Ok, Im sure you are all sick of this by now...last one I promise!
Battle @ Buffalo
5:00 pm - 8ish??
910 Main St
(Above Hyatt's Art Store just south of Allen station)
First is pop n lock/funk styles battle
Bboy/Bgirl breakin battle
tinypliny - 06/28/08 20:35 Didn't make it. Sucky me. :/
06/26/2008 11:58 #44790
Sometimes I like to go back and read old journals. I did this with Livejournal awhile back and sometimes it is just downright awkward, othertimes hilarious and others uncomprehensible. While reading my old journals here, I must say that I am a little surprised at how articulate I sound. I think I have some weird picture of my writing and knowledge in my head that simply doesn't match reality...like looking through one of those wacky carnival mirrors. I often wonder how it is that I can sound so damn smart when writing though my fingers but when I try to open my mouth things just don't quite match up. Its all coming from the same place, but something just doesn't translate.
I wrote a paper this last semester based on "participant observation" of the Battle @Buffalo community and three hour long interviews and last night I gave it to two of my interviewees to read. Weird. I spent countless hours preparing for and writing that paper and then handing it over to actual human beings, as opposed to professors, who clearly are not human beings, was very strange. I think that it really shows how locked up in academia I am. To write and academic paper and give it to an academic to read is one thing, but to give to someone "outside" is a whole nother ball game. I hope it doesn't come off as snooty and out of touch and elitist and all that shit that I hate and have spent a lot of time trying not to do, but the truth is, sometimes you have to play the game. I hope they give me their honest opinions, either way.
Anyways, I have my first wedding to attend next weekend and yes, I bought a dress. I dragged Felly to about 15 different stores before finding a very simple brown dress. I even bought some nice dressy sandals that aren't terrible and may be worn elsewhere...maybe. If you are lucky I will post a pic of me in it...maybe.
tinypliny - 06/26/08 22:51 I feel like that all the time...
Don't deprive us of pictures!! You are GORGEOUS and we DESERVE pictures! :)
06/26/2008 10:19 #44789
Break Dancin' #2
This is friendly reminder numero dos that
June 28th
5:00 pm
910 Main St
(big door between Hyatt's Art Store just south of Allen)
open the door, walk up the stairs and pay the nice lady
06/21/2008 13:45 #44739
Breakin' Category: dance!!
this is a first reminder for those of you who are interested in Battle @ Buffalo aka Breaking, poppin, locking, funk styles, dance dance dance in Buffalo!!!!
SATURDAY, JUNE 28th 2008
5:00 pm (this is not the usual time...SPECIAL time this month only!)
910 Main St.
(Big door in the middle of Hyatt's Art Store)
Admission is $4 per person
Come late, leave early, whatever.
Felly and I will be there. You should too.
tinypliny - 06/21/08 13:49 I think I might be there with some people from work. Thanks for posting! :)
we can't really spin at all.... to be honest with you. (e:lauren) gets dizzy.
WHOA! Can you spin like that????
holy shit that is crazy.