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06/09/2008 20:03 #44597

Racism causes High Gas price (2nd)
Category: issues
First of all for anyone reading this my previous journal has pictures from The pride parade and the one before that from the (e:strip) party (wish they came out better). I know the tittle might not seem to make sense but it is a little bit of a theory that I have. I have to admit that I am my self a little racist the quick answer to that is that I try not to be but things that have happened to me and things I have seen have made me that way. That doesn't mean I don't like blacks in fact there are a lot of them I do like and consider family and there are some (e:peeps) I think are pretty cool and that I like.

The reason that gas prices are so high is simple supply (well maybe not really simple) iand demand. People need their cars and trucks. Most people who drive are used to driving and can't just stop driving. So as long as that stays true then people have to pay what the stations charge for gas. The reason they can't give up there cars is because the suburbs are all stretched out and spaced out on (yes I do believe this) Purpose so you have to drive to shop. Often because of this sometimes there isn't any bus service since everyone drives. I think this is done on purpose to keep the poor and blacks out (like in the Cynthia Wiggins case where the Mall didn't want the Bus on its grounds).

The second reason people can't just stop driving there cars is because most people don't work where they live. As an example I have all ways taken a bus I've gone to Orchard Park, Grand Island, and now Cheap-to-vegas (if I worked Sunday I would be screwed). Often people in the burbs work in another one or in the city and people who live in the city work out in the burbs. Yes I will admit there are some towns that have shops and stuff but I don't mean those places. What I'm talking about is sprawl. I'm not sure what caused all the sprawl but I can guess that Womens Liberation, Blacks trying to get rights, School iintergration, Anti-war movements and new minorites trying to move in is what sent most people out of the city. Yes there are some generaly bad people who do cause trouble. But my assertion is that most of the sprawl was because of racism. So if you assume that is true then Racism-->Sprawl-->Not being able to stop using your car-->High demand-->Power to charge what ever they want for gas.

Granted I know that their are other factors that go into the gas prices. But the thing that would cut prices the most is if people just stopped driving. There are other ways to cut gas consumption and one of them may be places of work making work days less and hours longer. People who don't need to drive somewhere walking or neigh boors going shopping together to cut down on the amount of trips they make. When you need food and stuff for the house get it all in one trip so you don't have to drive to buy stuff everyday, maybe come up with creative solutons. But back to my point if it wasn't for racism people could just stop driving because they would work where they live and shop the same way. The ironic thing is that in the old days when all the Germans and Irish all lived together by nationality that living situation would make this gas problem go away, not saying we should go back to those times just kinda ironic

As a side note I have heard Con. St near the college is getting very nice. When I was growing up it was kinda rough, but not really, just part of it might have been. I knew someone who was Italian who remembers when "the hood" aka blacks and hispanics moved in went bad and and all the Italian owned places burned down, he remembers the fires. He was Italian and still lived on the west side.
metalpeter - 06/10/08 18:48
First of all you do Have a lot of good points. I do think that sprawl (the more recent stuff of people leaving cities mostly) to the burbs is why people can't stop driving their cars. Racism isn't the only reason people moved out of the city. That being said I think it is a much bigger factor then people think it is. I include the people who moved out. You hear oh the nighboorhood was getting bad, sometimes that means poor, but what it means most of the time is people where speaking in a way (could be ebonics, ghetto slang, or even Spanish) they don't understand or they blast their music (of course if it was our music that we like that would be fine). People often also leave because of crime and there isn't that much in the burbs. That is poor and not all ways racial but I think it is racial more then people know or would admit to. They say stuff like oh I wanted a better school, that means they don't want there kids around trouble making niggers and spics really. I'm not saying that everyone in the burbs hates minorities I'm just saying that a lot of them do. I didn't even say they where wrong for hating them. It can be hard to embrace things that are different, if they are things you like then that makes it easier. Wait I take that back I shouldn't say Hate that isn't completely true. Just because you don't like how people live there lives or think their culture is fucked up doesn't mean you hate them.

I think that in some cases protests did get people to move out of the city. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I heard that UB and universities and Colleges like them when they bulit new buildings they where made in ways to make protests harder. Most people would agree that building the new UB out in Amherst was a horrible mistake.

I like the city and all the buildings and places to go and homes. But if I drove I might move out to the burbs so that driving to work would take 5 minutes. But on the other hand then concerts, plays, sports, and festivals would take so much longer I would have to way it out. I'm sorry but suburbs kill cities if they grow to much. Yes there are poor and rich people in every city. But when the rich (or middle class even) decide to move out then what happens is the city (the place with the poor people) lose home owners and taxes and all kinds of money so the city gets poorer.

The problem with talking about race (even different countries of white people) is that it is the "600 pound Gorilla in the room". What I mean about that is that it is often a factor in things and is right there but no one wants to address it. Most people think they are racist or prejudiced and claim they aren't. People don't want to be called racist and I don't blame them. I can't imagine fighting in a war and I do think that all veterans should be treated well. But if you come back from war you want to be with your buddies who are like you. It is kinda natural it is true of blacks also. Take a look at Buffalo why when you cross main st everyone (mostly) is black. What I mean is why do a lot of blacks want to live with blacks? Or does it just happen (De-facto Segregation). That is how every place used to be. I'm not saying there aren't minorites in the burbs cause that isn't right but it is mostly white. So maybe it is just de-facto segregation but I doubt that it is.

My post kinda came off like that I was saying that racism was the only reason people went to the burbs and also the only reason people can't stop driving there cars. I was mainly coming at it from the racial side of things. But that being if gas is so costly at what point will whites try and sell there house in the burbs and move to someplace close to work or leave there job and work someplace close to home? How high does gas have to get, to get to that point? I think racism is one of the factors that stops people from saying enough is enough and moving close to where they work.

Wow I'm sorry for really going on and on sometimes I get real worked up, and thanks to you for leaving a comment. If anyone has read this and you don't hate me yet, check out my pride parade pictures on my previous post.
heidi - 06/09/08 23:51
Hmmm... there's so much to comment on in this post...

I want to make a distinction about suburbs ('cuz I'm geeky like that). Those built after WWII, such as Levittown near Philadelphia, are designed with the assumption that each household has an automobile, and are highly problematic from a lack of public/mass transit or environmental or gas-price perspective. There are other kinds of suburbs that (according to this wikipedia article :::link::: ) were designed around trolley and rail lines. I'm guessing that Elmwood is one of those kinds of neighborhoods vis a vis Buffalo downtown, but I've only been there once, so I'd love to know more of its history if you know...

Anyway, it wasn't because of the movements for liberation that suburban sprawl happened, although racism was certainly a contributing factor; zoning laws, insurance & mortgage company policies about redlining, federal mortgage assistance for GIs returning from WWII, real estate agents intentionally flipping neighborhoods, the US interstate highway system, the advent of consumerism and planned obsolescence as the driving force in the US economy (see (e:vincent) 's excellent post on that...) all contributed.

The movements for liberation occurred after the idealization of and growth of suburban, car-dependent culture in the US.

I support urban or population center community building efforts because those environments are able to be more sustainable and diverse than suburban sprawl.

Where I live in Pennsylvania, there are villages that are dense enough that they need public sewers but not dense or rich enough to be able to pay for that kind of service. (Sewage treatment plants are incredibly expensive, as is installing sewer lines.) Population centers have already established utility and service systems and it's cheaper to maintain those than it is to build new.

  • phew* that was awfully long. sorry!

06/09/2008 19:30 #44595

Buffalo Gay Pride parade (1st post)
Category: photos
So On Sunday I decided to head up to Elmwood for the pride parade. Maybe it was around 12 or 12:15. I thought I might run into a few (e:peeps) but I didn't see any. I wound up watching the parade from the corner at spot. It started out as me having the best spot on the corner. But eventully as people got pumped up and excited they wound up in the street and in front of me so some of my pictures didn't come out as good as I would have liked, but I still had a good time. I don't know really how to explain it really. If you want to see the picture I took in order (since it is a parade you might want to) here is a link or at least the web address.
After the parade I decided to not go to the the festival stuff. I had been in the sun long enough plus I wanted to download and upload pictures and some other stuff. It would have been nice to go but I didn't. So here is the Parade the pictures will be kinda in reverse order so you can start at the bottom and come up, or watch it in reverse.


































































































Well my plan didn't work really I was hoping doing it backwards would line them up in perfect order but it didn't. I also by mistake put up a few repeats. I hope everyone likes the pictures and for those that went hope to see your pictures and hope you had a good time. I wish I knew how to explain to non gays why pride parades are important but even if I could I don't know as they would get it. I admit I don't know what it is like to be gay and then to let family know and they dis own you or you lose friends, that doesn't happen with everyone but I would imagine it would be pretty tough. Before I forget pictures can be nice but I wish I got some that showed the people and viewers and the social aspects of the Parade. There are things that can't really be caught like the atmosphere and things like that. A lot of that is location, like that giant flag you would have to be high up to really get that, oh yeah and that dragon was pretty cool to and would look better looking down on it, hope everyone there had a good time.

06/07/2008 12:31 #44576

The Stripteasers
Category: event
Last night I went to see the Stripteasers at I almost wrote Roxy's where they are known to perform but it was at Nietches. Before they went on stage they had two acts. The girl singer I liked, the bear guy (sorry don't remember his name) wasn't really my thing. I did have a good time or maybe it was just all the Alcohol. No It wasn't just the alcohol I did have a good time. I have seen them before at Music is Art and then I think I have also seen them do some stage stuff there also as kinda the last act. I don't know how to describe them other then burlesque and they do little skits. It was a good time I would go again.

06/08/2008 15:35 #44589

E strip Party
Category: photos
So I had a good time at the party last night. It was very nice to see a few (e:peeps) there and glad that you fathers out there where able to make it and have a good time. Before the party went to the Dyke march. That sounds so wrong to type but isn't that what it is called or also known as Dykes on bikes. Sorry to (e:Paul) for making you late there was some crazy stuff in that Wilson Farms. That being said I didn't really get any pictures of it cause it went by so fast. That being said it was nice to see everyone before the March. Well I guess I should get to the pictures, I will warn you now there will be a ton of them and some of them look like they may come out a bit dark but here they are.







Oh if there is anyone new who haven't seen my pictures before it is important to know that I put them up in groups in order. But when you upload multiple pictures they don't go up in the order they where taken, I'm not sure if it has something to do with how they are named or what that is, but just so you know. Ok on to the party.








































































all right you if you are still looking at pictures are about 10% through my post, Kidding. If you don't like your picture sorry I'm more of the candid shots. That does remind me even though I don't do the sea food thing those crab claws wrapped in bacon did look pretty tasty (e:Paul) has some pretty good pictures on his journal.


































All in all the party was pretty nice. I have to thank (e:pmt) for having it. It was a calm party from what I saw but I don't know if anything went on upstairs when I wasn't there, but there where no BJ's in the hall or spanking with spoons or belts, and no depanting of mike that I know of, or any wrestling matches. Hey sometimes that stuff can be fun and who knows maybe the next party will be super crazy or maybe it will be mellow. I did wake up tired this morning and that was one of the reasons I didn't go to the post parade stuff, but if I did I couldn't be posting this now. I did enjoy talking with the people I talked with. Back to the parade hopefully that will be a post for Monday.
tinypliny - 06/10/08 22:06
Yikes. I look like a crazy deranged person holding a Yucca. Hahahaa... :)
boxerboi - 06/09/08 21:12
Thanks for posting the pictures. I had a really great time. It was really cool to talk to everyone again. Esp. (e:mike) and Paul. Thanks Paul!
metalpeter - 06/09/08 17:58
Well hopefully next time I do a better job, brightness wise. I do like that first picture of (e:Libertad) and Mike it is pretty nice.
paul - 06/08/08 21:02
Thanks for taking pics.
libertad - 06/08/08 18:44
Nice pics peter. I was happy with the way I looked in most of mine. Really like the first one of me and mike in front of my house.

06/06/2008 19:59 #44569

Girl on Girl vs. Boy seatle
Category: issues

So I don't feel like being sued by CNN so here is the link to there story about the lesbians kissing in Seattle At a base ball game. I found it because I did a search for the story I read in the Buffalo News. My take on the story is People where making out at the Mariners baseball game. Nothing was said to the man and women making out. But the two ladies where kicked out. There is a claim that the ladies where groping, hey why no video, HA. I guess there was a family with kids who complained because they had to explain to kids why two girls where kissing. I guess at some point you have to explain that to kids but all you would have to say is you know how boys kiss girls well sometimes girls kiss girls. That would be it assuming the kids allready know that. If there are no PDA at the game then they should have that throughout the entire place regardless of gender or sex. The girls think they where kicked out because they where gay and the stadium says that isn't true. I think the real problem here is that often things are done because of a complaint. The same thing could happen with swearing, it is a baseball game you are supposed to yell at the ump for a shitty call, but if you have Mr. Sensitive you could get in trouble. It would be nice to know what is really happening. That being said at a lot of sports events they do have Kiss Cams and sometimes they are sponsored by a company, the ones I have seen have all ways been man on woman or Rax (bandits games) with to ladies. I have seen as a joke two people of the opposing team so there is kinda that atmosphere as a factor.

Fuck it here it is

SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- Most of the time, a kiss is just a kiss in the stands at Seattle Mariners games. The crowd hardly even pays attention when fans smooch.

Sirbrina Guerrero complained after an usher told her to stop kissing her date at a Seattle Mariners game in May.

But last week, a lesbian complained that an usher at Safeco Field asked her to stop kissing her date because it was making another fan uncomfortable.

The incident has exploded on local TV, on talk radio and in the blogosphere and has touched off a debate over public displays of affection in generally gay-friendly Seattle.

"Certain individuals have not yet caught up. Those people see a gay or lesbian couple and they stare or say something," said Josh Friedes of Equal Rights Washington. "This is one of the challenges of being gay. Everyday things can become sources of trauma."

As the Mariners played the Boston Red Sox on May 26, Sirbrina Guerrero and her date were approached in the third inning by an usher who told them their kissing was inappropriate, Guerrero said.

The usher, Guerrero said, told them he had received a complaint from a woman nearby who said that there were kids in the crowd of nearly 36,000 and that parents would have to explain why two women were kissing.

"I was really just shocked," Guerrero said. "Seattle is so gay-friendly. There was a couple like seven rows ahead making out. We were just showing affection."

On Monday, Mariners spokeswoman Rebecca Hale said that the club is investigating but that the usher was responding to a complaint of two women "making out" and "groping" in the stands.

"We have a strict non-discrimination policy at the Seattle Mariners and at Safeco Field, and when we do enforce the code of conduct it is based on behavior, not on the identity of those involved," Hale said.

The code of conduct -- announced before each game -- specifically mentions public displays of affection that are "not appropriate in a public, family setting." Hale said those standards are based on what a "reasonable person" would find inappropriate.

Guerrero denied she and her date were groping each other, saying that along with eating garlic fries, they were giving each other brief kisses.

On Tuesday, Guerrero said a Mariners director of guest services had apologized to her. The team spokeswoman could not immediately confirm that.

After the story broke, the Mariners were blasted by the sex-advice columnist Dan Savage, who wrote about the incident on the blog of the Stranger, an alternative weekly paper.

"I constantly see people making out," Savage said. "My son has noticed and asked, 'Do they show the ballgame on women's foreheads?'"

Savage called for a "kiss-in" to protest against the Mariners.

Web sites have been swamped with blog postings for and against Guerrero and her date. And the story has people talking in Seattle.

"I would be uncomfortable" seeing public displays of affection between lesbians or gay men, said Jim Ridneour, a 54-year-old taxi driver. "I don't think it's right seeing women kissing in public. If I had my family there, I'd have to explain what's going on."

"It all depends on the degree," Mark Ackerman said as he waited for a hot dog outside Safeco Field before Wednesday's game. "Even for heterosexual couples."

Since the incident, Guerrero's job and her past have come under scrutiny. She works at a bar known for scantily clad women and was a contestant on the MTV reality show "A Shot at Love With Tila Tequila," in which women and men compete for the affection of a bisexual Internet celebrity.

"People are saying it's 15 more minutes for my career," Guerrero said of the ballpark furor, "but this is not making me look very good."

In 2007, an Oregon transit agency chief apologized after a lesbian teenager was kicked off a bus when a passenger complained about her kissing another girl.

Also in 2007, a gay rights group protested a Kansas City, Missouri, restaurant they said ejected four women because two of them kissed, and a Texas state trooper was placed on probation in 2004 for telling two gay men who were kissing at the state Capitol that homosexual conduct was illegal in Texas.

"There's a double standard. That's the bottom line," said Pat Griffin, director of the It Takes a Team! Education Campaign, an initiative from the Women's Sports Foundation to eliminate homophobia in sports

The story in the Buffalo news.

One thing I forgot about is one of the girls was On season 2 of a shot at love with Tila Tequila, she has been elimantated maybe a week or two ago of viewing.

on A side note I look forward to seeing everyone at the Party on Sat at the 24.