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03/28/2008 10:27 #43813

mother nature's punch
So I know EVERY year that it isn't really spring yet, but EVERY year I truly believe that winter is finally over. Then it snows again and it feels as though it will never stop. Man I hate winter. I can't wait to sit on the deck that (e:enknot) and I have never spent any time on, since we moved in in mid October. It is a big chunk of the house we have yet to enjoy. Soon enough we will, I'm just feeling a bit impatient.

On the bright side, Mya got into Olmsted's gifted and talented program. She will start kindergarten in the fall. This also means that Fern will get to go to Olmsted too. This also means we never have to worry about moving out of the city. The suburbs just don't do it for me.

I on the other hand did not get into Buff State. I know what you're thinking, but yes, they do not in fact admit everyone. I am that one. My last two semesters at UB were really bad, the last because I was about to pop with Mya during finals, and the semester before I can't even recall why I did so badly. So I am going to try and retroactively withdraw from the last semester, and Buff State wants a letter as to why I did so poorly the semester before. I wish I knew exactly why so I didn't feel like I was bullshitting. I know I was very unhappy with the school (and with the person I was with and with the rat-infested apartment I was living in in the heights), but is that valid to them? I mean, at worst I'll go to ECC for a semester or two and then transfer, so it's not that bad. I guess I am just a little ego bruised. And I'm realizing that the old me keeps biting the current me on the ass. If there was any way to effectively keep kids out of trouble,I think that would be the way - Let them know they will pay for their mistakes much after they stop making them.
james - 03/28/08 13:41
oh! Congrats to Mya: Little Ms. Smarty Pants Lobster Head.
james - 03/28/08 13:40
I was transferring schools like you with one semester of all F's and C's. They wouldn't let me in until I proved I could do work consistently for a year at a community college. I had a severe medical condition that semester and I had a pile of doctors notes explaining I was unable to do much of anything but slowly die. So, I am willing to bet it is ECC for you. But community colleges aren't really that horrible.
mrdeadlier - 03/28/08 10:44
How long ago was your stint at UB? I got my Spring 1993 and Fall 1994 semesters at Buff State stricken from my record back in 2000 thanks to something called "academic clemency." Buff State's rule was that it had to be 5+ years. I don't know what UB's would be, or if they even offer it -- but you should definitely ring them up and ask!

03/14/2008 10:54 #43661

bathtub ponderings
I was in the bathtub having some deep thoughts just moments ago, and I started to think about the term "half-sister". How antiquated this is. I don't think that Mya and Fern are half of a sister to one another, so I have coined the phrase "sister from another mister" (at least I think I made this up...if not then fine, whatever).

Also on the bathtub thought roster was spring break. After today, Mya is going to be home for 2 WEEKS. I love my child dearly, but for any of you who have met Mya, you know how "energetic" she is. (she is also very smart, so I would not have her any other way). So if any of you have any cheap (preferably free) ideas of things to do with a five year old in which a six month old can also be present for, please let me know.

Oh, and what is it about dressing my children as animals that makes me want to hurl with excitement and cuteness? As you can see Mya in her lobster hat and Fern in her kangaroo hat on (e:enknot)'s page, but there are oh so many more. Fern also has a frog snowsuit that was Mya's (it has eyeballs on the hood and webbed mittens) and a chicken costume that also makes a great winter coat. If I wasn't so technologically retarded I would show you pics, but alas I have not had a computer since laptops were the thickness of my desktop tower. Hopefully Tony will show me when he gets home (and make fun of me for a bit also...go ahead, join him. I'm proud of who I am damn it!)
megan - 03/14/08 11:52
Oh man I know! I've almost hit parked cars like 5 times in the last week!
carolinian - 03/14/08 11:30
You could have her take a shovel and clear the rest of the bumpy, unpleasant-to-drive-on-and-will-slide-you-sideways-into-an accident ice from Sanders. I'd appreciate that.

Personally, I have a weakness for Winnie The Pooh outfits (Pooh, tigger, etc). There's just something about those little ears.
james - 03/14/08 11:17
jason - 03/14/08 10:55
Sister from another mister = Stroke of genius.

03/12/2008 21:19 #43644

NPR's Song of the Day
NPR has a song of the day section on their website. It's pretty sweet. You can have them email you the selections too. I only listened to today's so far, but I liked it. It was A.A. Bondy...sounds kinda like Iron and Wine with bigger testicles (not that I don't love them, this is just grittier). Anyway, even if I only find a song here and there that I like, it's totally worth having some exposure, since I don't ever listen to the radio or watch MTV. Plus at least with this music there's a better chance of it being a bit more cerebral.

03/11/2008 22:33 #43628

No Really...Book Club?
Wow I really wanna do this book club, so let's mash out the details.

Paul Coelho, The Alchemist. It has come highly recommended. I just hope not too many have read it and would like to try something new.

Mondays at 8pm. I was thinking the spot on Delaware cuz they'll reserve space for us, but we could also do it at my house, or somewhere that serves perhaps (Founding Fathers is cheap and quite quiet on weekdays). Really it is just a matter of what everyone's down for.

I think that April 14 is a good time to meet. Is that enough time to read a book?

So I guess we'll get a feel for what everyone thinks and go from there. So let me know any people that are in, or new suggestions for book/time/place.

yaay. book club!
osa - 03/17/08 22:08
Yay!! Count me in. I've been poking around looking for a book club for a while.

The Alchemist seems as good a place as any to start and my vote is for Founding Father's. I don't get there anywhere near often enough! Good atmosphere for a book club.
imk2 - 03/17/08 14:04
thanks felly, but i don't have a cd player. well, not a portable one. if anyone wants any cd copies of my audio books, feel free to ask.
fellyconnelly - 03/12/08 21:45
i have the order of the phoenix and the deathly hallows on cd if you need them imk2...

i think if somebody purchased the itunes and then burn them onto cds then it can be shared.
jenks - 03/12/08 18:37
well even if i can't make it, it's always nice to have a good book recommended, so thanks.

(and that pic of lobster-mya is so freaking cute!!!!!!)
leetee - 03/12/08 14:31
For most people, it totally is enough time to read a book. I don't know why, but i have been slow with the one i have going now. Maybe i don't like Timothy Findley as much as i thought i did?

Don't count me out, though... i might just pick it up and decide to join.

Wish i could say which night would be good for me. I am about to write a post about how much i hate my job....
theecarey - 03/12/08 13:07
If anyone is interested, at the end of Cohelo's books, there is a 'topics for discussion' section. Might just come in handy for Aprils book club meet-up. :)
janelle - 03/12/08 12:25
I looked at the reviews on Amazon and it sounds interesting. I think April 14th is plenty of time to finish the book.

Monday nights work really well for me and it might allow (e:drew) to come along from time to time.

I like Spot as long as it's not too loud. Seems like the one on Elmwood is always super loud.

imk2 - 03/12/08 11:39
and i think april 14th is plenty of time to read the book, i think it's pretty short. i've been meaning to read it for some time and i think i'm going to make faben join the club too. the 14th is a monday, no? do we want to do it on a week day or would a sunday be better?
imk2 - 03/12/08 11:34
oh and carolinian, i thought you couldnt share stuff from one person's itunes to another's? tell me how it's done and i'll happily give people my harry potter.
imk2 - 03/12/08 11:32
i bought the first two harry potter books on itunes for my ipod and i love them, but can i just tell you how fucking unbelievable expensive they are??? the early ones are around 32 dollars and the newer ones are $50!!!!
fellyconnelly - 03/12/08 09:14
i dunno about the book itself, but i love audiobooks adn think they are highly underrated... its all about maximizing time during work commutes!
ladycroft - 03/12/08 04:00
Anything by Paulo Coelho is amazing. Even if people have read the Alchemist it's not the same read the second time around, or third. Plus who doesn't want to get pumped about their personal legend?

Carolinian I don't doubt Jeremy Irons does a fab job, he has a very sexy voice. However the book is only like $10 and it's entirely worth owning in your collection.
kookcity2000 - 03/11/08 23:35
I'm jealous of: A] your bookclub, B] you have Founding Fathers in your downtown
carolinian - 03/11/08 23:01
I know I've said it before, and it probably seems like cheating, but you should get the audiobook of Jeremy Irons reading the Alchemist (that man could read the phonebook and make it sound good) You can get it on iTunes for $15 and have several people split the cost (it would probably be cheaper than everyone buying the book, anyways) and listen to it for several hours.

03/11/2008 22:32 #43627

No really...Book
Wow I really wanna do this book club, so let's mash out the details.

Paul Coelho, The Alchemist. It has come highly recommended. I just hope not too many have read it and would like to try something new.

Mondays at 8pm. I was thinking the spot on Delaware cuz they'll reserve space for us, but we could also do it at my house, or somewhere that serves perhaps (Founding Fathers is cheap and quite quiet on weekdays). Really it is just a matter of what everyone's down for.

I think that April 14 is a good time to meet. Is that enough time to read a book?

So I guess we'll get a feel for what everyone thinks and go from there. So let me know any people that are in, or new suggestions for book/time/place.

yaaay. book club!