I actually watched a little of the convention coverage from Denver last night. After running around, I arrived at the tv just in time to see Ted Kennedy. Given how sick he is, he can still work a room. He didn't saying anything groundbreaking, but it was impressive to see the rabble get roused. The pundits and wannabe pundits are tripping over themselves looking for something to say, when there isn't much. It's terrible, but I preferred a new episode of No Reservations at ten.
The Hoyt nonsense seems to be falling by the wayside. I'm reluctant to wade in too much as our kids hang together, but the timing of the revelation smacks of typical New York State power politicking. Given that the assembly was in the middle of budget debates and a primary election for Hoyt, I can't help but wonder if the blogger got a little extra help to notariety from entitles that Hoyt has pissed off along the way in the hopes of getting the easier to beat Kavanaugh on the November ballot.
Redesigned my manga. It's little more accurate and mood representative.
And so it goes...
metalpeter - 08/26/08 18:53 I did see him at the Elmwood Festival of the arts, but I wasn't about to go up to him and say. "I don't really care what you or any other elected offical does sexually that is there own business, It doesn't effect how you do your job so it doesn't matter and it shouldn't matter to any one else either"
dcoffee - 08/26/08 17:24 Hoyt has been a good public servant. I still have faith in his ability to govern. I don't condone fooling around at all, but that's his wife's business.
08/20/2008 15:32 #45380
My Manga
Looks more like Jacob Dylan
chico - 08/21/08 15:10 Judging from his appearance at Thursday in the Square, you sir are way too nice a person to resemble Jakob Dylan.
museumchick - 08/21/08 11:32 I see the boondocks similarity as well, actually...
metalpeter - 08/20/08 18:36 I was going to say (even though I have only seen it twice) looks like a character who would be on the Show "The Boondocks"
08/18/2008 10:49 #45358
Train Brawl after TATS
Watch yourselves on the ride home, them train rides can get rather testy
The Buffalo News' story:
dcoffee - 08/18/08 18:14 I still don't get it, Why was this mentioned by the Buffalo News? I saw the story today too.. That's so odd
08/17/2008 16:37 #45352
A kidney stone of a summer.... Category: random
Now that it is on its decline, this summer is worthy of a prominent place in my complaint department. It sucked on a number of levels. After dumped, sick, and finally starting to get better, it's almost fall. Who can I talk to get the season back?
The beaches were perpetually closed. We seem to have flown in Seattle's weather. For every sunny day, we have three rainy ones. This ratio may screw my getting a raise as the Zoo is behind enough on attendance (thanks to the weather), we're scrambling to make up although the rainforest exhibit is going to be pretty cool so that should help offset the numbers somewhat. Just got a feeling that with my luck, another screwing with my pants on isn't too far away. Try to get to the Canadian beaches and the customs Nazis all think they are in the army now. Sadly, absolutely nobody is safer for all those shenanigans. Pity too, "Hidden Beach" was a nice oasis away from everything. This all got more complex with the Bell's, I wound up hiding a lot during late June and July waiting for normalcy which has only recently returned. can't help but feel a little gipped.
Ah, well. It sort of stinks. I paid a good deal to the Bike Shop opposite Spot back in April and have only recently been able to take a turn.
Haven't made it to the drive-in yet. Got to squeeze one of those in soon.
There are other things to start thinking about. I've been extra broke because school is starting, rounding up supplies, becoming almost a crack dealer for composition notebooks, the cheap black and white high ("Dude, they're three for a buck at big lots!").
I am getting a kick out of my son's musical maturation. He's at the age where the kiddie stuff is being left behind and you start picking what is yours. I got him an Ipod shuffle and he asked that we load it up with Queen and the Beatles. I remember those days. Growing up in the burbs in the 70s, everybody had a copy of Hotel California, Rumors, Frampton Comes Alive, Running on Empty. You don't know how they got there, they just appeared in your collection. Before too long, your own true tastes allowed admittance to Led Zeppelin ll and lV, Born to Run, Dark Side of the Moon, etc. It's cool to see that despite changing technology, that still happens as he asked for some of my Ramones and David Bowie. Finding what does it for you can be a lifelong journey.
The Michael Phelps thing is pretty cool, but it gets a little distorted somewhat. No argument here in terms of his talent, abilities, etc, but swimming is the only event that affords that many chances. It's incredible, for sure, but I guess I wonder if the metals get a little defused in meaning in that every other time in the pool a medal is on the line. The only thing that comes close is the track and field where some folks do get numerous opportunities. I guess it is cool, but Natalie Coughlin got six or seven medals and will wind up being confined to the shadows. Phelps' relay partners get praise from him (I think he is a very classy dude), but afterthought status is already settling in somewhat for guys who reeled in three or four medals. I'm not poo-poohing, just something that occured to me. Still fun to watch and all, it's just the little things I think about while watching Bob Costas try to control Bela Karolyi.
Wordscraper on facebook is a hoot, just saying
Went looking at new phones yesterday. My phone activity doesn't merit paying 70.00 a month for an Iphone when I'm currently paying 30. As a sprint customer, I looked into an Instinct and the costs there are the same, so I took the best bargain and did nothing. Bought a copy of Madden instead.
gardenmama - 08/19/08 23:02 Hello MrMike. Kidney stone â€" have you ever had one? YIKES! Granted, from your description of things, it hasn’t exactly been a glorious summer but kidney stone seems just a bit extreme. OK, I’ll give it to you that getting dumped sucks; and the Bell’s thing pretty much sucks too, but at least it is getting better (by the way, it’s not really that noticeable). As for the beaches, they’re totally overrated â€" all that sand getting stuck in places you don’t really want it stuck in, sunburn (I’ll take a nice shade tree any day), bug bites, etc. Of course, there is the perk of nearly naked people walking around. Now, the getting screwed with your pants on thing â€" interesting concept â€" maybe it’s better than not getting screwed at all? Hope the rainforest thing works out â€" when is the exhibit? Drive-in â€" was actually just talking to people about that while we were away. Haven’t been to one in many years; sounds like fun. My luck though, if I try to go to the drive-in, I’ll get rained out… That just seems to happen to me at outdoor events. School shopping â€" yuck! Anyway, had a good trip with our girls â€" they were crazy as ever â€" but made me laugh. Brought them back safe, however, I’m not so sure about sound. Not sure how sound they were when we left though. Sorry you can’t get the summer back but the fall is beautiful â€" maybe the change of season will bring you a change of luck.
08/12/2008 22:08 #45319
Cops is filmed on Delaware Ave. Category: traffic
Something similar to what I'm about to describe happened in an earlier journal but tonight's incident was so perfect I had to relate the updated version. It was a little before 8 and I'm on my way to retrieve my eldest from cheerleading practice. I'm on Delaware Ave. by Hutch's where traffic is still sorting itself out after surviving Gates Circle. One knucklehead uses the left turn lane at Delavan as his personal accerlation lane, and flies north on Delaware at 50+ mph into the "S" curve. I beep as if to say "Hey, I'm driving here" and continue on my merry way. As the cluster of cars I'm in thins out a little, it reveals a Buffalo Cop who saw the speed demon. Yonder Cop turns on his lights and we all slow down a little to make sure that it's........that guy. Cop floors it. I'm thinking how cool it would be if it is the road hog who gets nailed.
Pulled over a little beyond Nottingham is said road hog. Laughed all the way to the park. Made my day.
joshua - 08/13/08 18:02 FINALLY! Our city has some of the worst drivers in America so I'm glad that finally one of these idiots got what was coming to them. I'm 100% defensive driver around here.
tinypliny - 08/12/08 22:50 Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you? :)
I did see him at the Elmwood Festival of the arts, but I wasn't about to go up to him and say. "I don't really care what you or any other elected offical does sexually that is there own business, It doesn't effect how you do your job so it doesn't matter and it shouldn't matter to any one else either"
Hoyt has been a good public servant. I still have faith in his ability to govern. I don't condone fooling around at all, but that's his wife's business.