holy shit! i guess i could call myself a beekeeper now. this is a crappy photo, i keep meaning to take more but as soon as i open the hives up, i forget all about it. i never had a hobby before, where you forget all about the outside world. well, except reading, but you know. so passive.
queens jolene and josephine are thriving and laying eggs just fine, i believe. it's so neat to find her, so different amongst thousands, but hardworking in her way as well. jolene is more aggressive and the workers bang against my veil trying to attack. josephine nicely chills out, though it might have something to do with the fact that i usually open it up second and by then my smoker is going a little stronger. eh. maybe, maybe not.
i stole my first taste of honey yesterday from some comb i had to rip off. oh. my. god.
all in all things are going fantastically, i couldn't be more pleased! if they continue this way, i might just get a few jars this year instead of the none i had been planning on.
I used to harvest honey with my grandpa. It's the coolest thing I can remember doing as a child.
do they make the comb themselves, or do you like put in a starter frame and they fill it with honey? apparently I know nothing about bees. way cool though. have you been stung? i work with a girl who was a beekeeper for a lab or something... said after being stung a few HUNDRED times she stopped counting. said it's easier to wear no equipment and get in and out quickly and deal with a few stings, then to get all suited up and smoke etc, b/c she said that makes them a lot more mad. *shrug* I certainly don't know.