
The video link is off to the left.
Nearly lost my train of thought, but it didn't completely derail.
It's part of my job these days to be a bit of a media trollop. The first segment was on-air but not posted online (It was all me). I was worried that with the almost gone Bell's Palsy, I was going to look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, turns out I just talk with my hands a lot for an Irish Guy.
It was early. I got a call from my dad after nine saying he thinks Mom was up for the first segment. What a whackjob. It went okay considering I was up at 3:30 and fighting with the Zoo security guard by 4:30. That type of segment used to be a little more second nature in the type of work I do, but it's been awhile. The first segment was up against the Elephants's railing where the eldest of the ladies was sniffing me and the interviewer up for treats.
Ah, the life of a star

The video link is off to the left.
Nearly lost my train of thought, but it didn't completely derail.
It's part of my job these days to be a bit of a media trollop. The first segment was on-air but not posted online (It was all me). I was worried that with the almost gone Bell's Palsy, I was going to look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, turns out I just talk with my hands a lot for an Irish Guy.
It was early. I got a call from my dad after nine saying he thinks Mom was up for the first segment. What a whackjob. It went okay considering I was up at 3:30 and fighting with the Zoo security guard by 4:30. That type of segment used to be a little more second nature in the type of work I do, but it's been awhile. The first segment was up against the Elephants's railing where the eldest of the ladies was sniffing me and the interviewer up for treats.
Ah, the life of a star
mrmike - 07/25/08 15:44
I don't know if I'd go that far. Celebrity no, poor bastard who drew the short straw to get out bed, the more likely.
I don't know if I'd go that far. Celebrity no, poor bastard who drew the short straw to get out bed, the more likely.
james - 07/25/08 00:19
Fighting with zoo security at 4:30. That is star power.
Fighting with zoo security at 4:30. That is star power.
mike - 07/25/08 00:16
wow, we have a celebrity in our mist!
wow, we have a celebrity in our mist!
tinypliny - 07/24/08 21:46
Yeehaa!!!! We know a celebrity!! Watch-out for those stalkers!
Yeehaa!!!! We know a celebrity!! Watch-out for those stalkers!
FINALLY! Our city has some of the worst drivers in America so I'm glad that finally one of these idiots got what was coming to them. I'm 100% defensive driver around here.
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you? :)