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06/13/2008 18:23 #44643

fever baby
so fern has her first really high fever and of course it's on a sticky hot day. does this deter her from needing me to hold her all day? no freakin way. and now her fever won't go down so i'm waiting for the callback from the doc (and holding her of course. and typing one handed. who needscapital letters?) any ideas on how to help her? i gave her motrin and a cool bath, lots of fluids. next will be some tylenol i guess, but if anyone has those magic grandma remedies it would be much appreciated... by both of us. :/
tinypliny - 06/14/08 12:21
How is she doing now??
janelle - 06/13/08 18:44
My parents bathed me in a mixture of rubbing alcohol and cool water when I had high fevers. I think it soothes more than brings the temperature down.

04/14/2008 17:55 #44009

Book Club Tonight
8 pm @ Founding Father's Pub, corner of Delaware and Edward. Hope to see some (e:peeps)!
megan - 04/15/08 11:15
I was thinking Letters from the Earth by Mark Twain. (e:janelle) and I were talking about it last night. We missed you guys, but honestly, I really didn't like the book that much.
drew - 04/15/08 08:25
So is there going to be another book? I think there should be!
imk2 - 04/15/08 04:40
so sorry i couldn't make it. stupid migraine again. i also went to toronto for the weekend and it was ruined because of my migraine. i took some friends and we were supposed to shop and go out, but instead as soon as i got there, i had to lay down in bed and stay there the entire time.

i hate my life.
terry - 04/14/08 22:08
Oh man...I'm el supido! Totally thought it was tomorrow for some reason. And, I actually read the dang book. Well I hope ya'll had fun and found enlightenment in discovering the Soul of the World through traveling with the boy as he journeyed towards his Personal Legend.

see, i really did read it. :-p

the next one i'll be there!
janelle - 04/14/08 21:53
Oops <blush> Drew was signed in when I wrote that instead of me.
drew - 04/14/08 21:52
Yeah for meeting with Megan...Boo!! To those of you who didn't show!

04/09/2008 11:49 #43961

Compost Pile needed
I was wondering if any of you have a substantial sized compost pile that I could contribute to. I raked the yard and have about 5 or 6 garbage bags full of stuff that I would hate to just throw away. It would be great to get rid of responsibly! Let me know and thank you!

04/08/2008 20:48 #43956

Book Club Monday the 14th
Book club is meeting Monday the 14th at Founding Fathers Pub (corner of Edward and Delaware) at 8pm. Book is The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo.

Sorry no posts sooner about it... it's been kinda nice as you may have noticed ;).

Hope you guys come! I demand it to be fun!
megan - 04/09/08 16:33
It is a bar but it is a very chill, old man-like bar. It's probably quieter in there than at a coffee shop.
imk2 - 04/09/08 12:54
why is my comment not showing up on here, unless you follow it through the link on the home page? i guess i'll give it a go founding fathers a bar? is it going to be quiet enough for us to talk in there at 8pm at night?
imk2 - 04/09/08 12:12
is founding father's a bar? is it going to be quiet enough in there to sit and talk?
megan - 04/09/08 11:46
yay! great!
janelle - 04/09/08 07:35
I'm working on the book. Easy read, should be done by Monday with no problemo. See you there!

03/28/2008 10:27 #43813

mother nature's punch
So I know EVERY year that it isn't really spring yet, but EVERY year I truly believe that winter is finally over. Then it snows again and it feels as though it will never stop. Man I hate winter. I can't wait to sit on the deck that (e:enknot) and I have never spent any time on, since we moved in in mid October. It is a big chunk of the house we have yet to enjoy. Soon enough we will, I'm just feeling a bit impatient.

On the bright side, Mya got into Olmsted's gifted and talented program. She will start kindergarten in the fall. This also means that Fern will get to go to Olmsted too. This also means we never have to worry about moving out of the city. The suburbs just don't do it for me.

I on the other hand did not get into Buff State. I know what you're thinking, but yes, they do not in fact admit everyone. I am that one. My last two semesters at UB were really bad, the last because I was about to pop with Mya during finals, and the semester before I can't even recall why I did so badly. So I am going to try and retroactively withdraw from the last semester, and Buff State wants a letter as to why I did so poorly the semester before. I wish I knew exactly why so I didn't feel like I was bullshitting. I know I was very unhappy with the school (and with the person I was with and with the rat-infested apartment I was living in in the heights), but is that valid to them? I mean, at worst I'll go to ECC for a semester or two and then transfer, so it's not that bad. I guess I am just a little ego bruised. And I'm realizing that the old me keeps biting the current me on the ass. If there was any way to effectively keep kids out of trouble,I think that would be the way - Let them know they will pay for their mistakes much after they stop making them.
james - 03/28/08 13:41
oh! Congrats to Mya: Little Ms. Smarty Pants Lobster Head.
james - 03/28/08 13:40
I was transferring schools like you with one semester of all F's and C's. They wouldn't let me in until I proved I could do work consistently for a year at a community college. I had a severe medical condition that semester and I had a pile of doctors notes explaining I was unable to do much of anything but slowly die. So, I am willing to bet it is ECC for you. But community colleges aren't really that horrible.
mrdeadlier - 03/28/08 10:44
How long ago was your stint at UB? I got my Spring 1993 and Fall 1994 semesters at Buff State stricken from my record back in 2000 thanks to something called "academic clemency." Buff State's rule was that it had to be 5+ years. I don't know what UB's would be, or if they even offer it -- but you should definitely ring them up and ask!